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LadyMarissa's avatar

Should it be illegal to flip?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16302points) September 14th, 2018

Five of Trump’s campaign people have gone before Mueller & ultimately flipped on Trump. Today Trump said that it should be illegal to flip. Your thoughts???

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25 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

Right. Once you’ve told a lie, it should be illegal to change your story and tell the truth. That’ll make things better.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Obviously Trump feels it makes HIM look better!!!
3,000 people died on his watch & ALL he’s concerned about is HIS image!!!

rojo's avatar

Taking legal advice from Trump is like taking Halloween candy from Michael Myers.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I thought it was called plea bargaining they caught you but want a bigger fish, and if you tell them what you know and leads to that bigger fish they will go easy on you.

canidmajor's avatar

Well, 45 is already working to destroy the 1st Amendment (and really, the Constitution) so if he starts making enforceable laws, that could happen…
And, uh, nope.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@rojo I stopped trick or treating 50 years ago!!!

elbanditoroso's avatar

How could it be? Each person who is in court has the personal decision to make as to how he or she will plead. The government cannot make illegal your ability to decide on how or if you want to defend yourself.

Throw it back on Trump. If you don’t want people to flip on you, don’t do bad things.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I think it was life in prison reduced to 20 years in prison for some of the info & eventually offered 10 years in prison for the rest of the info. I just wonder IF we will ever be allowed to hear what that info was???

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s simple, really. Everything trump doesn’t like should be made illegal.

Jeruba's avatar

And of course he’s a fine model for respecting the rule of law.

marinelife's avatar

Really? Of course not.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But,but look at how well your economy is doing,and oh wait is that an email over there?

LadyMarissa's avatar

^^^^ WTF you smokin??? LoL

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Just some of that fine Republican bull weed, makes you not care about facts, or truths.

janbb's avatar

When did the term become “flipping” anyway? Isn’t it turning state’s witness or making a plea bargain? Who started calling it that? It’s dumb.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

It’s a mob saying,I have heard it said that in Movies, and tv shows.
I thought it was called a plea bargain as well.^^

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, it is flipping. It’s when you go play with the other side.

janbb's avatar

@Dutchess_III I understand what it means but have you ever heard that term before this?

Dutchess_III's avatar

IDK, really. Haven’t thought about it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have never heard it in real life,if that means anything.
Just tv and movies.

Jeruba's avatar

It’s new to my vocabulary, @janbb. Apparently it’s not new to Trump’s. My impression is that it comes from organized crime.

janbb's avatar

^^ Maybe he should call them stool pigeons or dirty rats then, huh?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Don’t do the crime if you don’t want to do the TIME!

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve heard the term flip ever since I was a little girl. Thinking back, it did have more to do with the Mob. Once it became popular in the movies, the boys in school picked up on it & started using it. Now days, people flip houses all the time. For Trump’s purpose, it’s people, who have pledged their loyalty to him & then when arrested & pressed for info, they flip over & run their mouths in effect forgetting what the word loyalty means. In other words, they feed his ego in order to make a fast buck. They make their profit & don’t care about being loyal anymore. They flip flop which has been shortened to flip.

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