Meta Question

yesitszen's avatar

Why has fluther become such a snoozefest?

Asked by yesitszen (1961points) September 15th, 2018

I don’t recall a duller time.

Please, take this personally if you must… then redirect that misguided anger and frustration towards asking an interesting question.

Me? Asked thousands over the last decade and am currently fresh out. Your turn… esp. you noobs who have just joined. Think of something, sheesh.

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30 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Some people moved on. By death, banning or retiring. Also it is start of the academic year and some of us are in school/college/university.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I’m TRYING! Jeez. It’s not easy being interesting—it takes a while for me to wonder you guys with my amazing questions.
I could always flood the site with my relationship issues. Wouldn’t that be a good time

yesitszen's avatar

Lol Sarge

Reddeer very true… alas…

canidmajor's avatar

Well, set an example. Instead of continuing to ask those dull Qs of yours, why not ask an interesting Q yourself?
Be the change you want to see <eyeroll>

chyna's avatar

Waiting on you to ask some interesting questions Zen.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Half of my questions just piss everybody off…

I have to let the pond settle for a bit, before I throw a big stone in. Otherwise, you get ripples from multiple threads, that make them circular.

JLeslie's avatar

A lot of people left when Coloma was banned. I left for a while myself. Some of us were really upset. I personally was mostly upset at the mods, but also annoyed that many jellies were ok with it.

Then, not only were jellies ok with it, but happy to see a lot of us jellies go, they said as much on Q’s. They said they liked that it was calmer and nicer. Once in a while I would lurk, or another jelly would text me and tell me they saw the comments. So, for me personally I saw comments like that and just thought that that is not what fluther is supposed to be. No one should be attacking anyone, but the whole reason I got sucked into fluther was the strong debates and amazing knowledge of the members here.

Moreover, one jelly started to become sort of the self appointed person in charger of whether jellies were being empathetic enough or kind enough. He received some positive reinforcement from some, and negative feedback from others, and then he left too.

I’m back, but it’s definitely not as active here as it used to be. Not as many interesting Q’s, but there still are some, and some of the people who I count on for technical Q’s are still here, which I find very helpful.

Seek started a new website, some jellies moves over there. I have an account, but rarely log in. A lot of us see each other on Facebook.

Demosthenes's avatar

It’s like the bystander effect. Everyone is just waiting around for someone else to do something. And this site does seem to have a way of pushing people off. I don’t know all the details of the drama and past users and why they left, but if what @JLeslie says is true, that getting rid of users was seen as a good thing because it made this site “calmer”, well, that’s just sad. Some want an echo chamber where there aren’t any interesting discussions, but that’s not why I personally post on sites like these.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Let’s pray that it’s a phase, though it’s difficult to dispute the tendency for mediocrity to dominate here as it does everywhere else. Fluther merely replicates the blahs defining the society at large.

JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

Challenge accepted!

notsoblond's avatar

Fluther has been dying a slow death for the past 4–5 years. This is nothing new. I’ve seen it quieter than this many times before.

janbb's avatar

@JeSuisRickSpringfield You answered the challenge well!

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Alright whoever doesn’t ask a question within the next 24 hours (Excluding @JeSuisRickSpringfield because he might not be able to ask anymore) gets kicked off the site forever. That’s my solution.

stanleybmanly's avatar

And for those of us unfortunates who miss your ultimatum?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

it depends. If I like you. You stay.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Sounds reasonable. I ajudge you officer material.

JLeslie's avatar

it’s not just the questions, it has to do with answers too. Both count. A great question is nothing without the answers.

KNOWITALL's avatar

And @yesitszen, the political questions weren’t going so well so a few of us just stopped contributing to those for the most part. It’s fine, there’s plenty of other things to talk about until 2020.

janbb's avatar

So zenwhatever, several people have posted questions since this Meta one and you haven’t chimed in on any. Did you you come here just to kvetch?

Brian1946's avatar

I recently read that it’s also getting just too ugly spirited….

I’m sleepy and deeply offended by…ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

Still going! Once upon a time, I tried asking a question every day. That lasted for about a week. I don’t know if I can keep asking three questions a day, but I’ll give it a try!

Apologies in advance for the decline in question quality that will inevitably occur.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@JeSuisRickSpringfield We will overthrow the government

rebbel's avatar

So, Zen?

janbb's avatar

Another Jelly once compared someone else’s occasional visits and rants here to an acquaintance who shows up at your house every 6 months and asks if he can take a dump in your toilet.

raum's avatar

…and then complains that you don’t have his favorite brand of toilet paper.

Demosthenes's avatar

To be fair, there have been many more questions asked over the past few days and that might not have happened without this thread. Sometimes we need a little nudge :)

raum's avatar

Zen, man.
You’re more than an acquaintance in my book. My loo is your loo. But if you’re gonna drop in, come hang out with us, man. Use some air freshener. Wash your hands. Then join us in the kitchen for pancakes or Dutch’s questionable German bread. :P

kritiper's avatar

Political correctness. Once you get the hang of this place you learn to watch your steps.

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