I'm Turning 30 and Freaking Out, advice?
I’m not o.k. with leaving my twenties next month. Any words of wisdom or advice to make me feel better?
In my twenties I felt like I had so much time to live, now I’m going to be 30 and I feel life is just slipping away.
I also feel like I wasted my 20’s not embracing it. Like maybe I missed opportunities and happiness.
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21 Answers
If you really want perspective, know this, as you turn 30 there are babies being molested by full grown adults, there are teens locked in a basement having sex with strangers, there are old people getting abused by people who get paid to help them, and there are thousands of chemo wards full of people fighting to live just one more day. Suffering really bad pain without complaint.
I was like you and freaked about turning 30, but I didn’t know half of what I know now. If that’s all that’s wrong in your life, you are truly blessed.
Really?? Your still young get over it,maybe you have matured a bit more but still have lots of youth left.
Now go live life, next thing you know you will be getting married,a mortgage ,maybe children then you will feel like maybe something slipped but for now now go and enjoy.
One word of advice if you plan to travel, DO IT NOW, don’t wait till your older, I am in my mid fifties and can’t because I have developed bad arthritis in my knees, and can’t and my wife loves it,I am just grateful her older sister goes with her.
If you feel like you missed your 20’s, then make up for it in your 30’s. Do everything you have been wanting to do but never felt like you had the time. Make the time or before you know it, you’ll blink and be in your 60’s and unable to do the fun things you always wanted to do.
Happy birthday!
Here is a couple of songs for your consideration
The first is from Loudon Wainwright III and is about your very situation: Hollywood Hopeful
The other is by Audrey Auld called Forty Something for you to look forward to.
I’m not going to try and make you feel better. It is going to go faster and get worse. 20 to 30 took a long time. 30 to 40 went by a lot faster. I will be 50 in no time.
There are things you can do. Do you live for the weekends, are you broke a few days before after get paid?
Nearly everyone I know wants time to go faster during the shit part.
The only people I know that have a ton of fun and are old are my aunt and uncle. They never had kids and retired from the Air Force when they were 40. They have tons of cash since they never had kids. So now they just randomly see a place that looks fun on TV and go there.
FWIW, I’m probably the most content and alive I’ve ever been at 67.
Get over it. You can spend the next 10 years moping over your wasted 20s if you want. If it took a decade to appreciate that your life is slipping by, imagine the angst awaiting the wasting of your 30s. Just remember to wreak as little havoc as possible on your fellow travelers.
You’re supposed to waste your 20’s & freak out when you turn 30…It means that you’re alive & maturing!!! Now, IF you don’t want to waste your 30’s, STOP being worried about your wasted 20’s. There is a saying “Today is the first day of the rest of your life!!!” So, starting today see what a GREAT life you’re having & make the absolute BEST of each day by taking NOTHING for granted!!! Embrace ALL the positives & don’t stress over the negatives. Who knows, you might live to be 100!!!
While worrying about what you have missed up to now takes away from what you’re causing yourself to miss while worrying. So STOP the worrying process & learn to ENJOY every second that you have left!!!
Yeah, I’m turning 30 in 2 and a half years and I’m freaking out. My undergrad years (2009–2013) seemed to last an eternity (a wonderful, blissful eternity) and yet the last five years have gone by in a flash and now I’m “almost 30”. Can’t believe what happened to the time. It’s so unfair that life seems to speed up as you get older :(
@Demosthenes Just wait…you’ve NOT even started on the speed train at 27!!! Mine has gotten so fast that I’m waking up even before I go to sleep!!! LoL
Some age points really mess with folks. My dad had a problem with turning 30, I didn’t. 40 got my attention! But it gets better.
Throw yourself a little party. Treat yourself to dinner and a movie. Get a good night’s rest. Then, take a deep breath and move on. Tomorrow’s another day!
30 didn’t bother me. 40 tried to kill me & since 40, I’m finding any age that flips over with a “0” behind it traumatizes me!!! @kritiper is right…tomorrow is another day & you’re lucky IF you wake up to see it!!!
Life doesn’t really start slipping away until you’re 50, alone with no family, no savings, no health insurance, joints starting to get achy, wearing reading glasses, losing hair, living pay-check to paycheck, no money no help your aging parents, siblings, nieces or nephews. So…get going, talk personally to people who can give you wise counsel, believe in them, make a plan, execute…enjoy!
Life is a window that is slowly closing no matter what you do in life. Yours is still very wide open. Congrats! Have a drink, you’re merely 30!
: )
Don’t freak out. Start doing what you want to do. The 20’s aren’t that great. In your 30’s you start to get momentum as an adult. Your more aware of what you like, usually people are more stable financially in their 30’s than 20’s. More vacation time at work. More happy moments. Not always though, but I think a lot of the time.
Most women say their 40’s are when they really start to know what they want. I have no idea what men say. I think 50 is more the magic number if shit now we are starting to go down hill, but I am surrounded by 70 year olds who have fun every day, so don’t be too fatalistic.
Stop it, regrets are for pussys.
Thanks everyone. I’m just feeling mopey about it. It’s good to have things put into perspective because I should be grateful for being here and healthy!
I’m heading towards 60 and can tell you in all sincerity, each decade of my life was better than the previous one.
That’s kinda sugarcoating it @seawulf575. I would say that each had its own special rewards but there are downsides (mainly physical) that come with age.
Still 30–40 was a good decade. Healthy and fit enough to do whatever pleases you but also smart enough to know when not too. And, you are getting the cash reserves to buy more expensive toys too.
@rojo I like my 40’s better so far. Seems like you really settle into your skin, start thinking wiser, long-term thoughts. Not near as much pressure to go party or go out every night. Just seems much more relaxed, and yes, creature comforts get a little better as do vacations, etc…
0–10…everything is new. Learning to walk and talk, playing with friends, etc.
11–20…interest in girls, learning to drive, establishing more independence
21–30…serving in the navy, learning a trade, getting married and starting a family.
31–40…getting divorced and starting to raise my children (single dad). Getting remarried.
41–50…watching the kids all grow and mature and start on their own lives, watching my marriage blossom and grow. Watching my career grow.
51-present…Watching a good career wind down, looking forward to retirement and really enjoying life.
Were there downsides? Absolutely. Do they outweigh the positives? Not even close.
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