General Question

Perchik's avatar


Asked by Perchik (5007points) July 27th, 2007


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13 Answers

Perchik's avatar


travistotz's avatar

Well if you've already tried restarting your computer and cleaning the keyboard, my best suggestion is to get your keyboard replaced, sounds more like a hardware issue, most likely nothing to do with any software or anything you could probably fix yourself. Just a guess though, good luck!

gooch's avatar

go buy another $15 key board it probably is not worth your headache to fix

Perchik's avatar

and out of nowhere it started working again...

bpeoples's avatar

You may have had something (bigger than an aircan could get) stuck under they key, or in the space between the key's presser and the contact pad.

What sort of laptop?

Perchik's avatar

Dell inspirion e1505. Its a piece of junk. i only have it until I can afford my mac.

bob's avatar

Next time you should copy and paste a space character. At least then you'll be able to search for answers more effectively in Google.

Perchik's avatar

ah good call bob, didn't even think of that

mirza's avatar

perchik, Try cleaning your laptop's keyboard with a miniature vaccuum or a special dust cleaner. If all else fails,you could get keyboards for laptops on ebay - i personally changed my keyboard for inspiron 6000.

heres one i found for the e1505

mabelrxu's avatar

or, you could pry the key off (requries a little force) and then check to see if anything's stuck there ... if not, then align notches under key with bars / tabs and press down ... try the key by pressing it a couple of times, if it doesn't feel right, something probably didn't snap in all the way, so try again (aka remove, align, press down)

bob's avatar

To fix a broken keyboard, soak your laptop in Mexican Coke for 24 hours. Rinse. Repeat. Then send me a case of that coke.

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