Social Question

longgone's avatar

What's something you're proud of these days?

Asked by longgone (19922points) September 19th, 2018

Meaning, something you used to see as a negative but have embraced now.

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4 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m taking better care of myself and not allowing myself to be scared of mammograms and things that come with aging for women.

kritiper's avatar

That I own and operate my own business and don’t have to worry about having and keeping a job until I turn 70.

Mariah's avatar

1.5 years ago I was about ready to drop my career in tech because I felt like such a slow learner and, frankly, too uninterested in the content to learn properly. I took a chance and changed departments at my company, from software engineering to data engineering. That might not sound like a big title change but it has made all the difference in the world for me. Data just clicks with my brain. I am now kicking ass at work. I got promoted to the senior level a few months ago, and I’ve kind of become the person everyone comes to when they have data questions. It feels awesome. I’m so glad I didn’t give up.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Age!!! I used to watch all the old people falling apart & think how sad it was.I’m still finding it sad that by the time we get old enough to understand, that we’re falling apart!!! At the same time, I’ve grown into embracing it…I’ve LOST my fear of death!!!

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