Do you know anyone called Bob? If so, why?
Asked by
Jeruba (
September 25th, 2018
Why do you know him?—not why is he called Bob.
Just asking.
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34 Answers
No one here is named “Bob”. What a stupid name.
Several Bobs whose formal name is Robert. Some are sailors, some are Unitarians, some are walkers. Bob’s your uncle! Some Bob for apples and some for applause. I bob my head in their honor although it is not my favorite name.
By the way, now you can go make me a sandwich!
Oh, lordy, so many. A couple of them used to regularly go to the Bob Festival in Colorado. Is that still going on, I wonder?
He lived across the street from me.
I used to, I used to work for him. He later quit as president of the construction company to open a sandwich shop in Colorado. Many years later I heard he sold his five franchised shops he had opened during his time there and is now retired in, I believe, Missouri on a lake.
Before that I knew a salesman in anther company I worked for that had that name. He taught me that it was alright to be a cut-throat SOB when on the job and to go have drinks and a laugh with your rivals after work.
And before that I used to cave with a guy named Bob who was going back into the military after college graduation with the hopes of becoming a chopper pilot. I think he is dead now. I know the other caver that I was an acquaintance with is. He used to sell caving equipment under the name Bob&Bob. I never knew the second Bob (or maybe he was the first I don’t know); he sold out before I got into it.
I went to high school with a couple. I had a couple of them in my fraternity when I was in college. I work with one now.
More Bobs than I care to count. Two of the wife’s old boyfriends are Bobs, and we’re great friends of both of them & their families. It’s a small incestuous world!
And then there’s always bob-o-links.
I do, because it’s my first name.
My parents had such high regard for it, that they always called me Brian. ;-)
For some reason, I much prefer the nickname Rob to Bob.
Yeah, he’s always pestering everyone to make him a sandwich.
@janbb, but I’d rather see someone go bob-bob-bob than rob-rob-rob.
^^ When the red red bobin goes rob, rob, robbing along?
Haven’t had a Bob hairdo in 50 yrs.
Yes, he started primary school at the same time as me and we were friends for the next 60 years. He was rarely called Bob as he was known by his nickname.
Those who prefer Rob, must be living in a Petrie dish in New Rochelle. ;-).
Decades ago Bob was my stock broker. He did well and retired. Now he delvers newspapers on a rural route that includes my home. He loves it! I went on a ride along and had a ball!
We go out for breakfast about once a month to discuss stocks and other investments. Fun.
Off the top of my head, I know a Bob (business acquaintance), a Bobby (neighbor), and two Robbys (both college-age kids of middle-aged friends).
Bob was old english slang for a shilling, a coin worth around 12 old pence.
Knew several in my time. One was the brother of my best man. Two were on the submarine with me. I work with one now. Why do I know them? Because their lives crossed mine at some time.
I have an Uncle Bob. He was NOT named Robert at birth; but was named Bobby which was cute as an infant, toddler, & young child. Somewhere around 30, 40, or 50 he decided that he was too old for Bobby & managed to get it shortened to Bob. Since I had known him ALL my life as Bobby, that’s what I still call him although he doesn’t appreciate it!!!
My husband was Robert & his family called him Bobby. At his request, I NEVER called him Bobby. Then again, when I met him, he introduced himself to me as Robert & I failed to associate Bobby with him. It only became awkward when his family was visiting & they spoke of Bobby & I had to remember who they meant!!!
A very dear friend of mine from college, her dad is named Bob.
My neighbor is Bob.
A friend of my dad is named Bob. They’ve known each other since college. I became friends with he and his wife also when I happened to live by them for a couple of years.
One Bob I know, I don’t really know, he is just a Facebook connection. I know him like I might know a jelly who I only see onscreen.
I know a Bobbi and a Bobby also, but I do t think you are asking about them.
@Jeruba I just figure out why you asked: Bob’s your uncle!
I once knew a guy called Bob Slay. He went downhill fast.
I am married to a Robert, who is often called Bob. His parents called him Bobby until they died.
Bob and I are going out for breakfast next week!
Typical Fluther thread, criticizing people’s belief systems and the Church of Bob
My grandpa’s name was Bob. His dad wanted to put “Bob” as his official name on his birth certificate; his mom talked him out of it.
Dated one.
Had a boss by that name.
My financial planner has that name.
One of my brother’s high school friends, who he still is friends with, has that name.
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