Meta Question

anniereborn's avatar

What's up with writing standards suddenly?

Asked by anniereborn (15567points) September 26th, 2018

I have had several answers deleted for ‘writing standards”. These were in social. I thought the rules were more relaxed there? This is very frustrating.

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47 Answers

marinelife's avatar

The writing standards are not relaxed in social. The allowing of joking answers is.

anniereborn's avatar

I’ve seen one word answers often. Does that count as proper writing?

notsoblond's avatar

If the one word is spelled correctly it’s fine.

These aren’t new rules.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Is typing “lol” ok?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 I’ve seen it used before. I’m sure if you said more than just “lol” you’d be fine as that is basically a replacement for “haha”
Text speak is what is the issue, and lol is text speak but it isn’t as bad as like idk or tbh or leaving out random letters or shortening words (u, dnt, txt)

filmfann's avatar

I had a question just sent back for editing because I said “effect”, rather than “affect”.
Fucking grammar Nazi’s.

stanleybmanly's avatar

one missing question mark did one of my questions in. This answer might very well vanish since the first word isn’t capitalized. It happens all the time, and I usually just abandon the question/answer.

yesitszen's avatar

@Filmster… those are indeed two different words. You so rarely swear, I was taken aback at your cursing out the Mods, who volunteer their precious time here… and are human. I.e., they, too, make mistakes.

Fucking, and especially capital “Nazi”, I believe, should be reserved for special occasions like hitler and bin laden. Not for our Mods.

You okay buddy?

snowberry's avatar

Maybe I should flag @filmfann’s answer above for having an apostrophe where there shouldn’t be one. After all, if grammar is important, so is punctuation!

Patty_Melt's avatar

@filmfan, I mentioned it in my response, just as a friendly reminder, but I didn’t flag you, I swear.

yesitszen's avatar

@pattycakes thou dost protesteth too mucheth.

snowberry's avatar

Honestly folks, between dictation to text, capricious spell check functions, and honest confusion among the general population, people are always getting accept and except confused. I’ve even seen it inappropriately used in newspapers, and lots of well educated people don’t know the difference either!

I think the Fluther mods should have let that one slide.

As an experiment, I’m going to flag @filmfann’s comment above and see what the mods do with it. Either a mod had a capricious moment, and this time they’re going to ignore the punctuation error, or they’re going to send the comment back for editing, in which case Natzi might be a well earned nickname.

notsoblond's avatar

Filmfan’s answer isn’t a personal attack. It won’t be removed.

The mods don’t pick and choose. They are busy leading lives like the rest of us. They respond when they are available. I don’t understand why this is so hard to understand. Over a week ago I contacted the mods asking if I could remove the anymore from my name. A few days later one of the mods contacted me to tell me only one mod could do that and I should message them because they might have missed my request. I changed my mind. Obviously the request was missed because my name is the same. This mod has a busy life like most of us. No big deal.

If you make a mistake and it’s caught, fix it. Is it really that hard? Why take it personal? They aren’t sitting around waiting to pick on certain users. Y’all aren’t that special. :D

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@mods do it. No balls.

notsoblond's avatar

No balls? As if they have something to prove?

MrGrimm888's avatar

The only thing balls prove, is that you have two potentially painful problems…

anniereborn's avatar

@notsoblond Mine wasn’t sent back to be fixed, it was just removed.

flo's avatar

Isn’t Writing Standards about answers only? Because the only time I see it is among the list of reasons that are moderated) Spam or unhelpful, or Obcene, and Writing Standards, ...and you don’t get it back for editing. Questions, you get to edit.

janbb's avatar

@flo Questions are about writing standards too but they will send it back to you and tell you what you need to correct. The mods may not label it “writing standards” but that is what it often is about. You are right that with questions you get a chance to edit them.

flo's avatar

I made a point of capitalizing and italisizing for a reason.

longgone's avatar

[Mod says] As others have mentioned, the writing standards are not relaxed in Social. They never have been, to my knowledge.

One-word answers are fine, as long as proper spelling, capitalization, and punctuation are used. When that is not the case, they might be removed. It depends on whether we notice them. Also, we’re more lenient with new users.

We wouldn’t usually remove a long, thoughtful answer just because it contains a couple of typos. Very short answers often don’t add much to a thread. We’re pretty likely to remove a post like “yeah right haha”.

Questions are a different matter. Those are routinely sent back for editing with a single typo, especially if the typo is in the title. Question titles set the tone, and Fluther was specifically created as a Q&A site that pays attention to detail.

Technically, “lol” is textspeak, which is against the rules. If it’s part of a high-quality answer though, we’re reluctant to remove it. Though it might not seem like it, we do actually think Fluther should contain some questions and answers. ~

I hope this helped clear things up.

@notsoblond I’m confused. Your name was changed a week ago. Does it still show up with “anymore” to you right now?

@anniereborn Of your last thirty questions, none seem to be inactive at the moment. If you tell me which question was removed, I can search for it and find out what happened.

Brian1946's avatar


“One-word answers are fine, as long as proper…capitalization…used”

woulds’t thou confound the writings of e.e. cummings? ;-)

longgone's avatar

^ We banned that guy.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’m inclined to believe it!

stanleybmanly's avatar

WTF indeed. There was a rumor goin round during my senior year of high school that you had died. No wonder things are so spooky here.

Brian1946's avatar


”^ We banned that guy.”

i beg to differ!

anniereborn's avatar

@flo It wasn’t a question, it was an answer and at this point I have no clue what it was.

Jeruba's avatar

No apostrophe in “wouldst.” It’s not a contraction.

anniereborn's avatar

Wish I could delete a response that I wrongly quoted.

flo's avatar

@anniereborn You were asking about answers, of course because of your “I have had several answers deleted for ‘writing standards”. ” I was responding to one or 2 responses above (who I should have addressed) that said One of my questions was moderated for _Writing Standards.

filmfann's avatar

I will add that I have the greatest respect for the mods, and I am in awe of the formidable job they have.

longgone's avatar

@anniereborn Oh, I see. I think I found the post you mean. I’ll PM you.

@cummings Damn you.

notsoblond's avatar

@longgone I sent a second request two days after my original post here. Thanks for changing my name. :)

(we’ve both been busy. it’s all good.)

longgone's avatar

^ In that case, sorry!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, they tend to ebb and low like a tide. Sometimes you can get a way with murder, other times you can’t move a muscle for fear of getting modded. It’s all good. (Although I do wish someone would respond to my most recent messages to the mods.)

yesitszen's avatar

It’s ebb and flow. Away is one word. You’re welcome.

Patty_Melt's avatar

^ Unless she’s talking about style.
“He studies weaponry. He’s going to get a way with murder.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know that Zen. Was in in a rush. But thanks.

yesitszen's avatar

It was for all.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And all for one? Just for ME?!

Qav's avatar

Wow. I had no idea this could happen.
Now, I’m nervous. Yes, I seriously am!
But laughing at myself for my response . . . .

janbb's avatar

@Qav Your writing has been fine. It can seem a bit daunting but it’s what keeps this site a quality site.

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