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JLeslie's avatar

If it is found that Ford is credible then is their grounds to disbar Kavanaugh and remove him from his present position?

Asked by JLeslie (65974points) September 27th, 2018 from iPhone

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59 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

That is $64 question !

zenvelo's avatar

Those are two separate actions. Disbarrment is determined in teh state where he is licensed to practive law. Behavior in high school or even college, before he became a member of the bar, is generally not grounds for disbarrment.

And he is a Federal judge, which is a lifetime appointment. He would have to be impeached by ⅔rds of the Senate to be removed from office. So, no.

JLeslie's avatar

If Kavanaugh had been convicted of the assault, assuming he did it, when he was 17, and if it had been sealed under juvenile laws, could it even be considered at all for anything? For becoming a lawyer? For becoming a judge?

stanleybmanly's avatar

if he’s perjured himself, it seems to me the level of proof would exceed that required to disqualify fom for the appointment.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Jleslie Good question.

Zaku's avatar

If our country hadn’t lost so much of its soul, then at least ⅔ of the Senate would lose their seats and replaced by sane healthy intelligent compassionate people who wanted to do good rather than obey their political party and their corporate donors, and then Kavanaugh would be impeached.

Even with the current state of our people, if Kavanaugh sticks to his “it wasn’t me” and “I was a virgin nice guy” and is shown to be blatantly lying, hopefully THAT is enough to get him impeached or even charged with serious violations.

mazingerz88's avatar

Not sure if Ford simply being credible could be grounds for disbarment for Kavanaugh.

Don’t know the law though about what can cause disbarment.

seawulf575's avatar

The simple answer is no. It really doesn’t matter if Ford is deemed credible or not. This is not a legal proceeding. It is a game show. Disbarment would require some legal reason for disbarring him and removing him from being a judge. And unless there was some proof of wrong doing, all we have is a he-said/she-said. There is no physical evidence. And, in fact, the only corroborating witnesses are on Kavanaugh’s side. A case like this would never see a courtroom…there isn’t anything to work with.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^It is not a game show. Kavanaugh is hiding something. He wouldn’t ask the WH to ask the FBI to investigate. And he could do it if he is NOT lying.

filmfann's avatar

Disbarred? Yes, if he committed perjury.
Removed from current position? Fuckin’ A.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 the FBI has investigated him…6 times. Beyond that, the allegations have no substance whatsoever, so why ask for the FBI to investigate? What would they investigate?
Think about the story. It sounds like: Kavanaugh attacked me. I don’t remember when or where, but I know it was him. I have stated that there were 4 boys in the room and he was one of them. But wait, no, it was only 2. I know a friend that was there with me but she won’t corroborate my story. What is the FBI supposed to investigate? It is a ludicrous accusation.
It wouldn’t hold up in court anywhere in this country. Maybe if it were me, I would ask the FBI to investigate the accusers since they seem to be a seedy lot.

mazingerz88's avatar

Those FBI investigations don’t mean squat in light of the new accusations. @seawulf575

You can keep analyzing and investigating all this in your own head but it would probably amount to nothing that could ultimately help shed light on whether Kavanaugh or Ford is lying or not.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 so enlighten us….what would the FBI investigate? Ford’s story has changed many times since it first came out and it is vague to the point of uselessness. What are they supposed to investigate? Please…be specific.
Here’s a thought….this whole thing is contrived to smear a guy the liberals don’t want to confirm to the SCOTUS. Then the vagaries make sense. The changing story makes sense. The timing makes sense.
And here is something else to think about. The liberal jellies on this site have basically stated that lying and smearing is okay so long as it “is fighting evil”. That’s all the justification they need. Think it is limited to the liberals on Fluther? Guess again.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 You keep assuming things about there’s nothing more to investigate. Asking me about it is quite immature, playing gotcha. Have you worked as an FBI agent? I would love to hear a real agent’s take on this “there’s nothing more to investigate” thing.

If Kavanaugh, the WH and the Senate Republicans wanted to they could ask the FBI to investigate and let’s wait what the FBI’s reasons would be if they refused. That’s one of the ways to truly get enlightened.

rojo's avatar

I watched most of the proceedings (after @KNOWITALL “suggested” I do it) and I have to say that overall, I found Ford to be the more credible of the two. Kavanaugh came off as a overpriviledged frat boy who was used to bullying to get his way. I knew several like him in HS and I would say that if they could remember a third of what they did I would be surprised.

Not that it matters. No minds were changed during the hearings.

rojo's avatar

This is what you need to take away from that entire circus:

“Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter, the uproarious laughter between the two — their having fun at my expense.” Christine Ford.

kritiper's avatar

You can’t claim one is credible and that, therefore, the other isn’t. That’s discrimination. You must assume that both are credible, or that both aren’t. Give them both a polygraph test if you want to find out who’s credible.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 Let me turn it around on you. You keep assuming that there are more things to investigate. I am asking you to tell me what that might be. I have pointed out that Ford’s story has no details. It doesn’t have a date….not even a month. It doesn’t have a place. It doesn’t have corroborating witnesses. In fact the witnesses she has suggested have all denied knowing anything about it. If you don’t have a time, place, people….what else can you investigate? She says she didn’t report it. She says he didn’t actually rape her or actually even physically hurt her in any way so there are no bruises, medical reports, DNA evidence….nothing. You are all hot to trot with needing an investigation so I am asking you what should be investigated and how would it be done?
The FBI has done background checks on Kavanaugh. 6 of them. Ever have an FBI investigation done on you? I have. I held a top secret security clearance at one point in my life. To get that, I had to be investigated. I had FBI agents going to my former employers, my friends, the neighbors at places I had lived, any financial irregularities that I might have had in my life….everything. And that was just for a Top Secret clearance. Kavanaugh has held clearances far above what I held. They have crawled through his life and his past in ways you cannot imagine. If there was a drinking problem or a hint of sexual assault, he would not have been able to get those clearances. He wouldn’t even qualify for the TS clearance I got.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Of course there are things to investigate. Ford isn’t the only woman who came out. And questions already asked can be asked again. You keep assuming you know exactly how these things would go.

It doesn’t help anybody. Only those who are willing to do anything to push agendas and those who think they’re so smart they covered their ground well enough and so could get away with saying hey, we already had a thousand FBI investigations, we’re done.

It’s not that hard to understand. Really.

johnpowell's avatar

Mark Judge

The dude that was in the room. He needs to testify under oath.

The guy has been hiding at a Delaware beach house to avoid testifying.

A high school friend of Kavanaugh’s, Judge has been absent from his Maryland residence for days as Democratic lawmakers and accuser Christine Blasey Ford have demanded that Republicans summon him before the Senate Judiciary Committee to answer questions under oath.

On Monday, a Washington Post reporter found Judge holed up in the house of a longtime friend in Bethany Beach, nearly three hours away. A car in the driveway contained piles of clothing, a collection of Superman comics and a package addressed to Judge at the Potomac home where he lived three years ago.

“How’d you find me?” he said.

The reporter gestured to the car packed with belongings. Judge declined to comment further.

mazingerz88's avatar

@johnpowell A few jellies think there’s no need, along with the Republicans and oh yeah, that president guy.

No need because Judge through his lawyer communicated with the Senators and he signed something which would be a felony if he lied in there. So it’s done. Let us all shut up and go home. Doesn’t matter if anybody bothered to check if Judge was lying or not. How did they know right? They probably asked, he answered and signed. Sweet!

Meanwhile, Ford told everything she can recall along with those details she can’t. She did not fill in any gaps with a guess or a lie. She had no calendar. But that doesn’t help her. The Repubs finally has had enough of pretending, acting and mimicking that they give a damn.

rojo's avatar

@seawulf575 Only one of the two voluntarily took a polygraph. Only one of the two wanted an actual investigation of events by an independent (and by independent I mean non-partisan) group. Only one has something to gain by lying. Only one has a history of lying to Congress. I am going to go with Ford on this.

Your argument with @mazingerz88 about turning it around is, to say the least, disingenuous. Her story lacks details is EXACTLY why it should be investigated. She suffered a traumatic event in her life, one that changed her life. To him it was not even worth remembering. .

JLeslie's avatar

I just go back to I don’t think a lot of people care if he is guilty of what Ford accuses him of. Not if it’s all high school or even college years. They feel like 30 years later is too late.

By the way, it looks like Maryland does not have a statute of limitations on crimes like this, so technically he could be brought up on charges. Another reason to deny maybe.

seawulf575's avatar

@rojo okay, let me turn it around on you. What would be investigated? The accusation lacks any and all detail that could actually be used to prove or disprove it. It basically says “he attacked me” and nothing more. What exactly would the FBI investigate? They don’t have a time. They don’t have a location. They don’t even have corroborating testimony. They don’t have anything to work with. What…they are supposed to just go investigate Kavanaugh’s entire life? Here’s a clue…they have. 6 times. It turned up nothing. So please…enlighten us all. What should they be looking at to solve this dilemma?
You claim she suffered a traumatic event that changed her life. Why did she wait until no to bring it up? You claim to him it wasn’t worth remembering. If he never knew of it, how can he remember it? You are passing your own opinion as fact and then trying to convict a guy on it. Hopefully that is not how our country is going where a person is guilty until proven innocent. If it is, I may just get on the forefront and start making wild accusations against people I don’t like so I can watch them squirm and can ruin their lives.

seawulf575's avatar

@johnpowell I can see why he was avoiding the press. Here you have what amounts to an unfounded accusation against him. See what it did to Kavanaugh? He has been raked over the coals. His family has been threatened (oh yeah…why is it not a single liberal is denouncing THAT behavior?). He has been hounded day and night by the media. Why would you stay home and wait for that?
He gave a written testimony under oath. I’m getting so tired of hearing that he should testify under oath. HE HAS!!! In any normal court of law, his statement of not knowing anything would be enough. Why investigate him? Just to delay things? Here’s a thought…why don’t we investigate Dr. Ford? She could have been lying. I think we need to see if there is anything in her past that would call forth a shadow of doubt on her testimony such as political activism that might be a motive for coming forward when she did. I think that would be a much more interesting investigation.

seawulf575's avatar

To all my liberal jellies…I have a challenge for you. Don’t look at this case as one of Kavanaugh is guilty and we have to prove it! Look at it from the whole thing. Kavanaugh could be lying. He could be telling the truth. Dr. Ford could be lying. She could be telling the truth. In a case like that, how do you decide? You have no physical evidence. You have no police reports. You have no solid details such as location or date…not even a month. If it didn’t happen 100% like Dr Ford said this time (because remember, her story has changed over time), then Kavanaugh did nothing. Being asked about the details, his answer would be “I don’t know anything about that…it was not me”. Same with Mark Judge. I think the bigger tell in all this is Leland Keyser. She is a friend of Dr. Ford’s and was cited as a witness by Dr. Ford. She couldn’t confirm it. She categorically denied ever knowing Kavanaugh, ever having met him, and ever having been at a party with him…with or without Dr. Ford. Why would she lie? What does she have to gain? But look at each thing for exactly what it is, not what you want it to be. There are two stories being told here and they contradict each other. One is incorrect. So you have to go with what we have at hand and the evidence, or lack of, supports Kavanaugh. If he did nothing, there would be no evidence. If he did something, there would likely be some evidence.

zenvelo's avatar

@seawulf575 In response to your challenge:

What has come out in all of this is that Kavanaugh is a mean drunk, that he loses his composure when he drinks, and acts in ways outside of his day to day sober behavior. He holds a lot of anger, and lashes out when confronted and denied his entitled position. He demonstrated that yesterday in attacking Senators in his hearing, completely inappropriate behavior in a confirmation hearing.

So regardless of what happened thirty years ago, he has demonstrated in the present he should not be confirmed to the SCOTUS.

JLeslie's avatar

I would love to know what is really going on in the head of Kavanaugh’s wife and kids. If I had to bet, they know his temper behind closed doors. I feel pretty sure he has a hot one at times if he still drinks alcohol, I bet he’s a pretty awful drunk.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Wow, I don’t see the angry, drunk version at all. Just goes to show how we all have vastly different life experiences and schools of thought.
I saw a man offended, shamed and indignant for himself, the seat, his family, etc.. If he’s lying and it’s proven, I’ll be first to admit he’s a pos.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I didn’t see it, the family does if he has it. That’s why I want to know what the family was thinking. I don’t think he was drunk at the hearing. I do think he got more worked up than what I think is normal for that situation.

JLeslie's avatar

Remember when Hillary was grilled for HOURS about Benghazi, and at one point tired of the same fucking questions 50 times she blurted out something like, “what does it matter, what’s important now is to figure out how we can try to ensure this doesn’t happen again.” And, the republicans all went insane. No empathy for her frustration.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie I truly believe that people may not understand his pov if he’s actually innocent.
Surprised he didnt resign already.

seawulf575's avatar

@zenvelo You did not accept the challenge. All you did was draw far-fetched conclusions for which there is not a shred of evidence. In fact, you have discounted dozens of people’s statements that entirely contradict your conclusions. Pretty much every litigator that has appeared before him has the same opinion…he is level headed and fair and never gets rattled. But obviously you know more than the people that are in his life. The Democratic Senators have acted reprehensibly. They deserved to get dressed down in public since that is how they are trying to smear him. They have purposely tried to ruin his reputation and have put him and his family at risk. And they did it just to ruin his chance for a SCOTUS position. They couldn’t find anything at all professionally or personally that would justify not voting for him, so they had to create things. He has every right to be angry with them.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 zenvelo DID accept your challenge, and opposed to being “far fetched”, his conclusion is right on the money. Kavanaugh had a problem with alcohol—a BIG problem. There isn’t a single witness, including those supporting his character that bothers to deny this aspect of his personality during the time in question. Apparently the judge was able to master his drinking problem, but there is little question that booze enabled young Kavanaugh to conjure up Mr. Hyde.

stanleybmanly's avatar

In fact the numerous examples of booze driven misbehavior lead me to believe Ford’s account of events as probable.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly and what is your stance for claiming Kavanaugh has a big problem with alcohol? Please, enlighten us. Because he enjoys beer once in a while? That is your definition? There isn’t a single witness that has confirmed a single thing leveled against Kavanaugh. Not one. There are not any examples of “booze driven misbehavior” anywhere that has any substantial backing. It all comes from accusers that have no actual evidence. Pull your head out of your ass man!

rojo's avatar

You could have just stopped with “There isn’t a single witness” @seawulf575 because the fucking Republicans have conspired to keep actual witnesses out of the public eye.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Judge is probably at Trump Towers in NYC hiding from the FBI with an “open bar”!

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 My claim that Kavanaugh had a drinking problem is pretty much born out by the fact that every incident alleged against him includes the fact that he was falling down drunk at the time. In fact the single thing both his supporters and detractors agree on regarding Kavanaugh’s high school and college days was his fondness for parties and drinking to excess.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly you do know what you are saying, right? That in all incidents alleged against Kavanaugh they paint him as falling down drunk. And not a stitch of evidence anywhere in those allegations. So in other words, I could say to the world that @stanleybmanly is a town drunk because everywhere I see him he is falling down drunk. I saw him put his penis in some woman’s face 20 years ago. And in your mind, just because I said that, it is now true. You are a sad, desperate liberal.

seawulf575's avatar

@rojo I’m impressed! You used the word “fucking”. You are a tough guy now! Good job. The rest of your statement is nothing but blathering foolery. Patrick Smyth, Mark Judge and Leland Keyser all testified. They gave written affidavits stating they know nothing of the events described by Ms Ford. The fact that you don’t like that and wanted more to a three ring circus is your problem, not that of the Republicans. Face it…this whole thing is a smear job and Kavanaugh did the exact right thing calling out the Dems for their behavior in this whole thing.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 You have continually acted a vile and ugly spirited TROLL. Go copy your blogs and paste them somewhere else. Maybe a Neo-nazi site?

And you are a one note singer LA-LA-LA-LA ! SHM

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie speaking of vile and ugly spirited trolls, when was the last time you actually had something nice to say to me? When was the last time you actually participated in a constructive way in any conversation? Sorry kiddo, I just can’t take your opinion seriously. Maybe if you grow up a little….?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trolls don’t get “Nicey nicey” treatment.

Especially while calling people names!

Straighten up your act !

And stop copying all those Right wing / Neo-nazi blogs.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Oh @seawulf, you just keep trying though!! :)

seawulf575's avatar

I know. I figure eventually one of the folks may actually start thinking for themselves. Notice how angry they get when I call them on stuff? And how dare I back it up with Facts and logic?!?!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I think we can prove that you act as an antagonist and keep patting yourself on the back with quotes from Skinhead and “White Sheet” blogs !

Talk about ”start thinking for themselves” ! ! !

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie let me ask…you have twice now (at least) accused me of copying right wing/neo-nazi blogs and other such things. First, how do you know anything I have written is copied from one of these blogs? Never having visited one of them (that I know of) I would love to know if I am accidentally plagiarizing. It sounds like you are an expert on right wing blogs so I’m assuming you visit them all the time. Is that correct?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Because @stanleybmanly and I have gone to the blogs.
No more proof !

seawulf575's avatar

Are you regulars at these blogs? Since you are a flaming liberal it sounds like you go to these things to be a troll. But you didn’t answer my questions. What have I written that was plagiarized from one of these blogs and which blog was it?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 Actually it was TW who alerted me to the fact that you were posting things here verbatim from the crackpot blogosphere. And I cannot exaggerate my gratitude to him for the discovery. Because with that single revelation, it all fell into place. To tell the truth, I knew nothing about the blogosphere (and still don’t). But TW pointed me straight to the springs from which you draw the nonsense you spout here without a clue as to how ridiculous it is.

seawulf575's avatar

And I am still asking, since I don’t go to these websites, what I am supposed to be plagiarizing. It is conceivable that I have posted things from these sites. I do a lot of searches and don’t worry if they are right or left wing, unless that happens to be the point of the discussion. But often to find out about things that the left is doing you need to go to right wing outlets because the lefties won’t print them. But please…enlighten me. Because the follow up question is going to be even more tough. Just because you don’t like the source, does it make the information wrong?

stanleybmanly's avatar

No. It might not make some of the information wrong. But let’s consider your infamous list of Obama’s impeachable offenses. Now that is the one specific example that I can recall where you were clearly snookered. And frankly, I couldn’t decide whether to be impressed by you or embarrassed for you when you showed up asking us to cull that list. A rather solid background in the subject matter is absolutely required if you choose to acquire knowledge from sources where nuggets of truth are sprinkled among boulders of nonsense. I stick with you Wulf, because I swear before heaven that if you will only learn more, you will come to see the light.

seawulf575's avatar

I have no problem citing my sources. And I don’t go to those sites other than following searches. No big surprise there. I don’t claim to be the source of things like that. Sometimes it is more effective to cut and paste and sometimes it is okay to just give the link. With some of the Obama violations of the Constitution, I cut and pasted because I also edited the list, not buying some of the items that were on the whole list. If you look, most times I will say something like “I found this…” or some such thing. Also, if you remember, on that list I also said that some of the things listed were sort of repeats of other things and that some could be argued, but there were many that were solid. But again, the question remains…just because you don’t like the source, does that make the information wrong? With the Obama list, the things listed could easily be confirmed or denied. Since no one actually could deny them, that would seem to imply they were confirmed. So the information might be good even if you don’t like the source. To discount information just because you don’t like the source is the start of ignorance. As I have said before…question everything. Don’t take what the media is handing out as gospel. Go to other sources, including those of the opposite ideology from your own. If nothing else, it gives you the other side of the story.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

What what * * * * * * * * Wait
“To discount information just because you don’t like the source is the start of ignorance.”

You do this all the time with media sources that aren’t HARD RIGHT !

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie again…when? I will review citations that are given and will judge them on their merit. Sadly, most times the liberal outlets aren’t giving fact…they are presenting opinion and innuendo as fact. I don’t buy that. No, liberal outlets aren’t the only ones that do that either…don’t read into it. But you were trying to say I ignore lefty sources.
See…this is your problem. You have built up in your mind who I am and what I think. You have nothing to base it on, but it is rock solid in your head. And then you try holding me accountable for your wild imagination. Here’s a clue, son, try reading and understanding what I am saying. Don’t try reading into it, don’t try deflecting it. Read and understand. That way you might not look so foolish when you try getting a “gotcha!” on me.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You lie and belittle, what else do I need to know about you?

seawulf575's avatar

Again…a dodge. And a projection in this case. Look who is lying and belittling? It isn’t me. You are the one that is doing all that. Sorry boy, you are proving to the world what sort of person you really are and it doesn’t look like intelligence or integrity plays much of a roll.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I have never seen @seawulf post anything demeaning abother race.

See thats why this blue wave will fail, thats why Dems are doing #walkaway all over social media.

As someone who votes candidate, it’s hard to watch. You have much bigger problems than @seawulf.

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