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JLeslie's avatar

So, will Kavanaugh be confirmed? What’s your bet?

Asked by JLeslie (65917points) September 27th, 2018 from iPhone

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47 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

Yes. Never underestimate the shamelessness of Republicans after what they did to Garland. Oh and by the way, let’s throw in there the shamelessness of their voters.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I think the whole thing is swamped with doubt. I don’t think K stands much chance of appointment, I don’t find Ford credible, I think it will have to be scrapped and dip the ladle back into the stew.

I watched Ford for about fifteen minutes and had to change the channel because it was making me want to break stuff.

Um yes, I was sexually assaulted, and traumatized somewhere within a few miles of the country club. I wasn’t sixteen yet because somebody drove me there and drove me home and when I got my license I liked driving myself everywhere. No, I don’t remember who drove me.

By the way, does anyone else look at her and start thinking about Professor Trelawney?

I really hope the whole truth comes to light and both of them get exactly what they deserve, whatever that truth is.

Jeruba's avatar

I’m not betting anything on the collective conscience of the Senate Republicans. And not a very large amount on the collective conscience of the Democrats. There are stitll some good ones, but as a body they are too badly compromised by short-sightedness, partisan warfare, and Trump-induced madness.

I don’t think I’m going to live long enough for the lot of them to earn back whatever amount of trust I once had in the assembly of national office holders.

rojo's avatar

Yes, because I do not believe that there are any Republican Senators with the gumption to buck the party. IMO because there is and always will be the doubt about his truthfulness it would be better to err on the side of caution and vote no on him. There are plenty of other candidates who do not have this baggage and still enough time for Trump to ask someone else.

johnpowell's avatar

McConnell is usually pretty good about not holding a vote if it will not go his way. So maybe he knows something.

And really, what must be going through Kavanaughs head? He is pretty fucked if he doesn’t get confirmed. His reputation is shot. It would have been easier to just go, “I don’t remember that, but I drank a bit in HS so it is possible. “I apologize to Mrs Ford if it did happen.” Done.. Back to his already cushy job. No harm..

But he is really willing to die on this sword.. So maybe he knows something. And the dude look unhinged today.

If Ford had behaved how he did today there would be a uproar about how she is so unhinged.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^You might think if Kavanaugh was really innocent and truly concerned about his reputation he would be the one to push for FBI investigations. Instead he wouldn’t.

filmfann's avatar

The committee will approve him, but he lost the Senate weeks ago.

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johnpowell's avatar

I had a 4.0 GPA in high school and I was pretty good at skateboarding. I spent more time skateboarding than I spent in class. I still found the time to have consensual sex.

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johnpowell's avatar

I don’t believe Patty has ever been a victim.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Because I don’t put any of it out there. You also don’t know I was diagnosed last year with ovarian cancer.
There is a hell of a lot none of you know about me.
It used to be I came here to find other things to talk about besides my pain, my disabilities, and how impossible things are for me no matter how hard I fight.
I didn’t come here to find out which of us is the most broken hearted.
But I have been assaulted. Numerous times I have been forced to defend myself.
I also have seen the other side of things, and several voices on fluther behave as if there is no other side.
I wonder how fluther would act if a member had a son falsely accused, and saw what it did to his life. Being falsely accused is just as brutally damaging as being assaulted.
I don’t give a rat’s ass about Kavanaugh, but I do care about someone being lynched.

johnpowell's avatar

lynched.. Awesome word..

LOL.. Samamatha Bee just had a segment with a bunch of Fox news clips about “THIS COULD BE YOUR SON”. Guess the message got through.

ragingloli's avatar

Even child predator Moore still got almost half the votes.
So did the orange pussy grabber.
Conservatives have no problem supporting and electing known sex fiends.

stanleybmanly's avatar

My bet is that he will squeek by. But there’s a chance that one of the 2 Republican women, Collins or Murkowski will turn from the dark side.

rojo's avatar

Lynched is a pretty harsh term for not getting a cush job IMO.

BUT if you found Fords testimony at all credible then you cannot give an up vote for Kavanaugh even if you also believe him. You just cannot take the chance that he is lying.

There are only two ways you could vote yes; either Ford is lying or she is not and you just don’t give a damn. The ends justify the means.

JLeslie's avatar

@rojo I think a lot of people don’t care about what happened at a drunken encounter in high school that just scared a girl, but didn’t actually “violate” her. I’m speaking for those who don’t care, not for myself.

What about boys who bullied other boys weaker than them? Physically and mentally harassed them.

It’s all horribly shitty, and it’s assault, and illegal, but I think too many people have “there but for the grace of God go I” in their heads, and what I mean is they don’t want to be responsible at age 50 for what they did at 17, because they did some crappy things too. Not everyone, I don’t mean everyone does these horrible acts, but enough. Or, they think about their own son doing something stupid or horrible, and wouldn’t want them punished the rest of their life.

They don’t see it as a character flaw if he hasn’t done anything in the last 30 years (are witnesses coming forward for after the school years? I really don’t know??).

Most men don’t attack girls like this obviously, it is to me something incomprehensible. How can someone not immediately see they are hurting someone once the person resists or objects, and how can they find joy in doing it?

Then there are a lot of people who just don’t believe Ford.

If I were Kavanaugh, I think I’d hope that I don’t get confirmed, and disappear into the woodwork. Take my lies (I do think he is doing some lying) and try to continue my life as it was. Maybe retire early, take the attitude life is short, and hope depression doesn’t get the better of me. For sure, his rowdy days, whether he did the attack or not, have come back to haunt him.

Dutchess_III's avatar

In the world I knew before trump, there would have been no way in hell Kavanaugh would be confirmed after his outbursts yesterday. No way. But in my world there is no way trump would have been elected either.

I didn’t watch all of it, just enough to watch him start getting frustrated and refusing to answer questions directly. Did he really lose it like they say he did?

JLeslie's avatar

I think he’ll be confirmed. Lindsey Graham has been shocking to me. I think he pushes the republicans who might have oscillated, pushes them over the line to confirm.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

No matter what ya’ll think the fact is he didn’t rape Ford.
Yesterday I said in a previous thread that I wasn’t swaying, but now I am.
I don’t have any issue saying that I’m conservative, and your viewpoints or rude comments won’t make me ashamed either. So if you want to lump all conservatives into a bad group, go ahead, but don’t you dare get pissed when I or someone else does that same to liberals.
He’s a fine pick for the supreme court, and as Sen Graham said, this is all a sham.
I really wanted to believe Ford. I know how fucking terrible it is to be sexually assaulted. But I find it too hard to believe her without a doubt. There’s too much “what ifs” and questions.
You can’t blindly believe every accusation against someone especially if there is little to no evidence. He is not a rapist.

@Dutchess_III Yeah, he got pissed. Anyone falsely accused of a serious crime would be. Especially when they are asking the same questions over and over, and bringing up bullshit topics like his yearbook and certain terms.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I don’t think anyone has ever said rape. The hearing wasn’t about raping her. Ford hasn’t said she was raped. Attempted rape maybe, or sexual assault yes.

mazingerz88's avatar

And no Kavanaugh is not a fine pick for the Supreme Court. Without this scandal he still would and should not have made it this far if the Republicans didn’t withhold most of the documents about him.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I’ve heard multiple protestors and such claim he was a rapist.

JLeslie's avatar

^^So what. Some idiot protestors and people on Facebook are out of their mind seeing red and stating things they made up in their heads.

That has nothing to do with the people who actually need to evaluate the testimony and make a decision. Unless, they are listening to the people who are making up stuff, because they are so emotional they can’t think straight. That could be.

One hopes our elected officials are a little more competent than the average person on social media. I know these days that’s not necessarily the case though.

You using the word rape means to me you think he is accused of rape.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@SergeantQueen we expect a person in the highest positions in the land to be able to control their emotions. He couldn’t. He is not fit.

And no one said he raped her. He would have if he could have, but he couldn’t. But he and his friend sure had fun trying, didn’t they.

tinyfaery's avatar

I have no faith in politicians, especially the Repubs, to have any sort of conscience. I just hope the 2 Republican women who have yet to confirm their vote do not betray the women of America. But again, I have no faith.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@Dutchess_III You try being calm when people are threatening your children, your wife, you, and doing everything in their power to destroy you and your reputation. I’d really love to see anyone who says he shouldn’t have gotten mad go through what he is going through and try to stay calm. You can’t.

raum's avatar

@SergeantQueen I would calmly tell the FBI to do their investigation. And to fuck off until they were done with their investigation.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@SergeantQueen OK, so we plan to have a sitting judge who can’t control his emotions. That’s just great. Just a great way to make decisions affecting other people’s lives…emotionally.
Brack and Michelle were threatened. Their children were threatened. You didn’t see them whining and crying about it.

notsoblond's avatar

@JLeslie With all due respect please quit saying she wasn’t violated. This was attempted rape. Just as horrific. It wasn’t just scary for her. She couldn’t breathe when his hand was over her mouth. This has affected her entire life.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Of course she was violated! Who said she wasn’t?

Demosthenes's avatar

I think he will be, yes. I don’t think Ford’s testimony was enough to prove there was an assault to any of the Repubs. And they will be feeling the pressure to confirm him.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What I want to know is why they didn’t present the other information that they had. As @ragingloli, since they had all already signed depositions it would have been redundant…but how can any of us even speculate when we don’t know what Judge or anyone else said about it?

rojo's avatar

Kavanaugh was asked about the term “Devils Triangle”, a term that came up in relation to him/his friends in the yearbook. His answer was that “Devil’s triangle, “Three glasses in a triangle, Like quarters. ” he insisted, it was merely a drinking game.

Here is the actual definition:
A drinking game where you get a girl too drunk to consent (and hopefully to resist) to having sex with you and a buddy at the same time.

So he was partially right, it is a game….to the guys…. I surmise.

JLeslie's avatar

@notsoblondanymore It’s in quotes for a reason. Trying to acknowledge that it is a violation, but how some people think about it.

But, I don’t want to defend how I’ve written it any further, I’ll respect it’s upsetting to you and just stop commenting here. It’s impossible to explain how the people who dismiss it think, without using terms for how they think about it.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I believe that he will be confirmed.

I watched some of the questioning. I thought K lied multiple times. I thought he sugar coated a LOT of his past. That doesn’t mean he assaulted the girl though. I can agree with SQ, that I can understand K getting upset. However, he looked pretty shook. I am very surprised that a person of such high status would blow up publicly. Graham’s speech was comically hypocritical, and he should be embarrassed. The GOP’s strategy appears to be to try and bully their way out of the whole thing, and push K in.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He did it. I can feel it in my bones.
Regardless, he doesn’t have the mental wherewithall for that position. He’s too emotional.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Dutchess_III He did it to Ford…otherwise it’s either something else happened in the past which made Ford want to hurt Kavanaugh and Judge or Ford has some mental issues or Ford is part of a political conspiracy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Good points.

rojo's avatar

Sometimes, like now, I hate being right.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I had a feeling he would be too. But I think this will also be the catalyst for some serious change. I hope.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Dutchess_III That will take a generation on the SCOTUS, you can’t vote Democrat and change that.
House could start to change color this year and the Senate the following years

2020 for the White House.

Serious change but some number of years.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I knew it. I’m sorry to say that evil wins. Every time.

At least they looked into it for 7 days….........

ragingloli's avatar

Of which one was a sunday, so no one worked.
One was a the first day, where they slowly got started, figuring out where to begin, so really only a half day.
One was the last day, where they hurredly wrote the report.
One day was lost on hookers and blow.
So really, they only had 3 days.
2, if you subtract all the doughnut breaks.

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