Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

How would these monsters react if they get to meet each other for the first time?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) September 28th, 2018 from iPhone

Purely a fun question for movie monster fans.

What if a vampire, a mummy and a werewolf had a chance meeting and no one knew the others exist?

What could possibly happen?

Note : Feel free to decide whether these three are known monsters or generic.

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11 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

They would look at each other in confusion and say, in unison: “What is this, some kind of joke?”

kritiper's avatar

They would look at each other and say, “What the hell are you supposed to be??”

rojo's avatar

A vampire, a mummy and a werewolf walk into a bar…..

rojo's avatar

… which would never had been left in such a precarious and dangerous position across the sidewalk if the necessary construction workplace regulations had still been in place and federal regulatory agency not been eliminated by the new administration.

But Mr. Brown and Mr. Root had paid good money, a lot of good money too, to ensure that their candidate, the one who would see to the dismantling of all those burdensome and profit reducing safety, product and employment standards and substituted their own more “realistic“rules and regulations, provided, at no cost by the way, to candidate by the two “anonymous” donors.

The payoff to themselves was a handsome one. Profits were going through the roof and incidents like this were just gravy on the potatoes. As it was, they knew that they would not be found culpable and the liability would fall, ultimately on the werewolf, mummy and vampire who, because the ACA had been gutted and nothing implemented to replace it, would have to fend as best they could themselves to provide all the needed medical care to treat their serious head injuries. Fortunately for the mummy anyway, he had his own bandages.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um…blood, sweat and…tears?

rebbel's avatar

– “Mum mum muuumm mmum”
– “Hisssssszzzz sshhhzzzz”

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Vampire would take a bite out of Mummy’s jugular, make a yucky-face, and spit-out a huge mouthful of dust.

Werewolf would rip-out Vampire’s lungs. Luckily for Vampire, he doesn’t breathe.

Throughout all of this, Mummy just stumbles around, in that typical mummy fashion.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Makes a lot of sense. : )

Gideon2017's avatar

They might run away and shout: Oh my god the mummy is real!

ucme's avatar

What you got there is a Backstreet Boys video cast list…alright!!

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