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mazingerz88's avatar

Did that woman at the elevator who confronted Senator Flake make the FBI investigation on Judge Kavanaugh's case happen?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29379points) September 28th, 2018

Just got home from work and all these new and surprising development!

I think this is good, ( for Kavanaugh, Ford and the country ) hopefully we would get more info on what really happened.

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25 Answers

Yellowdog's avatar

Republican Senator Jeff Flake is actually good friends with Democrat Senator Chris Coons of Delaware. They were together most of the four hours.

A group of moderate Democrats and Republicans had some kind of a private meeting in an antechamber and came up with this plan. The Republicans cannot win without the votes of a few Republicans who were part of this marginal group,

mazingerz88's avatar

@Yellowdog Do you think one week is enough? I’m pretty sure trump’s hand was merely and one week may not be enough.

Yellowdog's avatar

I think the Dems will come up with something far more serious in that week, in order to stall again. Maybe someone will claim that Kavanaugh molested her as a child on a soccer team in some town or state he never resided. It won’t stick. but will cause another delay and investigation.

mazingerz88's avatar

Really? I bet Mark Judge would stick to his original statement. If the FBI deemed the other two women credible enough to talk to, who knows where that would lead if they indeed got interviewed.

rojo's avatar

I do think the woman in the elevator had a hand in this decision. She was aggressive but not verbally abusive and she was a passionate believer of what she was saying. That, along with Flakes’ belief in Dr. Fords statement had a ring of authenticity to them, were enough to, in his mind, warrant further investigation.

mazingerz88's avatar

@rojo Ever the guy who think he’s the smartest one in the room, trump said only one week or less than a week. His keeping his fingers crossed nothing happens so he could yell “Bingo!”

I could almost see his face sour and smirk once the FBI asks him for more time.

Yellowdog's avatar

Are you referring to the other two women who were there at the event in the summer of 1982? Both have signed affidavits testifying under penalty of felony perjury that they have no memory of any such gathering / party. Ford’s best friend (her last name was Keyser, her first name escapes me) has said she never met Kavanaugh and they were never at a party together.

If you are referring to the other two women who came forward, Ramirez cited a party and event during Kavanaugh’s Freshman year at Yale which no one else remembers, and others named have said that they knew both Kavanaugh and Ramirez and that if such an event occurred, they would know about it. One of these witnesses remained friends with Remirez for many years and said Ramirez never mentioned this party or occurrence at all, and it was totally out of character for Brett Kavanaugh. The story was covered by The New Yorker, but the article was mostly showing the inconsistancies in the story. The New York Times did not cover the story at all because all witnesses turned up to be bogus,

The third woman, described a major series of wild parties where Kavanaugh drugged young girls and lines of boys and men gang raped them. This woman, although she had a different attorney (the Stormy Daniels lawyer) actually worked for Dr, Ford’s he same lawyer (Katz)

It seems odd that such a stellar, Norman Rockwell figure such as Kavanaugh would be accused of a sex ring, but not nearly as bizarre as the possibility that the F.B.I could have missed this in six top-security-clearance investigations. No one would cover the story

There have been at least five other women come forward, like a rape or violent attack on a boat in Newport Rhode Island. Did not check out at all. Kavanaugh has never transacted any business or even visited Rhode Island. Some other accusation in Colorado.

All of these activities have turned out to be fruitless. The first one, which had no evidence and largely debunked, involving Dr Ford. was the only one that had any credibility.

Patty_Melt's avatar

He may have already had some plan in mind, but even if he did, I am sure her appeal would have cemented his resolve.
She is a brave soul, and faced the opportunity very well.
I don’t think anyone could possibly have made a better appeal.
“Don’t look away from me” lol, she pulled a mommy on him in front of cameras.

imrainmaker's avatar

As per news“The American Bar Association, which earlier endorsed Kavanaugh, and the dean of Yale Law School, which Kavanaugh attended, also called for an FBI probe”. Do you think that’s also major development?

Patty_Melt's avatar

I think it is all going in the right direction.
If Kavanaugh is guilty of any accusations against him, we should know. We should also know if he is not.
Suppose Ford was assaulted, but was mistaken about who. She herself knows it is possible.
If an investigation provided answers, it could help her find closure.

The whole situation has stirred deep emotion from people worldwide.
An investigation is the only way to proceed at this point.
I just hope the findings help some people heal.

imrainmaker's avatar

What you’re saying is right but I didn’t understand stand taken by Sen. Flake. He wants to have investigation but already decided to back Kavanagh. What if he’s found guilty?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Good question.
It is likely all about posturing.
If he seems undecided, it could cause some on the fence to form new doubts. He has to show strong confidence that an investigation will not turn up anything damaging.

Edit: my guess is that if any guilt is proven, he will show grim remorse and vote no.

LostInParadise's avatar

@imrainmaker , What Flake did makes perfectly good sense. He does not think that there was sufficient information to prevent Kavanaugh from being confirmed, so he asked for an FBI investigation. The Republicans did not act out of the goodness of their hearts. Murkowski joined Flake in calling for an investigation. If they were ignored, their two votes joined with the Democrats would be enough to keep Kavanaugh out of the Supreme Court.

imrainmaker's avatar

Here’s how FBI will be doing the investigation.

Inspired_2write's avatar

That lady in the elevator made a compelling statement that Kavanaugh was been appointed the Supreme Justice Head and thus should be above all ill intent or accusations, he should be a sterling character of impeccable character so IF it turns out that he is not and was not of sterling character ( old patterns of behavior) them there was a mistake in selecting him.
A FBI investigation hopefully will clear his character or expose him.
It is best to have the right person in the lead and in Judicial system its very important!

kritiper's avatar

That lady sounded like a man-hating women’s libber who was looking for a post to piss on.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I thought she showed admirable self restraint.
Of course she had to be loud, it was crowded and she had limited time to state her case.
She never laid a finger on him, she just pleaded for him to consider the many women who have suffered in silence.

I wonder if you are thinking of another scene, @kritiper, of a woman standing in a doorway shouting, “do you believe me?” and she was told to report it to the police.

kritiper's avatar

No, she had Flake cornered in an elevator, talking down to him as if he were a child, as if he was entirely to blame.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Well, she did take an angry mommy tone, no doubt about that, but it seemed to me it wasn’t blame so much as she seemed to feel he might be the only one who might respond to her deep anxiety.
To my ears, it sounds like, if not you, then who? I need to be heard.

rojo's avatar

There are a lot of senators and congressmen who would benefit from being spoken to in the angry mommy tone. Spoiled brats.

mazingerz88's avatar

@rojo Agree. If you’re a guy and especially a Senator if you can’t handle situations like that you don’t deserve to be in that enormously important and critical position.

kritiper's avatar

Whatever. She was rude and the confrontation was inappropriate for her beef. If she wants to be heard by all, then she should find a way to address them all. Then, be diplomatic.

mazingerz88's avatar

You know what’s really rude? It’s sexual assault. One where the victim couldn’t be heard by anyone who could help and I wouldn’t expect to be diplomatic when being obviously ignored.

Guys who make big decisions like Senators should blame those sexual abusers not the victims who confront them demanding empathy.

kritiper's avatar

Also rude, people who pass judgment without hearing both sides of a story, or allowing for equality of justice.

kritiper's avatar

I mean, NOT “allowing for equality of justice.”

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