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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Why is Dr. Doom ripped on to want prasie and worship when God wants the same?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25069points) September 29th, 2018

In Secret Wars in Spider-man the animated series in 1992–1995 Mister Fantastic gives Dr. Doom hell for wanting praise and worship from the aliens. Why does God want prasie and worship? Or does he? Is it natural to eventually want to be worshiped? From the Maslov pyramid of needs?

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4 Answers

kritiper's avatar

To exemplify the idiocy of the concept.

mazingerz88's avatar

Because God created everything. Supposedly. Maybe he thinks we owe him or her or it.

filmfann's avatar

Dr. Doom ain’t God.

LostInParadise's avatar

I don’t see need for worship in Maslow’s need pyramid The religious answer to your question is that, as creater of the universe, God is deserving of praise and worship. If I believed in God, I would consider him worthy of worship.

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