Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Are people who make threatening phone calls and send nasty emails ever held accountable?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29382points) October 1st, 2018 from iPhone

Are these calls traceable and what do people who get them like Dr. Ford, Judge Kavanaugh, politicians and controversial celebrities do to stop it?

How do we know if these threatening calls and emails are credible and not just calls made by supporters of the very people who said they got it for the purpose of eliciting symphaty for them?

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5 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

How do we know if these threatening calls and emails are credible and not just calls made by supporters of the very people who said they got it for the purpose of eliciting sympathy for them?
I do sincerely doubt that supporters of some of these people are doing this.
Some people posted the home addresses of 5 Republican senators and people are threatening Kavanaugh’s daughters and wife. If people are genuinely psychotic enough to do this as a way to gain support, they are terrible people, and not the kind of supporters I want to associate myself with.
The people who are saying rude shit to Dr. Ford are just as terrible, and regardless of whether or not you believe her, those people are the exact reason why people are afraid to tell police about their sexual assault or rape. Treating victims of sex crimes like shit makes it really hard for people to gain the courage to come out, especially because it’s hard enough as it is.

Are there repercussions? Most likely only to the death threats/posting private information since that is directly violating the law. Making calls saying stuff that’s just rude but not threatening is a bit harder unless one person is calling over and over again because that’s harassment, otherwise, it is just being annoying.

You can’t really decide whether or not they are credible. You’d have to investigate every single one, and they are only going to look into the death threats and private info being leaked.

Esedess's avatar

When I was 2 my mom got a collect call from “Steve.” We only know one Steve; my uncle. She accepted and the guy went off saying stuff like he knew where she was and he was watching her right now, and if she left the house or called anyone he would kill her. She freaked out and drove us 2 hours up to her parents house. Later the call was traced back to an inmate at some prison, who was put there for making threatening phone calls.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Back when I was with Bell South, IF I received a threatening call, all I had to do was dial *57 when the call was disconnected. The catch was that by doing so, I automatically agreed to prosecute the person making the call. By agreement, I had a specific phone number to call the next morning during business hours. I’d have to tell them the time I dialed the *57 so they could go back through their records to retrieve the info. Once they had the name & phone number, they would initiate a case against the offending party based on my complaint. Then when it went to court, I’d have to testify & prove that the person was harassing me. IF it was determined that I’d filed a false complaint, I’d be the one being prosecuted…NOT the one I filed the complaint against. It wasn’t a system so you could get somebody’s phone number!!! Once the caller ID option came into being, it’s NOT been as important as it once was.

I don’t know IF this is still used today. I think it would depend on each individual phone company. You can do a google search for “star codes” with the name of your phone company to see if it’s available.

A friend’s daughter took out a restraining order against an ex bf. He kept sending her emails begging her to come back to him. She printed out each one & took him back to court. He argued that he had not come near her. The judge said he had violated the restraining order by contacting her via email & put his butt in jail.

When I don’t want someone bugging me on my phone, I block them once they start calling so they ONLY get through ONCE…very effective!!!

kritiper's avatar

You mean like today’s special presidential alert test??

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