Do you like eating beef and pork intestines?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
October 1st, 2018
from iPhone
If you do, did you grow up eating it or just developed a taste? How did that happen and where? What do you like about them?
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18 Answers
Only as the skin for sausages….
^^^^ Yummy sausages & bologna too!
Don’t they make them like chips, all crispy and stuff? Pork…whatever they’re called? Chitlins?
I LOVE my beef & ENJOY my pork; yet I tend to stay AWAY from ALL internal parts of ANY meats!!! IF I have ever eaten any, I definitely did NOT know it before placing it in my mouth!!!
Jerry used to buy the fried pork rinds, or cracklins or whatever they were, at the store. They came in a bag like a potato chip bag. They were OK.
Only as part of a sausage.
Otherwise, no, I do not eat animal arse.
@Dutchess_III You’re talking about pork skins – - – chicharrones. No carbs !
@Dutchess_III Fried Pork Rinds & Chitlins are 2 completely different things!!! The pork rinds that are bought in a bag similar to potato chips are made from frying the skin of the pig where chitlins are made from using pieces of the small intestines.
Oh. Well. Gross anyway! Even though I know it’s all in my head.
Not that I know of. Sounds gross :P I had tripe once and it was nauseating. Don’t think I’d like intestines.
Well,they use the intestines to stuff sausages…...
Not the other way around?
@ragingloli No one wants to know about the giant sausages you shove up your hairy, spotty arse.
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