Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Why don't Trump's blatant outright lies bother his loyal base?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23591points) October 1st, 2018

Now before anyone defends him, yeah, yeah I know both sides lie.
Just Trump is going for a record by telling the most lies, and these are lies that are easily debunked by anyone with internet.
Why don’t his lies bother his loyal followers?

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85 Answers

LadyMarissa's avatar

They do; but the loyal will NEVER allow you to hear them admit it!!!

ragingloli's avatar

They pretend that he does not lie.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I can believe that ^^ holding your hands over your ears and chanting “Lock her up” probably helps get through the really zinger lies.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They have some sort of very, very weird filter. An acquaintance asked to come by after church yesterday. She is a rabid, anti-Obama conservative with very little brain. Knowing the risk I was taking, I asked her what she thought of the Kavanaugh / Ford situation.
She said Ford was lying because there were somethings she didn’t remember.
Kavanah, on the other head, was just smooth and level and calmly sailed on through.

How she possibly even came to that conclusion is beyond me, but that’s what we have to deal with.

mazingerz88's avatar

They think it’s funny.

This is the equivalent of half of the voters trolling the other half.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

They think his lies are funny??^^

mazingerz88's avatar

They know by now he lies and derives pleasure from seeing how annoyed the opposite camp is.

Jeruba's avatar

They know what he is, and they always have, so they’re not shocked. They simply don’t care. As long as he delivers what they want, which is above all the Supreme Court, they’ll pay any price. The fact that it drives the Democrats crazy is just a bonus.

And of course the weak-minded ones believe him. See George Orwell for more on this phenomenon.

seawulf575's avatar

Probably for the same reason Obama’s blatant outright lies and violations of the Constitution didn’t bother his base.

rebbel's avatar

@seawulf575 Probably?
You want to confess something?

chyna's avatar

Oh look! @seawulf575 blames someone else instead of answering the question as usual. Smoke and mirrors.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The lies support their version of reality !

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna who did I blame? I just offered an answer to the question…as usual. The fact you don’t like my answer if your problem, not mine. Maybe if you thought about it a little (honestly), you might understand that answer. Not that I’ll hold my breath for that to happen, though.

seawulf575's avatar

@rebbel just making an observation. Nothing to confess. Why is it that when I suggest an answer that libbies don’t like, they all act like I’m up to something? Grow up a bit, folks.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“No,” we say tiredly. “No, @seawulf575. We just want evidence of your claims.”

Oh look! There is Obama riding the Loc Ness Monster!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

And Hillary is talking to Martians.

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna I have given proof of these statements many, many times before. And you know what? You DON’T want evidence of the claims. You want to believe they are wrong. Which is exactly what I just answered to this question. You libbies don’t want to believe these things are true and therefore, his outright lies and his violations of the Constitution don’t bother you. Isn’t that pretty much EXACTLY what you are accusing the right of with Trump?

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, @Tropical_Willie. She is sending them emails. Sheesh. You and your conspiracy theories.

rebbel's avatar

@seawulf575 I didn’t say what I said because I think you were up to something, honestly.
I just thought that you were confirming, in a way, that you aren’t bothered that Trump is blatantly lying (“Probably for the same reason Obama’s blatant outright lies and violations of the Constitution didn’t bother his base.”)
That’s why my first sentence was: ”@seawulf575 Probably?”
I was curious what you would answer to that.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@seawulf575 You claim Obama broke the constitution more than once,and in your mind he is a far bigger crook than Trump could ever be.
And you say you have provided evidence more than once.
Now I ask you this don’t you think the Rep/cons would have done something about it since they are and were the GOP in Obama’s day?
Can you just answer the question without bring the dreaded Obama in it?
I like Rep/cons when Dems try and give safety nets such as Universal health care they hold their heads and scream the ski is falling, a 1.5 trillion dollar tax cut that benefits mostly the wealthy,and a 12 billion dollar bail out to farmers that was Trumps own fuck up all is well.
Doesn’t Trump’s lies at least bother YOU?

seawulf575's avatar

@rebbel I’ll be honest, I don’t worry about some of his lies or exaggerations. They are meaningless. Let’s face it when he does something like overestimate the size of a crowd, the left goes crazy screaming about him lying. But really…what harm was done? None. Is it important in the big scheme? No. Then you have things like him saying the ties between him and Russia to steal the election are unfounded. The left again goes crazy screaming that “he is lying again…he lies all the time!” But is that a lie? Not really. There has been no evidence after Mueller has been investigating for a year and a half. So it wasn’t a lie, but the left wants to believe it was. I honestly believe that those sorts of things…things like in those two examples…are the majority of the “lies” the left screams about. But that is me.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I claimed that Obama violated the Constitution many times and that he lied when in office. The rest of your statement about “in my mind” is your words, not mine. See? That’s where many of these discussions get sidelined. You, on the left, don’t like my opinion so you rewrite it and then try to slam it. Sorry, I don’t play. And my answer was an answer to the question. The fact you don’t want to actually give yourself an honest look is not my problem, it is yours.

mazingerz88's avatar

It’s simply delusional to think trump as despicable lying president does no harm. This is the very sickness corrupting the country. Pure insanity.

LadyMarissa's avatar

It has been my experience that when a person lies about the “meaningless” stuff, they will also lie about the IMPORTANT stuff…just ask Ivana, Marla & Melania!!!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And I pointed out @seawulf575 isn’t violating your constitution a criminal offence?
And wouldn’t the Rep/cons proceeded with charges and all the evidence you claim?
I never claimed Obama never lied,BUT if you look at pants on fire lie charts ,
Obama was at 11% outright lies.
Trump was accelerating past 42% outright lies.
But it’s still Obama’s lies that bother you more?
And talk about constitution I thought it was a no,no for a sitting president to use his power of office for profit?
Trump is doing just that when he hauls his entourage to his golf resorts,they all have to pay full price to stay there.
I don’t think any one cares after they are out of office to profit, but not while they are in office.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 we have been over this ground again and again. There was no way the Repubs would ever be able to impeach Obama, which was the correct course of action. The Dems would protect him to the end. The Rules of Impeachment mean that, just like with Clinton, Obama could be impeached, but the Senate would never convict. It isn’t a simple majority that is needed. It is ⅔ of the voting senators to convict. The Repubs never had enough votes to make it fly. So it becomes a useless endeavor and would likely be spun in the liberal media to claim they were racists and hateful and see? there was no proof or else Obama would have been impeached!
As for the pants-on-fire lie charts, most of those are by liberal outlets. They will reluctantly say a liberal lied, even when it is blatant. They might come to the “mostly false” point, but rarely to the pants-on-fire point. They also don’t look at all the lies equally. As I pointed out, many of Trump’s “lies” are exaggerations at best, but the liberals jump off the deep end screaming about his lies.
I suspect you need to do a little research into media bias before you start trying to go toe-to-toe with me on this.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Boy you sure paint Liberals as pure evil, you sure must make your corporate masters proud.
Now to feel even better there must be a homeless liberal you can spit on, on your way home.
Why bother going toe to toe you believe nothing but extreme right wing blogs, and news out lets anyways you paint everything from anywhere near the left as a total hopeless lie and fabrication.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And yet you still won’t answer this question, to evil for you and all the peace and love you fright wingers preach?
You touched lightly saying his bragging lies don’t bother you, what about the countless others ?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 read it as you want. I’m pretty much done trying to talk sense, facts, and logic with liberals. It is a useless exercise. They basically are illogical, avoid facts, and make no sense in my view. Here’s the key, I understand having differing opinions. I get that. But when confronted with facts and logic, liberals always without fail avoid dealing with whatever the topic is. They will always try dodging and deflecting. Much as you are right now.
As for answering the question, I have. Again, unless you are willing to take a long hard honest look at yourself, you will never understand it. Again, I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you. You are on your own with that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Trumps lies don’t bother @seawulf575?? Why don’t they bother him?

seawulf575's avatar

Look up at my earlier answer to @rebbel for the answer to that question.

ragingloli's avatar

You continued to spout the nonsense, that the Nazis were leftists, after we conclusively proved to you that they were not.
You would not know logic and facts if they walked up to you and punched you in the face.
You are brainwashed and beyond hope.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@ragingloli I would believe you for knowing Nazis were not leftist but I think @seawulf575 is turned around and upside down.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t want to go clear back through this thread to find one of 5000 comments you made to @rebbel, @seawulf575. Geez. It can’t be that complicated. Just recap.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Don’t forget @ragingloli the KKK was started by the liberals as well.
Republicans are nothing but peace and love, the spit and foam in the corner of their mouths prove just that.
WE liberals are just hateful and bad.
@Dutchess_III he said that the bragging lies of Trump don’t bother him, and that is pretty much of all Trumps lies and they do really no harm.
HEY @Tropical_Willie when you can get a whole hall of people still to this day to start chanting lock her up, why not continue with Nazi’s are liberal, and so is the KKK.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Oh I get it @SQUEEKY2 “doublespeak” is what @seawulf575 is using. So Trump’s lies don’t bother him.

What language did they speak in 1984?

Yes it was ‘Newspeak!’

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III here is the cut and paste:

@rebbel I’ll be honest, I don’t worry about some of his lies or exaggerations. They are meaningless. Let’s face it when he does something like overestimate the size of a crowd, the left goes crazy screaming about him lying. But really…what harm was done? None. Is it important in the big scheme? No. Then you have things like him saying the ties between him and Russia to steal the election are unfounded. The left again goes crazy screaming that “he is lying again…he lies all the time!” But is that a lie? Not really. There has been no evidence after Mueller has been investigating for a year and a half. So it wasn’t a lie, but the left wants to believe it was. I honestly believe that those sorts of things…things like in those two examples…are the majority of the “lies” the left screams about. But that is me.

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli unfortunately for you, you have note conclusively proven any such thing. The fact that you can’t admit the National SOCIALIST WORKER’S party is a lefty base, is again a reflection on you, not me. Socialists are far left. Sorry kiddo. And if you look at the tactics of today’s Dems/Progs/Libs you fill find severe relationships to how the Nazis did when they took power. Including the propaganda “news”.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 stop me when I get to the part that isn’t fact:
(1) the south in the US during the civil war was mainly Democrats
(2) the North and Lincoln were Republicans.
(3) the KKK was started and populated by Democrats
(4) the Democrats fought against the Civil Rights Act of 1963 despite the Democratic president pushing for it. It only passed with support of Republicans.
(5) The Democrats pushed the Jim Crow Laws.
(6) the Democrats fought against desegregation in schools and society
(7) in 1972 the Dems had a candidate named George Wallace who was a flaming racist in favor of segregation.

Maybe you need to actually crack open a US history book before you come to play with the big boys.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Since you have your history book open,look up Smoot and Hawely two Republicans basically responsible for starting the great depression.

ragingloli's avatar

With each word you write, you only prove my point further.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 once again you are going way off base to try making a point but again, you are not really succeeding. What is it you always accuse me of? Deflecting? What was the original question? Why don’t Trump’s blatant outright lies bother his loyal base? And your response in that thread now is: Since you have your history book open,look up Smoot and Hawely two Republicans basically responsible for starting the great depression. Only in the mind of a flaming liberal do these two things go together. Even if you go back to your previous idiotic responses which I just pecker slapped you about, you are still way off base. But to further make you look like the idiot you are trying to be, Hawley and Smoot did not start the Great Depression. But they suggested a solution to it that did not work and only made it worse. So while they weren’t great, you once again prove you know nothing about US history. Keep going…I will be happy to continue showing what a fool you are making of yourself.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

No sense talking to such a brain washed Conservative everything is the liberals fault,trickle down works great, universal health care is just one step from communism, and social nets for the working class are just labeled as entitlements and that is even more wrong.

Seeing how wrong we liberals are lets see the out come of the terms, then you can say see I was right but I highly doubt it.
I think your mid terms are going to shock the shit out of you and the Don Father.

seawulf575's avatar

Oh! Is Canada having mid term elections too?

Dutchess_III's avatar

His lying indicates a much deeper problem. The lying about ridiculous things (crowd size, penis size, whatever) points to a huge insecurity, and a huge ego that needs to be fed at all cost.
The lies themselves are actually laughable. The problems that causes him to lie are not.
He is not fit to be a president.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

SHHH^^ don’t say that to loudly the poster above you loves the guy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And now Trump is campaigning. The official Sexual Predator of the United States of America includes speeches belittling and mocking Ford. People are cheering and cheering. There are women in the audience holding up “Women for Trump” signs. It’s the fuckin apocalypse. We have lost our collective minds.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

According to conservatives people are just waking up and seeing it like it is, really @Dutchess_III you should try one of Trumps BBQ bull shit on a bun they really are quite good.
Just remember anything for the working person is baad, anything for the wealthy and large corporations GOOOD, after all it is them that will look after the working slob.
Remember Global warming is a hoax started by the Chinese ,so you don’t need any branch in Government to protect the environment.
You don’t need any social safety nets for the working slob after all large business will look after them.
And no one needs affordable health care, if you can’t afford health care then just don’t get sick or hurt,it’s that easy.
Now excuse me I need another bull shit on a bun @seawulf575 is handing them out .

LadyMarissa's avatar

Trump ONLY allows supporters at his rallies. He FEARS those who don’t agree with him…and you MUST wear a MAGA cap to get in!!!

ragingloli's avatar

No wonder he was surprised, when the UN laughed at his bullshit.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

NOW,now @ragingloli Trump himself said they were laughing with him ,NOT at him and that must be the truth because we know Trump never lies.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have yet to see that video…going to find it now.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump’s picture is right next to “Delusional” in the Merriam-Webster dictionary !

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh dear. He looked genuinely confused when they laughed!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

He was, but of course quickly spun it in his favour.

LadyMarissa's avatar

They weren’t laughing at HIM…they were laughing at the US…at least that’s the BS he floated out to explain the laughter!!! I found that interesting because he was the ONLY one speaking when they started laughing!!!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And HE is the reason they are laughing at the USA.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He even stopped, very surprised and said, “Well, I didn’t expect that reaction but it’s OK. Whatever!” Yeah. Being faced with the reaction of normal, intelligent people must have been very confusing.

I have faith that the rest of the world can separate Trump and his minions from the rest of us @SQUEEKSTERS..

seawulf575's avatar

I just noticed…of all the answers on this question, I am probably the closest thing to “Trump’s loyal base”. So the answer I gave would probably be the closest to reality. But as usual, the liberals aren’t interested in reality. You all just want to make slams on Conservatives. You do realize what that says about you, right?

ragingloli's avatar

Your answer was the typical cocktail of deflect,deny, downplay and defamation.
So, no surprises from you.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@seawulf575 You’re also the ONLY one of us who didn’t receive the presidential alert…Loyalty means NOTHING when it comes to Trump!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@seawulf575 probably doesn’t have a cell phone because he doesn’t want the gubment spying on him.

seawulf575's avatar

And the attacks continue. You have all just proved my point. Thank you so very much. You are all so self-absorbed and closed minded that none of you can bear to take an honest look at your own beliefs. You have my sympathies, though you really don’t deserve them.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Oh, look a bigot.

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli and @Tropical_Willie you do notice that you continue to prove my point, right? I understand how weak minded you are, but you should wake up to the idea that you are full of hate.

ragingloli's avatar

And you notice how you continue to prove ours?
No, of course you do not,

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli well let’s review what you are all saying. I’m deflecting (which I was not), I’m lying, you have attributed thoughts to me, you have called me delusional, you have called me a bigot, I’ve been accused of doublespeak, I’m handing out bullshit on a bun, that I don’t want the gubmint spying on me…all this because I dared to answer the question as the only one on this page that is close to a Trump supporter. What does that say about all of you? It says you are hateful, that you don’t like to be challenged on anything, that you are insecure, and that you are sold on the propaganda lies of the left. At least that is what it says to most sane people. And as I stated before, not a one of you has actually answered the question honestly. You can’t, because the question involved how Trump’s lies don’t bother his loyal base. None of you are his loyal base so you have nothing but bias about him and anyone you might consider his supporters. Everything you (the big you…all you liberal fools) have said on this page has been nothing but hateful spew. Attacking me just proves it. Care to keep attacking?

LadyMarissa's avatar

It’s IMPOSSIBLE for me to be part of trump’s loyal base because his LIES bug the crap out of me!!! I can’t pledge my loyalty to someone I can’t TRUST!!!

I could go back to my first husband & trust him more than trump!!!

ragingloli's avatar

Let me summarise.

You claimed the Nazis were leftists.
We comprehensively proved you wrong, yet you continued to repeat your false claims.

You misattributed a quote to Hitler, and upon being completely disproven with a clear cut source that could not be misunderstood, you pretended that the source said the opposite of what it did.

When I answered the question with the answer, that Drumpf supporters pretend that he does not lie, that was a prediction.
A prediction you confirmed, when you proceeded to downplay his lies as exaggerations, and smeared the source.

You, from the beginning, called liberals “brainwashed”, “unwilling to think for themselves”, “fools”, “hateful”.

You are the one that is hateful, as displayed by your own words.
You are the one that is dishonest, as demonstrated by your own words.
You are the one that can not handle being challenged, as demonstrated by your own reaction to being challenged and disproven.

Those are the facts, and I know that none of this will ever change your mind.

seawulf575's avatar

And by your list it appears you cannot differentiate between fact and opinion. Fairly standard for liberals though.
As for Nazis being leftists…they are. You have never “comprehensively proved” anything. Here is a really good description of how it all plays out:

Don’t like that one? Okay, here’s an article that is a translation from a German article about it.

But what do I know? I just go by what Hitler and Goebbels said so I must be wrong. And I know that giving you citations is a waste of time. They don’t agree with your warped liberal mind so you will attack the source or some other such nonsense and not actually try to address the substance of these articles. And here’s the best part…you on the left are following along with Hitlers game plan. Control the media to ensure good propaganda. Ostracize your enemies (read as anyone that dares to disagree with you). Push for social unrest. Hire thugs to do the heavy lifting. These are all actions of the Nazi party as they took control. You can argue all day long, but THAT is a fact.
And in the end, you are still dodging the big point I made. I know it was done purposely because you don’t have an answer for it. On this question, I am the closest thing to a Trump supporter. The question asked why his blatant outright lies don’t bother his loyal base. I answered. So I am the only one that has an intelligent, first hand answer. The rest of you with all your hateful rhetoric are displaying your ignorance and your character.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Quoting Quora is STUPID ! ! !

Your feelings are Germany’s Nazis were leftist because they didn’t exterminate everybody except Blonde haired blue eye people.

Are you blonde haired and go to Skin-head rallys ? ? ?

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie you realize I called your response before you made it, right? You are so predictable.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Quora? LOLL!!

seawulf575's avatar

And another one that is just TOO predictable. Let me point out this from my comment (since I know how you hate to go back to actually read things):

And I know that giving you citations is a waste of time. They don’t agree with your warped liberal mind so you will attack the source or some other such nonsense and not actually try to address the substance of these articles.

And what did both you and @Tropical_Willie do? attacked the source without addressing the substance. You both also ignored the other article entirely….not even addressing the source. You are both pathetic. Open your minds, folks!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sorry @seawulf575 I can’t side with a person ,that degrades women, the poor, the middle class, and minorities .
That puts the wealthy first above all else,that thinks global warming is a hoax, that constantly lies ,even if you are not bothered by those lies.
I might be pathetic as you point out in your rep/con loving way but at least I have morals something you peace loving conservatives DO NOT.

seawulf575's avatar

Wow. I’m assuming you are on a Trump rant. So let’s take it apart.
That degrades women – He has put women into some pretty high powered spots in our government. He has many women that support him.
the poor, the middle class – He has taken actions to actually help those groups. The tax reform bill has increased jobs and salaries, both of which help the poor and the middle class. He has fought to keep jobs in this country which helps the poor and the middle class. Unemployment is down in this country which helps the poor and the middle class. It was, however, his predecessor that hurt them the most. Median incomes in this country dropped by about 20%. The size of the middle class was slashed while the size of the low class bloomed. Good paying, full time jobs were replaced with part time jobs if they weren’t eliminated altogether. Yet you side with him. Kinda hypocritical, isn’t it?
That puts the wealthy first – This is one that everyone always rags on. Yet you fail to see or admit that the wealthy always get wealthier. Look at how the wealthy did under Obama, Bush II, Clinton…all of them. H. Ross Perot put it best when he was running for president: He’s already rich and he will continue to get more rich regardless of what the market or the economy does. The wealthy have disposable income which allows them to diversify in ways that will always ensure they have a good income stream. So to blame the Repubs or the Dems or Trump or Obama or anyone is foolishness.
thinks global warming is a hoax – I think it is too. For a number of reasons. Not the conversation for this debate, but your statement assumes that you know for a fact, beyond all doubt, with verifiable evidence and working climate models, that it is not a hoax.
that constantly lies – And that is the point of this discussion thread. I have already answered that one. It also assumes that all your liberal heroes don’t lie all the time. That is about as false an assumption as you can make.
you have morals which I don’t – like what? I would dearly love to hear this one. And what is the basis for your morals? That should be even better.

Dutchess_III's avatar

QUORA is a place to blog @seawulf575. Hell, I have an account there, where I’m free to write whatever the hell I want to. It would be hilarious for someone to quote ME as some sort of reputable source.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

AS for women, @seawulf575 he publicly bashed Dr Ford, he has said he loves to grab women by the pussy, has had affairs with a porn star while his wife was pregnant,so he put a few in office he has to put on a show but doesn’t change the fact he degrades women.
The wonder tax cut you claim has helped the wealthy far more than the working class,yeah a few working class got small pay increases,others got one time bonus,but that’s it,the wealthy sure made out better in that one while hold your head and cover your ears who is going to pay for that?? Oh I know the working class.
And ragging on the rich, I forgot the wealthy always get wealthier , just strange they seem to get a lot more wealthier under a conservative government.
And for Global warming, top world scientists claim it’s a very real thing, and if it isn’t addressed in a few short years it will be to late, and greatly shorten the life of this planet, but what do world leading scientists know if Trump says it’s a hoax it must be a hoax right?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 he publicly bashed Dr. Ford because she came forward with entirely unsubstantiated accusations and couldn’t improve on them from there. She is part of a smear campaign and as far as I can tell, she is in on it, not an innocent bystander. Innocent bystanders that want anonymity don’t give their therapist’s notes to the newspapers. She deserved all that she has gotten and more.
He made a comment about grabbing women by the pussy in locker room talk. There probably isn’t a guy in this country that hasn’t said some tacky thing about a woman/women when it is just the guys. Does that mean he doesn’t respect women? Hell no. He had an affair with a porn star. That isn’t disrespecting women, it is disrespecting his wife and his marriage. For that I consider him a bit of a dirtball. But that is my opinion. But again…it isn’t disrespect to women. In other words, he is a guy that has no problem advancing women in the work place. Yeah….that sure looks like disrespect to me! Just like getting more jobs for blacks looks like racism to me.
The wonder tax cut did help the wealthy. But what you are missing is that working class folks really enjoy bigger paycuts and more jobs. So do the poor. You are so stuck on the wealthy that you are blind. Please…enlighten us all. Tell me what you would do to help the poor and middle class without helping the rich.
As for the wealthy getting wealthier under conservative governments, I have a suspicion on that one. You cannot admit to any fault from liberal governments so you refuse to see how they do under your liberal heroes. Just like you can’t admit fault with any of the liberal leaders.
Global warming: There are top world scientists that claim it is a very real thing and that it has to be dealt with right away. There are also top world scientists that disagree. And those top scientists you mentioned said the same thing almost 2 decades ago. They had the scare tactic that if we did nothing that by 2012, the sea levels would have risen to the point that the Eastern Seaboard of the US would be underwater. Funny…that didn’t come true. They swore the polar caps were going to disappear. They are growing. They swore we would be living in deserts. Hasn’t happened. How many times do these “top scientists” have to lie to you before you finally doubt them? Probably not enough times because your liberal leaders tell you they are right and you don’t have the wit to question them. Here’s something else that you miss with global warming: the IPCC didn’t publish the report the “top scientists” put out. The governing board rewrote it to come up with the conclusions they wanted. Many of those “top scientists” came out against the initial report. In the initial report, there were several conclusion: (1) that the man-made global warming was going to kill us all, (2) That there was global warming and mankind might be the source, (3) that there was global warming but the cause could not be determined, (4) There was no global warming. Want to guess which answer had the least number of supporters from the scientists? That’s right…(1). But that was what the IPCC chose as the unanimous decision of the “top scientists”.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump is not a Scientific type, I don’t think he could write the chemical equation for water without someone coaching him.
Because he can’t comprehend science in his mind it’s all a hoax.
Because he and his sons are buying up steel companies and coal mining companies. Money to be made in his companies.

It is only a “conflict of interest” but he’s a stable genius and in it for the profit ! ! SMH

Dumb Democrats

LadyMarissa's avatar

He made a comment about grabbing women by the pussy in locker room talk.

Bull shit!!! He was on a freaking bus…NOT in a locker room. He was BRAGGING about how he could HAVE any woman he wanted. I don’t care IF every man in America says the same thing…IT WOULD STILL BE WRONG!!! IF he was the last man on earth, I’d become celibate!!!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thank you ^^^ @LadyMarissa .
But be careful these right wingers think only the left are evil, they can do no wrong and any woman is fare game.
I find it disgusting that people defend him on this.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’d rather go straight to Hell than have trump’s sweaty paws touch any part of my body!!! I know who & what I am & NO man is going to change that…just ask my abusive ex…I learned my lessons well!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

No one said he was in a locker room @LadyMarissa. We know he was on a bus with that deplorable DJ, What’s His Face. Some tried to blow it off as locker room talk, ergo, boys will be boys. How he won after that…after everything…completely blows my mind.

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