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Dutchess_III's avatar

Why would some group go out of their way to create a day forcing people to do something they're allowed to do anyway?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) October 1st, 2018

Apparently Focus on the Family has declared October 4th “Bring your Bible to school day.” Many Christians are attributing it to Trump but it’s not his doing.

What is the point of this? If parents want their kids to pack Bibles off to school every day, give them Bibles to take every day.
What are the kids supposed to do with the Bibles once they get them to the classrooms?

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15 Answers

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

It is the reason they exist, probably hoping to convert, in one day, all the Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and atheists to ultra conservative Christians.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Are they expecting their kids to be their soldiers?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The answer is YES!

LuckyGuy's avatar

It is 2018! I feel sorry for those kids having to haul around that boat anchor weight when they can just as easily pull it up easily, and for free, by downloading it on any, or all, of their devices.
Maybe their parents think if will stop a bullet or serve as fire starter in a national emergency.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s only for the one day, supposedly @LuckyGuy. Seek says the purpose is for the kids to note which kids didn’t take Bibles so the “Christian” kids can bully them into repenting! It’s really reaching levels of sickness, to me.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

I am just wondering if this supposed ‘awareness’ day really is nationally declared as public holiday where related citizen are encouraged to celebrate it. Where I’m from, when such day, or whatever personally-crafted day is created by some people, we all, as citizen, will simply ignore it. Things will be different when the government apply such day as public holiday and people will care just because they get one extra free day, not because of whatever awareness the government trying to convey. I would say this bible awareness day is simply a religious publicity attempt to strengthen the Christian community.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It has nothing to do with the government @Unofficial_Member. It is not a nationally declared anything.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Then without doubt it’s a failed religious marketing ploy. Unregistered as one of the nationally celebrated day and unsupported by the government. I can even make ‘eating spaghetti with your nose’ day and nobody would care.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m sure there will be plenty of militant parents who will force their kids to carry Bibles, whether they want to or not. If the kid leaves the book in their back pack all day I don’t know what the point of taking it is. Maybe they’re supposed to hit non-Christians over the head with it.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

I believe religiously militant parents wouldn’t wait for the creation of this day to force their kids to carry bible, if they could do it they would’ve done so in the first place, this day only serves as a little encouragement to do so. Perhaps they will enlist some people to keep an eye on the kids so that the kids will have to be seen utilizing bible in public places.

This make me think, isn’t it easier to for the kids to carry E-Bible? They carry their cellphone with them anywhere so not having to carry a physical book that but still having access to the real content should be helpful. But wait…, I forgot that some religious parents refused to be technologically advanced.

Dutchess_III's avatar

An Ebible isn’t not as obvious in their hands and that’s the whole point of this show.
I don’t think it has anything to do with technology. I’m pretty sure that 99.99% of the kids don’t want to carry a Bible of any kind! And if their parents loaded the Bible on their pad they wouldn’t read it. Hell, it’s written for adults, not children.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Dutchess_III You haven’t been to my neighborhood, kids 8 or 9 are “witnessing for Christ”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve only seen kids in the company of adults. In my experience they remain uncomfortably silent because they’d rather be anywhere else but there. But that’s my experience.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I was at the grocery store today and there was an older lady in a handicap scooter thing. She was parked off to one side of an aisle talking to someone on the phone. She sounded kind of desperate. At one point her voice started shaking, on the verge of tears and she said, “I can’t. All I have is $20. $20 to my whole name! That’s all I have!”
Well, I walked away, around the corner arguing with myself….I’ve BEEN there. I know how much an unexpected $20 can mean, and I just happened to have one I’ve been sitting on for several weeks. So I went on down and around, and came up behind her, leaned over and dropped it in her basket and turned and walked away. It startled her at first, then she saw what it was and tried to call me back, but I just waved and kept on going.
At the check out I struck up a conversation with a gal in front of me. It was going to be a looong wait!! I mentioned what I’d done and she said, “Oh, bless you! God will bless you for that!”
I wanted to say, “Oh, you know. I’m an athiest. I eat babies. I especially like the brown ones. He’s not going to bless ME!” But I didn’t, LOL!
Instead I said, “Oh, he already has. Thank you.”

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