When was the last time some part of your body, externally, became infected, how did it happen, and what did you do about it?
I can’t think of a time when any external injury I had became infected. There were times when something threatened to become infected, but I just washed it a couple of times a day with soap and water, peroxide if it was especially bad, and it cleared right up.
My son was constantly bleeding so I started a first aid kit just for him. It was called “Clean rags for bleeding wounds.” In addition to sterilized sheets torn / cut into strips, it contained hydrogen peroxide, large band aids, gauze, nurses tape and duct tape. None of his injuries ever became infected.
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10 Answers
I have a problem with beta strep on my skin. Bathing doesn’t really help (with the strep to be clear). But it seems to come and go. I have to be careful with any kind of cut or open wound to make sure infection does not set in. Got to clean it out almost immediately and apply medication, even a few hours can make a difference some days. I usually use Mupirocin now, I used to use a triple anti-biotic before that.
My son has contracted MRSA a couple of times due to his line of work. It required antibiotics.
When my grandson was about 3 he jumped off the back of the couch and landed on a floor air register, which was pulled up and upside down. He landed square on the flap and it neatly sliced the bottom of his foot.
I gently washed it up with soap and water, fitted the hanging flap back over the wound, and taped it. Because it was on the bottom of his foot I also put a gauze bandaid pad over it and had him wear white socks (I used bleach on my whites) for about a week.
I checked it a couple of times a day for the first couple of days, then once a day for the next week, and then it was perfectly healed. I don’t even think he has a scar. I’ll have to ask him.
I got a pimple on my backside that wouldn’t go away and slowly got worse. It got to the point where I knew I had to go to the hospital, or die. So I went, and found out that I had a MRSA infection. They admitted me, performed emergency surgery to drain the infection, and pumped me full of antibiotics for three days.
It is a real thing and not a Ted Nugent story about all the teenagers he raped.
I got the boot from my house and my sister moved in with a friend of hers so I could take over her apartment until I found a new place. This worked for my sister since her new place was two minutes from her work. The apartment I moved into was a hour away. She was happy with the deal.
So I moved into my sisters place with a friend of mine. I got the bedroom and he had the couch. My sister only moved the basics. She left her cats. Lets just say that Aaron and I were making 4.25 a hour so buying new cat litter was low on the list. I scooped out the clumps but that wasn’t good enough.
So something happened and my nodes in the pits started swelling. Eventually it got so bad I could barely raise my arms. And now I was having problems working. So Urgent care..
Cat Scratch Fever. I got pills that made it stop getting worse but it didn’t really clear it up right away. It took a few months to get back to normal.
When my son was little, he refused to wear socks inside his shoes, and was always running through the woods, through creeks, and so on. He always seem to have little pebbles in his shoes and never seemed to mind. He never minded much until every few weeks he would come to me and say his toe hurt. And when I looked there was always this horrible gooey red mess. I couldn’t keep taking him to the doctor for this nonsense because he didn’t bother to take care of the problem himself. So I developed my own medical procedure. It always cleaned up the infection, I didn’t have to mortgage the house to pay off his doctor bills, and he’s still alive today.
I would start by soaking his toe in hot salt water or Epson salts. Then I would slowly and gently take off the dead skin, squeeze out the infection, and soak again. We would do this once or twice a day until the infection was healed. And then in another two or three weeks we would be at it again!
I have learned to do the same thing for myself when I have an infection, only I have upgraded a little bit. In addition to soaking in hot salt/epsom salt water, I have a lovely over the counter ointment from the health food store that I use as a wet bandage. It works beautifully.
Geez! Sounds like he would have been better off barefooted!
MSRA is bad stuff, Maynard. It had to have killed us off in droves before antibiotics.
Infected hair follicle from shaving, had to literally treat it like a blemish and pop it every day for two months before it cleared up. Also took antibiotics for a week.
When I was a kid we used to get chigger bit, a LOT. Without exception they’d pus up and we’d pop them. It was fun. (smh!)
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