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People who have favored Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice, how do you feel about this article?

Asked by Zaku (30811points) October 3rd, 2018

It seems to me that this article:

I Know Brett Kavanaugh, but I Wouldn’t Confirm Him

is an very thoughtful article by an exceptionally well-reasoned conservative who knows (and has thought highly of) Brett Kavanaugh. I found it both very refreshing and interesting, and also to be expressing some similar ideas I’ve thought and that I’ve almost asked Fluther before in my own words.

I’m curious how this article lands with pro-Kavanaugh people here, and how their thinking compares on the question of whether (whatever one thinks of the accusations) anyone still supports Kavanaugh as a good person to be a Supreme Court Justice? Especially after reading and considering an article like this?

(I was going to post this in Social, but there have been several threads there on this topic, and here I really just want to know what people think of the arguments in the article, especially the ones about judicial temperment, character, telling the truth, and impartiality, etc.)

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