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mazingerz88's avatar

If Senator Grassley wants to see Ford’s therapy notes shouldn’t all of Kavanaugh’s documents be seen by the Democrats?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) October 3rd, 2018 from iPhone

It seems Sen. Grassley wants to see the notes.

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8 Answers

Yellowdog's avatar

At one point, the Democrats wanted a delay because there was too much material to read before the vote.

More information has been released on Kavanaugh for review than all other Supreme Court nominees combined. What more are you looking for?

SavoirFaire's avatar

@Yellowdog The absolute numbers are misleading here. Kavanaugh has a longer paper trail than anyone ever nominated for the Supreme Court. It is so long, in fact, that even just a fraction of the documents relevant to his nomination is greater in absolute numbers than 100% of the documents relevant to a candidate with a shorter paper trail. But having a longer paper trail isn’t a good reason for not turning over all relevant documents. It is, however, a perfectly good reason for giving the Senate a longer period to review the documentation before voting.

Imagine if Kavanaugh, in his role as a federal judge, was being asked to rule on a case where one side or the other was withholding 100,000 relevant documents. Do you think he’d feel comfortable making a decision? More to the point, do you think he ought to be comfortable making a decision in such circumstances? It seems to me that no judge ought to be comfortable ruling on a case with so much missing information, especially if it is easily available and there is no good reason on offer for keeping them a secret. It’s the sort of thing that should only be done when absolutely necessary.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No…not unless the patient wants to make them public.

mazingerz88's avatar

It amazes me how the Democrats can be so powerless that they can’t demand ALL the documents they want and need to read WHEN they want it and for however long they want to sit on it or use it as toilet paper.

This is the least the despicable Republicans can do after ignoring Garland. To match the unfairness in that circus act by the Republicans, why can’t the Democrats demand they wait until after the mid-terms?

Wasn’t this McConnell’s despicable excuse?

So Republicans can be deplorable and play dirty politics but Democrats should not?

Those who criticize Democrats for deploying dirty tactics on this issue reeks of filthy hypocrisy.

rojo's avatar

Yes, and they should have these without any other considerations. How can you advise properly without all of the pertinent information.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

What was the Republicans grounds for delaying Garland – - Obama’s Supreme Court nominee?

Oh I know we’\re in control and we don’t recognize a


President !

josie's avatar

Seems like a HIPAA violation

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The Republican party is turning into the “I’m in charge and You’re not.”

Do as I say not as I do !

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