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MakeItSo1701's avatar

Is eating 1 Maruchan instant lunch a day bad?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13736points) October 3rd, 2018

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12 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

As compared to a two hour buffet or not eating?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I usually don’t eat anything throughout the day besides maybe a small snack. Maruchan is the one thing I eat for dinner usually.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Ramen is high sodium content outside of that, I ate a few in my student days. ;>)

chyna's avatar

Do you have an eating disorder? You need a variety of foods to be healthy.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@chyna I basically eat Ramen, sweets, and Peanuts if I’m honest. Not sure if that’s an eating disorder. I don’t eat a lot but I don’t know why.

kritiper's avatar

1 is better than 2 or 4. But watch the sodium content. You could still, possibly, max out on 1. Try to eat more vegetables.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Yikes, yes its way too much sodium, bad carbs and no nutritional content. Almost as bad as Lunchables. Why not try little protein packs?

I take yogurt, banana’s, granola bars etc…

canidmajor's avatar

Yes, it is bad if that’s all you have. Poor (or a complete lack of) nutrition will severely impair your cognitive functions.

Kardamom's avatar


Your diet is very unhealthy, and is likely to cause you to develop health problems in the future, if you don’t already have some underlying problems that you might be unaware of.

Instant ramen noodles such as Maruchan, Cup O’ Noodles, and Top Ramen (as opposed to homemade noodle soups that you get at authentic Asian noodle houses, or the type of rice or wheat noodles you can buy dried to make your own healthy soup at home) are one of the worst things that you can eat mostly due to the extremely high sodium content, and the preservatives used to keep the noodles fresh.

More info about ramen noodles:

If you are not sure of why you aren’t eating a normal amount of food, you should make an appointment to see your primary care physician, and talk to them about this situation, and ask for a referral to a nutritionist.

Except for the peanuts (unless you are eating the salted kind which can also give you too much sodium) the ramen noodles and the sweets are not nutritionally sound, if those are the only things you are eating. They are empty calories.

You need to be eating a variety of healthy foods that give you protein, good fats, complex carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins and minerals.

On a daily basis, you should be eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, beans or other plant based proteins including nuts, especially walnuts, whole grains (if you do not have celiac disease) low fat dairy products, or milk alternatives fortified with calcium, and if you are not a vegetarian, you should add lean meats, fowl, and fish that are not high in mercury.

It’s OK to occasionally have a dish of ramen noodles, or sweets, but those things should be limited and NOT be your main diet, and you need to add in plenty of nutritionally dense foods.

More info about nutrionally dense foods:

A poor diet can lead to malnutrition:

I hope you will see a doctor and figure out what’s going on. I wish you the best of luck.

chyna's avatar

Some issues you might have noticed caused by poor nutrition is dry, thin hair, acne, and dry skin or over oily skin. This can be at any age.

Kardamom's avatar

If you love like Asian noodle soup, make sure you use healthy noodles such as these organic ramen noodles: (and ditch the flavor packets and add your own broth) or use other healthy Asian noodles such as these:

Here is more info on the nutrional value of different kinds of noodles that can be used to make soup:

Here is a recipe for homemade vegetarian ramen soup, to which you can add anything else that you like, including chicken, beef, or shrimp, and other veggies such as broccoli, bok choy, or radishes. This recipe is easy to switch up for different flavor profiles.

2davidc8's avatar

@Kardamom Thank you for all those great links!

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