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Demosthenes's avatar

Should the Supreme Court no longer be a lifetime appointment, considering how partisan it's become?

Asked by Demosthenes (15401points) October 7th, 2018

The lifetime appointment was to ensure that justices were not easily swayed or bound to a particular president, political movement, or era. But the fact is that the Supreme Court is becoming more divided and partisan as society at large becomes that way as well.

Does the lifetime appointment make sense anymore? Do you want a partisan activist on the Court?

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20 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

I think all lifetime terms should be abolished.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I agree with @KNOWITALL.
The problem with those life time terms is you get an old generation who is out of touch with the new generation, and our constantly evolving culture. And it’s evolving faster and faster and faster.

zenvelo's avatar

I think the life terms should stay, I just think it should take a ⅔ vote of the Senate to confirm.

seawulf575's avatar

Actually, as divided and partisan as our elected leaders have become, I think it is the BEST time to have lifetime appointments. Without that, the SCOTUS becomes highly influenced (and possibly infuential) by the legislative and executive branches of our government. I would fully support, however, term limits on Representatives and Senators. That would help minimize the graft and corruption that has become the norm.

notnotnotnot's avatar

burn it all the fuck down.

But for all the optimistic forward-looking people: pack. the. courts. If the Democrats ever decide they would like to have any power again, they should pack the goddamn courts as soon as they get the chance.

But no – lifetime appointments are horseshit. Hopefully, Kav’s liver fails soon, and this lifetime appointment is over quickly.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I think 10 years might be good. Maybe 15. The thing is, then do we give them a great pension for the rest of their life? That might be a little bit of a tax burden. I think being on the court is very different than being a congressman. I don’t think you can expect a Supreme Court Judge to go to a lower court after their term and expect them to feel good about about it. Or, to go into private practice as a lawyer.

chyna's avatar

I think a two term limit for every office should be mandatory.

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna I’m good with that, though I have always suggested 3 for Representatives because they are only 2 year terms.

josie's avatar

And even if it was a good idea, which it is not, I can argue this is the worst time to do such a thing.
Especially since passions are running so high at this moment, and since the court has become a stand in for a chicken shit legislature that does nothing but instead hopes that the courts will move their agenda.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t think she was suggesting it should happen right this instant.

seawulf575's avatar

Just curious…would we be asking this question if Hillary had won and loaded up the SCOTUS with liberals?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes. People were asking it even when Obama was president.

LostInParadise's avatar

The current Court tests the system. Kavanaugh complaining about the supposed Democratic conspiracy against him calls into question whether he will be non-partisan in his opinions. Still I do not see how having limited terms would make things any better and would, if anything, make the justices more beholden to those presidents who nominate them.

JLeslie's avatar

^^The Democrats overall do HATE the idea of him, even without the Ford accusations. It’s not like that’s a secret. They loved having something against him that could possibly keep him from getting confirmed. I’m not sure he’s any worse than the next guy who Trump might nominate, except that he is a liar, no question in my mind at all. At least some of what he said was lies, and lying about some things that he didn’t “need” to lie about.

LostInParadise's avatar

^^Collective hate is not the same as a conspiracy. Kavanaugh said that the Democrats, including the Clintons, paid people to bring charges against him, making Kavanaugh sound like Trump on one of his worse days.

JLeslie's avatar

@LostInParadise I agree with that. If he implied people were paid I find that disgusting, and I know that cannot be true.

LostInParadise's avatar

He may not have actually said that they were being paid, but he did say it was part of a Democratic party conspiracy as a way of getting revenge for having lost in 2016. He also mentioned the Clintons as being in on it to seek revenge for Kavanaugh’s work for the Starr commission.

Kavanaugh wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal saying that he may have gone a bit too far in some of the things he said.

JLeslie's avatar

The Clinton thing is ridiculous. I’m going to look for the op-ed. Thanks.

LogicHead's avatar

This is like saying my foot itches, think I’ll cut it off.

If it were partisan that should be fixed. What is wrong with you? If you had any sense you would be outraged that Biden refused to address court packing in the first presidential debate THAT IS THE ULTIMATE IN PARTISANSHIP

Dutchess_III's avatar

What the hell are you talking about @LogicHead?!

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