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Dutchess_III's avatar

How many email addresses do you have?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) October 7th, 2018

This is getting out of control! But I am really tired of sifting through tons of stuff to find what is for business and what is for fun.

1) I have my “main” one I give to family and friends.
2) I have a throw away one I use when I order stuff off the internet.
3) I have a separate one for Habitat for Humanity (I was voted in to join the board of our local chapter)
4) And I have another for substitute teaching.
These are ones I actually use. I still have an old email attached to my Fluther account that I would have no idea how to get into, and an even older email account that I used to set up Facebook long ago, that I have no idea how to get into.
I am about to make another just for the pictures I take.

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17 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have 3, but only really use 2.

zenvelo's avatar

Two personal, and my work one.

LuckyGuy's avatar

More than a dozen. All with different passwords. All tied to different accounts and services.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just finished setting up my pictures account.

ScienceChick's avatar

Two. One for work with a university server address and one gmail for personal stuff.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Three. One for official city business, one personal, one work.

kritiper's avatar

Just one.

Dutchess_III's avatar

So now I have 5. Let’s see if it makes life easier or harder.

Brian1946's avatar

I have 2, but the second one is useless.

I got the second one, so I could separate personally specific messages from those I get from advocacy groups and petitioners. The thing is though, it all still goes to the same inbox.

Perhaps I’ll get a third one with a different server.

Demosthenes's avatar

I have three. One primary that I’ve had since I was a kid and use for most things. One for school, and one secondary that I use for more “private” things.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You don’t need a different server. I have all 5 of mine set up under Google gmail. It’s really nice because from any one of them you can click on your accounta on the right and it pulls up a drop down menu showing all your email accounts. You just click on them to sign in. I would show you a screen shot but photobucket is acting like a jerk.

chyna's avatar

I love that @demosthenes has had one since he was a kid! We still had pen and paper when I was a kid.
I have two that I use. A work one and a personal one. But I haven’t received a personal email in ages. It’s all ads and junk. People text nowadays.

Brian1946's avatar


You’re right in that I could make Gmail my only server, but it’ll probably be easier for me to keep my ATT/Yahoo account for personally specific messages, and set up a different one at Gmail. That way, I don’t have to send address changes to my wife, credit union, etc.

I haven’t seen anything at A/Yahoo that provides inter-account separation, and if there is, they’d probably charge me extra for it.

I was thinking of getting my third one at Google anyway, so I appreciate your recommendation as support for my plan.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Four. One main personal one, one gmail one that forwards to the personal, which I can stop forwarding if I ever leave Comcast, one throwaway one which is pretty anonymous (for website comments and such), and one from work.

Brian1946's avatar

@elbanditoroso I lurve how close we are. ;-)

Adagio's avatar

Like @kritiper I have one, it’s enough for me.

flutherother's avatar

I have two, one I use in the UK and the other when I am in China.

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