Do you think if the public knew about Trump's affair with a porn star, would have made a difference in the election?
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October 9th, 2018
Well would it have made a difference?
Was he telling the truth when he could have walked out into the street shot someone and it would have made no difference in the votes?
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25 Answers
No. Trump is on tape talking about assaulting women by grabbing them by the pussy. You don’t defeat Trump by pointing out his many flaws, you beat him by promoting an alternative to the status quo that gets people excited to vote.
If Hillary and her pals didn’t rig the primary though, that would have made a difference.
I’m not sure it would have, because Hillary was his opponent, and almost anyone was a better alternative to many Reps.
Probably not. The Republicans don’t care that Trump admitted that he grabs women by the pussy, which is sexual assault. Having consensual affairs is no biggie.
The only consensual affair that seemes to have caused a politician to lose an election, or have to drop out, was John Edwards, a Democrat, because he was having his affair while his wife (who everyone liked) was dying of cancer, and JE got his mistress pregnant.
No. When you have deplorable voters they would vote for Satan himself given the chance.
As trump said, he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters. His followers are fools.
No, his supporters view it as a badge of honor that he can have any female he wants and more than one at a time if he wants. He is an alpha male and entitled to such.
The thing about “conservative morality” is, they only condemn others for not adhering to it.
So, no. It would have made no difference.
@ragingloli “conservative morality” Is that an oxymoron?
No. “Grab them by the p***y” didn’t affect any of his fanbase. There’s no reason why the porn star would have mattered.
@Love_my_doggie Well most of them didn’t like it, especially the religious, and they had a really hard time defending it. But all I keep hearing is that the good outweighs the bad, and Hillary was TOO bad.
Very possibly. Wouldn’t it be fun to roll time back and find out??
If there is any single aspect less relevant to Trump’s election than his profound ignorance of the government he now fronts, it is the issue of moral and ethical character. There are those among us who declare Trump’s character shortfalls no worse than the warts on Clinton or Obama to give credence to the argument “they’re all immoral, so character is irrelevant”. But if ever there existed a President eager to expand and explore the limits to public acceptance of rampant turpitude, its Donald Trump.
It wouldn’t have changed my vote. Anyone with half a brain could see that he was a dishonest slimeball.
No. He wasted his money paying her off.
Affair with a porn star is pretty damn tame compared to everything we did know, and he somehow got elected anyway.
No, it wouldn’t have effected the election results.
Trump has long been known for this kind of behavior. Before he ran for office, representing fiscal conservatives, he was pretty much in with the left, entertainment, Hollywood crowd. His appeal was to the corporate rich crowd and to the African-American and Playboy Bunny types. But mostly known for American Apprentice. Trump is a VERY unlikely choice for social conservatives or Christians
People who elected Trump did so for the economy and national security, for Israel, and I suspect for protection from Hillary—who laughed at Benghazi deaths and declared war on social conservatives.
My take on it is that the people who elected Trump did so in an attempt to “stick it to the man”. They did not give a sh*t about the economy or security or any other concern. Their entire focus was to f*ck up the status quo.
And they did that, didn’t they. Do you suppose they’re happy now?
Oh, yeah. They are overjoyed that everybody with a lick of sense are upset. That was the whole idea.
Oh my God. @rojo…I bet you’re right. They’re just brainless bullies dancing in the street now because their buddies are, because they just stuck in to da man. Nobody in the crowd really has ANY idea what’s going on.
Actually, @Dutchess_III there may be another factor in play here and that is just plain old Cruelty. Take a read of this. I think it brings up some very interesting and, in my opinion, valid points.
I read that the other day. It is just horrifying.
You know, the Third Reich seemed to spawn sadists too. I wonder if….sadism is lying, buried deep in many, many hearts, just waiting for a chance to manifest itself?
^^^ I was sickened by the whole “lock her up” chant about Dianne Feinstein, a moderate Democrat who’s well-respected and has never been accused of any wrongdoings. Nazi German had concentration camps for those who were politically inconvenient and nothing more.
I know, but some many people seemed to just revel in the atrocities. I don’t understand it.
BTW, Melania as much said she doesn’t give a care about her husband’s infidelities! LOL! I wouldn’t either, if I was her.
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