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Is buying this house a bad idea?
We found a for sale by owner that we would be able to afford to buy outright. It’s over 2 acres of land and includes a manufactured home on it that needs updating but is habitable in the meantime. We thought it would be perfect for us. Secluded, beautiful land, room to expand off the home, inexpensive living.
The owner listed it as “2 acres with cabin”. She mentioned she would rather sell this as a land sale and transer it to us without the use of lawyers due to funds and because it’s easier. She also said it would be a warranty deed.
We don’t have a lot of money to spare right now either but this sounds like a terrible idea to me. I don’t know anything about real estate transactions but what if someone comes back in 10 years and tries to claim that they have rights to our house? Couldn’t that happen? Is there a way to ensure that doesn’t happen without a lawyer involved? Is this even legal in NY?
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