Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why were seperate sex bathrooms invented?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47232points) October 15th, 2018

As asked.

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37 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Cause men can’t aim.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOLL!! Yeah, what is up with that??

rebbel's avatar

Bad iCide.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And why don’t they have separate stalls for the men like they do the women? What’s up with THAT??

SaganRitual's avatar

If for no other reason:

1.Boys are never taught to aim—in fact, I’m convinced many of them are taught not to.
2.Girls are choosier than boys are about where they’re willing to plant their bottoms.

SaganRitual's avatar

3. The more massive the dump, the more likely the guy doesn’t know how to operate toilet paper, and he can’t aim with that either, and he won’t flush. Women have it hard enough already. We should give them a break when we can.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Modesty. Women don’t want to take the chance of men seeing their privates. Men don’t want to display theirs for fear of ridicule.

And let’s not forget smell. For some reason women think their shit smells sweeter than mens’.

Demosthenes's avatar

Probably ultimately because a bathroom is a place where genitalia is exposed, and people feel more comfortable when doing that around people of the same gender (hence separate locker rooms/showers, etc.)

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t like exposing myself to anyone at all. That’s why I like women’s bathrooms and our stalls. Someone would have to be actively looking and peeking between or under the door to see anything. However, I suppose just KNOWING genitalia are being exposed behind that door might affect someone in an odd, fantasy way, even if they can’t see it.

mazingerz88's avatar

Some of the same reasons why humans wear clothes?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m pretty sure we invented clothes when we moved out of Africa and into cold places that we hadn’t evolved to adapt to. It was not for modesty reasons.Then it kind of turned into fashion statements because that’s what we do (just like we invented food bowls and took it a step further and made them artsy craftsy.) However, I think primitive jock straps were designed to keep the guys from da flippin and der floppin in the brambles. Just a thought.

mazingerz88's avatar

Historically when were separate bathrooms first came about? That period would provide answers.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! I suppose when public places started being built? Rome? Greece? With the bath houses? Or were they unisex?

mazingerz88's avatar

No idea yet. All I have seen in a movie is this disgusting way of cleaning up using a wooden stick with its tip wrapped in fabric? And it being a public restroom, another person gets to use the same stick later? Lol

JLeslie's avatar

My guess is, once public stores and restaurants became very large, they thought it might be very nice to give women a private area not only “to go to the bathroom” but also to powder their nose and breast feed their babies. If you go to some of the older department stores in NYC there is usually at least one bathroom for women with a fairly large lounge area.

Department stores like Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s were in a way the first malls. The intention was to make a store where people could spend all day shopping. Many different departments, and a few restaurants, rather than small specialty stores scattered throughout the city.

I don’t know what year separate bathrooms started, or who started it. That would be interesting to know.

chyna's avatar

In my grade school, way back in the day, first and second grade had one bathroom in the class for all. Only one toilet though. After that, you ha a boys and girls bathroom with more than one stall.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@chyna Oh, they have that here in the preschools. But only one kid at a time goes in there.

stanleybmanly's avatar

My guess is that it’s the ability of a man to pee while standing up that would dictate specialization of bathrooms in public spaces. I agree that modesty (in the case of women) would be a powerful incentive.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But….couldn’t we just put everyone in their own stalls, out of view of everyone else in the bathroom? Wouldn’t that solve any modesty issues?

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Other than religious and cultural gender segragation issue I can think that in reality it helps men to move forward faster with their schedule when they need an intermission (a.k.a bathroom time). If you see the men’s and women’s bathroom that are situated next to each others you’ll see that the line of people waiting will be much longer for women compared to that of men’s. There are more than pee issue for women as they tend to do makeup, touch-up, changing tampon, changing kids’s diapers (when maternal bathroom isn’t available), or even for the simple “bathroom gossip time”, all take time in the bathroom.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I used to pride myself on getting in and out ASAP.

kritiper's avatar

So that men couldn’t see what women had to go through with all their petticoats, hoop skirts, bustles, pantaloons, etc. Some foreign countries don’t have separate bathrooms.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why on earth would we have to shield that from men? LOL!! Besides…I’m fairly sure they had some way for the women to relieve themselves without divesting themselves of all the hoop-la. I hadn’t thought of this before. Now I’ll go check.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Here is some stuff.. Geez. I would have had a very bad attitude if I’d had to wear all that crap!

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Dutchess III Of course stalls are ideal for everyone. But when it comes to efficiency, every woman has been to a public event where there are long lines outside the ladies rooms while the men’s rooms are comparatively empty. Every man at some time or another has lived through some desperate woman bursting into the men’s room and dashing for the stall.

stanleybmanly's avatar

5–10 men can use a urinal in the time spent by a single woman occupying a stall.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I get that @stanleybmanly. Plus….the guys can also just go outside.

Brian1946's avatar


“And why don’t they have separate stalls for the men like they do the women? What’s up with THAT??”

Most of the larger places I’ve been to have separate men’s stalls, although a lot of the smaller ones don’t. I don’t think the very small places have room for one.

kritiper's avatar

@Dutchess_III I’m sure that not all women are the exhibitionist that you obviously are.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Where on earth did that come from @kritiper?! LOL!

They have separate stalls for the men in addition to the urinals @Brian1946, but apparently the stalls are only used for those going #2. Do any of you guys use the stall just for urinating?

kritiper's avatar

@Dutchess_III You said: “Why on earth would we have to shield that from men?” Glad you saw the humor in it.
In the old west, when the pioneers were crossing the barren plains, there was little or no brush to hide behind when a women, or women, needed to relieve themselves. So, when a break in the trek came, several women would go a ways from the wagon train, stand in a circle with their skirts extended to meet another’s, and the women would do what they had to within the circle of skirts.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’ve seen a few responses complaining about men’s accuracy. I find that this is an easy way to tell who has never had to clean public restrooms. The women’s room, is BY FAR the nastiest.

I wouldn’t share a public restroom with females. I am VERY pleased with the separation.

In my varying jobs, I’ve cleaned public restrooms in everything from grocery stores, to bars. The women’s room is exponentially worse. Doesn’t matter which country, or what business.

Religious beliefs may have actually done something good in this case.

Dutch. Whilst I prefer to urinate outside, it is illegal.

Anybody see the new urinals in France? They’re like little boxes on the sidewalks. Like a mailbox kind of. Little, to no, privacy. That shouldn’t cause any issues…....

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sorry @kritiper. The way you worded it, ”So that men couldn’t see what women had to go through with all their petticoats, hoop skirts, bustles, pantaloons, etc. made it sound like you kind of felt sorry for the men witnessing all that we “had to go through.”

kritiper's avatar

Well, @Dutchess_III , you sure misinterpreted that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes I did. Hence the apology.

Pandora's avatar

I use to think that womens bathrooms until I got to see how mens bathrooms would get. My brother use to clean a tourist center that would rent out rooms for functions like weddings and other gatherings. Once in a while he would need some help getting ready for the next day functions but first thing was clean up after the function the night before the center open up for the daily activity. I worked in the shop so I would sometimes go in early with him because the place was too big for one person to get ready in on hour before we opened. The mens bathroom sometimes looked like the guys were replaying a scene from Zoolander at the gas pump. There was piss everywhere. Get a bunch of guys drunk and they can’t seem to aim at the urinals. Not to mention the vomit. Nasty. I would walk in with gloves up to my elbow, and a face mask. And a ton of sanitizer. Even where there were events without liquor the bathroom was nasty. They still would miss the urinals.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right @Pandora? And toilet paper and trash everywhere. It’s like they kinda-sort threw it at the trash and missed and just left it. Or threw it under the sink or stuck it on the wall. Men’s bathrooms are so gross.

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