If China invades Taiwan and the Philippines would the US help by going to war against the Chinese?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
October 16th, 2018
from iPhone
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23 Answers
Philippines are a USA territory!
Hawaii was a USA territory in 1941.
Duh QED :
Only IF trump could find a way to look like a hero!!!
Um, the Philippines are not US Territory, they have been independent since 1946.
And China cannot “invade” Taiwan, most of the world recognizes a one China policy, and Taiwan is a territory of the People’s Republic.
China invading the Philippines could escalate to a hot war rather quickly.
@Tropical_Willie Are you sure about that? With the Treaty of Manila, they declared their independence from the US on July 4, 1946. We chose that date because they would celebrate their independence on the same day as we do.
Oops @zenvelo was responding & didn’t see your response until it was too late…sorry!!!
Yes, as agreed to in SEATO. (South East Asia Treaty Org.)
It’s difficult to find a country where there isn’t a trump tower!!!
Are there any Trump Towers in China? Won’t they get destroyed if there’s war with China?~
But it has nothing to with some affection for the Taiwanese or the Philippinos
It has everything to do with shipping in the South China Sea and who controls it.
Interference with shipping in the SCS would be harmful to the US economy and would be catastrophic for the economies of Japan and South Korea, important regional allies and trading partners.
I left the Navy in good hands.
China wouldn’t get far.
@kritiper SEATO went out of existence in 1977.
@zenvelo Taiwan is not actually a territory of the People’s Republic Of China. Taiwan is still known as the [non-People’s] Republic of China, as it has since the Chiang Kai-shek’s government from the Republic of China and 2 million others (many soldiers) fled there after losing the war against Mao’s communists in the Chinese Civil War.
Taiwan? Not sure. The US would definitely have to step in somehow, if China went after the Philippines.
As mentioned above, the SCS is a vital area for shipping. It’s also thought to have vast underground resources. As China starts to harvest those resources, the tension will build quickly in the region. Seeing as the Philippines have claims to parts of the SCS, China has technically already invaded them, with their recent actions. The US has made sure that the area is still open to shipping, but has done little else.
Trump is a wildcard. There’s really no telling what he would do, if either invasion occurred during his tenure as POTUS.
The US is under treaty to defend Taiwan. Whether we would or not (especially under Trump) is questionable.
@zenvelo Then I guess NATO will have to do…
@kritiper But NATO doesn’t apply, NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Remember, the Phillipines kicked the US, including the Subic Bay Navy Base, out in 1992. However, since then there have been numerous defense agreements and joint military exercises, and the 2014 Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement.
But the Phillipines also signed a defense agreement with Russia just last year. Knowing Duterte’s need for the spotlight, he may prefer asking Putin for help rather than having to kowtow to Trump.
China is not going to invade Taiwan or the Philippines.
Occupations are generally a losing proposition. China can much more easily get its way with economic pressure.
@zenvelo NATO was involved in Korea and Vietnam, so why not? There is also the issue of international waters in that area that would be a point to ponder between differing forces.
NATO was involved in Korea and Vietnam
Why would anyone think that?
@Call_Me_Jay Because it’s true. Don’t you ever watch M.A.S.H.?
@kritiper The United Nations joined in the Korean war. And M*A*S*H wasn’t about Vietnam.
NATO did not intervene in those wars.
@Call_Me_Jay I have a book here, “The History Of the US ARMY,” that does not agree with you.
I didn’t say that M.A.S.H. was about Vietnam. But there are many references about the UN and NATO.
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