Meta Question

ZEPHYRA's avatar

What? No party? Hey, there is cause to celebrate, care to join us?

Asked by ZEPHYRA (21750points) October 20th, 2018

Welcome AshlynM! Congrats on entering the mansion! Let’s partay!

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36 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Congratulations, Ashlyn!

janbb's avatar

Congrats AshlynM!!

MakeItSo1701's avatar


Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yah AshlynM !

Mimishu1995's avatar

Congratulations! I tried to host a party for you yesterday but it got deleted for no reason. Well now you have your party :)

chyna's avatar

Congratulations @AshlynM! Woo hoo let’s get this party going. Glad you made it to the mansion. Get on down to the pool for the food and drinks!

kritiper's avatar

Come in! Come in and take your seat! We’ve been expecting you! Congrats!

LadyMarissa's avatar

Way to go @AshlynM…it’s NOT an easy feat!!!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Congrats on 10K.

notsoblond's avatar

Happy Happy!

filmfann's avatar

Joy Joy! Congo rats, and WTG! You deserve it!

KNOWITALL's avatar


SQUEEKY2's avatar

Way to go, hope you had no problem getting around my truck in the driveway.

Dutchess_III's avatar

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yay AshlynM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2davidc8's avatar

Sorry I’m late to the party. {{apologizes profusely}}
Congrats to a wonderful jelly!!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Oh Gosh! I’m late too!!!

@AshlynM Congrats on the well deserved 10k!!!
(I hope you finally filled in that quarter size hole in the corner of your condo.) :-)

MrGrimm888's avatar

We’re going to have to add a new wing to the mansion, to accommodate all these great jellies.

kritiper's avatar

The mansion needs some separate rooms, too, for smaller get togethers when required.

tinyfaery's avatar

Wow. You’ve been hanging around a long time. Congrats!

AshlynM's avatar

Wow, thanks everyone.

snowberry's avatar

I’m late, but chiming in. Congratulations!

longgone's avatar

Congrats. I made cookies!

imrainmaker's avatar

Congrats @AshlynM on your 10k..)

Dutchess_III's avatar

And I know @janbb has left over brownies from @chyna‘s billionaire party that never happened. I’ll bring the beer.

cookieman's avatar

@longgone said the magic words and I am long gone no more.

I am so sorry folks, but this has been an insane bunch of months (lost one job, gained two more) and my Fluthering has been non-existent. I’m sure I let a couple Jellies down as well.

I have been here ten of Fluther’s twelve years and will try to be around more.

I am happy to see the lagoon is still chugging along, um…swimmingly (?)

((HUGS)) to all.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’ve been wondering about you for some time. I got kind of nervous because I didn’t see you, and last time I heard from you, you were having some serious affair to tend to. I hope you have dealt with it now.

chyna's avatar

I have missed you!

cookieman's avatar

Hey @Mimishu1995 and @chyna: Thank you. I did have some family issues to handle regarding my daughter. Long story short… best friends become mean girls + puberty triggers anxiety which fuels debilitating migraines which leads to many doctors visits and tests to many months of adjusting and changing schools. Bad scene for all involved. Measurably better now, but still work to be done.

On top of that, work has been insane, but that’s par for the course every Fall.

Anywho…I am happy to see y’all and will certainly try to drop in more often. Jellies forever!

janbb's avatar

@cookieman Miss you when you’re gone; who can I bake cookies for?

cookieman's avatar

@janbb: I’m fairly certain most Jellies would be happy to partake of your confections dear penguin.

augustlan's avatar

Congratulations! And hi everyone!

chyna's avatar

The party has truly started, Auggies here!

cookieman's avatar


JLeslie's avatar

I’m so late to this. I rarely look in meta.


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