^It’s a ridiculous clinging to a society that had white Christian men in power. A fear of losing a culture that only really existed in old sitcoms, and Back to the Future.
It’s a fear of other cultures taking over. Other languages. Other religions.
A fear of mixing races/becoming a minority.
The fear of what being a minority means politically.
The fear of one day seeing more brown people, than white. The fear of other religions, or no religions changing the way the country, and it’s laws run.
The fear that an even playing field, or lack of privilege, will be corrosive to white Christian power.
The fear of homosexual marriage, and homosexual couples raising children.
The fear of civil rights, for all but white Christians.
The fear of God judging them, for abortions, and birth control.
The fear of being WRONG, on a lot of important issues.
Now. This is the important part. The Trump agenda, does not necessarily address each of those. But it prays on the “fears” (real, imagined, or manufactured by the GOP,) of it’s base to help insert the real agenda. It’s obvious to a blind man.
Once in full control, Trump made vast tax cuts (83% of the new cuts went to the top 1%.)
He gutted the EPA, and removed dozens of restrictions on companies’ environmental impact. Increasing profit margins for massive companies, at the expense of the environment.
Throw in his pushing through of pipe lines, and removal of protection from multiple regions, for resource development, and/or mineral wealth evaluation.
No more Iran deal.
Saudi Arabia is cool. Won’t ban them from traveling here, or hold them accountable for killing a journalist. Or the 9/11 bunch, from there.
Oh. We will ban billions though. For nothing. Well. Other than that they’re brown, and not Christian.
Separation of children/families. Yep. Whatever it takes to keep the brown people out…
No plans to reunite the families? Who cares? They’re just brown, non-Christian people… Gotta mention that Trump invited white people….
Start a trade war. Nice.
Approve a military budget that pushes the debt to record levels.
(Although Trump said he would reduce military spending.)
Keep trying to take health care from tens of millions of Americans.
Why not. Go after social security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Go after women’s rights. Strip them of the freedom over their own bodies. After all, white Christian men know what’s best for these feeble minded girls.
Rig voting districts, and stop as many minority votes as possible.
Make war on ourown intelligence services, to help the administration avoid transparency/accountability.
Obstruct justice.
Insight violence.
Empower hate.
Encourage intolerance.
Hurt people for their own benefit.
Hurt people for no benefit…
“What exactly is a Trumper’s agenda,” to you? As BS free, as possible….