Social Question

seawulf575's avatar

If God told you to be happy for all of your days, what would you do?

Asked by seawulf575 (17189points) October 23rd, 2018

Sort of reprised from the book Illusions

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27 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

Tell him to stop making the world so unhappy, then we can talk…

chyna's avatar

Drink a bottle of Hershey’s syrup a day without gaining weight.

tinyfaery's avatar

Have myself committed for hallucinating.

Jeruba's avatar

Ask him for ID.

kritiper's avatar

I would look at him/her suspiciously and ask “What kind of drugs are you on??”

MakeItSo1701's avatar

He already asks us this though?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I’d say maybe he shouldn’t tell us but make us since supposedly he fixes everything

Patty_Melt's avatar

Get crispy fried and stay that way.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I wouldn’t believe it.

First, if God exists, he is a macro, big-picture guy, not a micromanager – small stuff sort of guy. So I would have a difficult time believing that god would waste his time on me, when there are so many items in the world that need fixing.

Second, the premise of your question is wrong. If you (or god makes you) happy all the time, life would be horrendously boring. It might be good, but if it is always wonderful, it is monotonous. I think that to really appreciate GOOD, you also have to occasionally feel BAD so that the good will be more meaningful. (The same reason why I would never live in Florida or Southern California, because of the monotony of the seasons.)

So I would probably say to god – thanks, but I’ll continue with my error filled and occasionally disappointing life, because it makes me feel human.

ucme's avatar

Fuck off tosspot, I made a pretty woman my wife & am as happy as a pig in nutty shite.

LostInParadise's avatar

I would explain, ever so politely, that being happy, like believing in God, is not something that one can simply will oneself to do. If the good Lord could provide a plan for relieving my depression, I would obediently follow it. If not, I would say, thanks for nothing, and walk away.

flutherother's avatar

I would say I was up for it if He was and together we could make it happen.

josie's avatar

Tell him I’m good. Go help somebody who needs it.

Brian1946's avatar

I’d ask Her what She had in mind. ;-)

ragingloli's avatar

Is that the abrahamic version of this?

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’d ask Him for help with that, and try to comply.

Aster's avatar

@elbanditoroso ” If you (or god makes you) happy all the time, life would be horrendously boring. It might be good, but if it is always wonderful, it is monotonous. I think that to really appreciate GOOD, you also have to occasionally feel BAD so that the good will be more meaningful. (The same reason why I would never live in Florida or Southern California, because of the monotony of the seasons.)
You have just described exactly the stuff I say and the way I feel.
But to answer: if God told me anything whatsoever I would act on it. And if I didn’t faint I’d ask him a question. A deep one.

kritiper's avatar

I would really wonder if this “God” really was “God” and not Satan trying to pass himself off as “God.” Could he prove it??

seawulf575's avatar

So Far, I think @chyna and @Patty_Melt have given actual examples of what they would do. For those of you that are stuck on the idea of God being in the question (as many of you are), try rewording it in your minds….what would you to if you wanted to be happy for the rest of your life?

kritiper's avatar

Six of one and a half dozen of the other? Get a frontal lobotomy.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Finding/keeping financial stability, would go a long way towards happiness for the rest of my days.

ragingloli's avatar

The world is full of suffering, misery, violence and death.
The only 2 options to be “happy” in such a world are:
1. Becoming willfully delusional. Pretend that the all that suffering does not exist. Become deaf to the cries of billions for help and mercy.
2. Become evil. Actually derive pleasure from all that suffering.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli Or do your best to help as many as you can in your own community, then pray for the rest, or donate money to those willing to help.

I’m a pretty happy person and I care greatly about the suffering of others, but I also do something about it, so I sleep well at night.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yet you put the lives of fetuses above ALL other people. If your claims of motivation to support Trump are true.

In that case, you care ONLY about the suffering of the unborn. You support an agenda that will see billions of the living suffer, to reduce the chances (you cannot eradicate them, ever)of abortions…

Are you seriously that incapable of prioritization? Or compartmentalization?

If I were you (strictly politically speaking,) I wouldn’t sleep EVER. There are stillchildren who may never see their parents again. I know. I know. Surely those numbers are exaggerated.

Let’s say it is just one child. Just one, who will never see their parents again. YOU are a part of that. YOU support that. YOU didn’t have to sell your soul.

And then you cling to this “I care about people” narrative?... I’m completely confused by your contradictions.

You seem at odds with your claimed religion’s morality, and your own personally claimed morality. I fail to understand the dynamics of your claimed ethics, and your political leanings…. There is a contradiction, or hypocrisy, in many important issues…

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm888 (redacted)

I think I’m a pretty good person. Never said I loved or supported Trump and everything he does or says, some things I do, something I don’t.

Abortion is a subject that is very personal to me and I don’t feel like discussing it in depth today, been there, done that.

If you decide to vote, I’m happy to go further in depth with any political answers you seek from me. But if you don’t vote, it really doesn’t matter does it?

And we’ve gone into the whole personal attack thing before right? I’m not going to call you out-again-for your own lack of morality or ethical responsibility in life or in politics.

MrGrimm888's avatar

So, I’m ethically responsible to vote?

I have no desire to argue, but don’t preech about being a good person, if you don’t at least regret voting for Trump. I’m sorry if you feel that’s a personal attack. I guess I can see why, after re-reading my post.

LostInParadise's avatar

I just read about an interesting study, mentioned in the book Lost Connections, related to this question. People were asked to try to make themselves happier. Americans failed but Asians succeeded. The reason given is that Americans see happiness as personal while Asians see it as related to their social connections. The Americans tried to make themselves happier by doing things for themselves while the Asians did things for others.

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