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Dutchess_III's avatar

What do you think the sentence for practicing witchcraft should be?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47236points) October 26th, 2018

And how do you punish someone for something that is make believe?
Woman faces witchcraft and fraud charges

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17 Answers

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Those are both fraud charges. “Pretending to practice witchcraft” is also synonymous with “fortune telling” which is considered fraud. There are laws against fortune telling where I live still on the books but seldom enforced. You can go see a palm reader or a psychic wherever and nobody bothers to turn these people in. They do go after crooks like this though and throw the book at them. This is clearly the case here. It’s not illegal to be an actual witch, that’s against freedom of religion.

snowberry's avatar

Unfortunately, putting her in jail isn’t going to help him.

She should live under house arrest unless she is at work or caring for her personal needs. Besides that, at the minimum she should be forced to work to pay back her victim.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I would imagine it was her getting large sums of money from people to ward off evil spirits (gawd). As soon as large sums of money are involved then run as its a scam.
Tea readers etc small change for entertainment in long run.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Of course she should be charged with scam and theft, but witch craft? Witch craft is make believe. How can someone be charged with it? To me it’s like trying to charge someone for stealing a rainbow.

josie's avatar

Caveat Emptor

This is an important and fundamental principle that has been forgotten in the evolution and decadence of the West that has engendered The perpetually Offended, Devastated, Chilled, Appalled etc.

Sorry. But you may choose to be your brother’s keeper, and I can argue why that is good.

But you are not obligated.

Therefore, Case Dismissed.

zenvelo's avatar

There should be no punishment for practicing witchcraft until you get it right. So, none.

kritiper's avatar

Put a hex on ‘em.

Caravanfan's avatar

Burn them!

To be fair, it appears that they are getting her more for fraud than witchcraft. I see the title as a ploy by the editor to get internet mouse clicks.

seawulf575's avatar

Practicing witchcraft should carry no sentence. Practicing fraud and being a con-man should get you the max penalty.

Zaku's avatar

A few generations ago, they’d kill you for witchcraft just based on paranoid accusations. Now, fortunately, witchcraft itself is not a crime and shouldn’t be punished.

seawulf575's avatar

@zaku now they just try to politically kill you with unfounded sexual accusations

flutherother's avatar

Let’s put it this way; if I’m turned into a frog I’m not handing out any candy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I turned you into a frog yesterday @flutherother. How is it you’re typing stuff on the internets? You got no opposable thumbs!

flutherother's avatar

I don’t type with my thumbs. Incidentally you will have to be punished.

Pandora's avatar

She should be punished and made to get a job and pay back every single penny she owes her victims and she should have to get a scarlet letter on her hands so everyone would know that she is a scam artists. And she can never remove the tattoos, without being sent back to jail.

snowberry's avatar

This is witchcraft. “Two Florida middle school students were arrested on Tuesday after they allegedly planned to murder their classmates as a part of a violent satanic ritual that involved drinking their victims’ blood, police said.“

“They were both charged with conspiracy to commit murder…” I think that’s appropriate.

Zaku's avatar

Yes, it’s the deathy part that’s illegal.

Though, only some witches actually have anything to do with Christianity’s Satan. Christians spent much of history setting up the idea that there’s their Good God, and then their Evil fallen angel, and everything supernatural falls into one or the other category, but that’s just their self-centered imperialistic “it’s all about our religion” shtick.

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