Should Trump stop talking for a while?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
October 27th, 2018
from iPhone
Seems whatever he says is totally useless anyway and more likely to cause tragedies.
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48 Answers
In astronomical terms, yes.
The man is unspeakably vile and heartless. Yes he should just shut up.
”...for a while?” How about forever?
But “he’s the singularly THE best person he knows and is also stable genius too !”
DUH ! ! he’ll be dead for two days before he stops talking.
Why, is he saying something???
Yeah. He had a bad hair day on the day the synagogue was shot up. It was caused by reporters making him stand in the rain when they were asking questions about that shooting nonsense.
“Restraint” is not in his vocabulary.
Then again, neither are most words.
You don’t need a big vocabulary to graduate 6th grade @cookieman .
Can we silence all the Democrats? I’m sick of hearing them talk.
I’m tried sieg hiel the GOP !!!
If Trump stopped talking, no one would have anything to talk about.
I’m almost starting to forget what people talked about before Trump. I want to say they talked about…knitting? That sounds right.
@SergeantQueen So you’re saying you want a government BY the Republicans, FOR Republicans??
Fox and other networks could just play the same old videos of him over and over again. No one would notice since it’s the same lies and idiocy. Same filth.
Doesn’t matter to me…I STOPPED listening!!!
If you guys are going to start saying shit about silencing Republicans then I’m going to start saying shit about silencing Democrats and watch every one of you turn into hypocrites and get super triggered.
Won’t trigger me cuz I don’t care for the Dems either!!! I have NO party affiliation…I just do NOT like trump!!!
SQ. You seem pretty triggered…
The great “Vomit Mouth” in DC will pat himself on the back.
When Putin comes to visit the WH without any other USA citizen in the room and goes home with all the security codes.
@SergeantQueen the President is a political WHORE ! ! ! !
I don’t expect or want him to be completely silent, but all these rallies and multiple tweets are ridiculous. I actually like the basic idea of the President tweeting once in a while (I go on twitter maybe twice a year for 30 minutes, so I don’t see the tweets) but he is just overboard and irresponsible all too often.
The left and right both need to cool it! No more encouragement for violence.
SQ – Does Trump equal ALL Republicans? No one said that “All Republicans” should stop expressing themselves.
I never said anything about silencing anyone…
Trump isn’t even a Republican. He only ran as a Republican because he never would have won as a Democrat.
@SergeantQueen Just to add, if we want to talk about Democrats, I have said consistently said here that I am against inciting rioting and violence. I said that Madonna should have been arrested for saying she wanted to blow up the White House and I said it about Kathy Griffin too. I argued with my democrat friends when they supported riots and marches that blocked traffic and that were done without permits regarding the black lives matter. I have been pushed back when I have said my Republican friends are not racist. That I believed when things start to show undeniable evidence that people are being assaulted and killed by the hate in the country that they will pause, and say, “hold on now, this is not ok, and fight back against it.
Now is the time for Republicans to stand up in unity with the Democrats against hate speech and violence. They need to push back on the president. Trump will not continue this shit if he thinks his base will start turning away. He says what gives him power and votes. He is brilliant at it. Look at the example of when he talked about Bush being president when 9/11 happened, that Bush lies about WMD and IRAQ being a disaster. Trump was right out there right after 9/11 questioning why Bush let the Saudis fly out of our country immediately. The Republicans didn’t like it so Trump dropped it, and changed the subject.
This Q is about Trump specifically, the responsibility that our president, a president, has to lead the country to maintain peaceful discord. He is not doing that. I ask the same of people in the media and our celebrities that get a lot of attention.
Does it really matter that trump isn’t a Republican or whatever the hell he is if Republicans voted for him and continue to support and defend him?
I’m a political whore for Daddy Trump
That I want to fuck the president?
^^Are you really the SQ we know or your account has been hacked?
That escalated pretty quickly.
If the dude could shut the fuck up for a month he would probably get his approval rating over 50%.
This made me think about the time my friend said “children should be seen and not heard” during a conversation that involved Trump.
I thought it was quite funny.
But don’t you think Trump would miss the sound of his own voice? He seems to like it a lot.
@SergeantQueen Go ahead…as long as I don’t have to listen to him talking about it tomorrow!!!
@imrainmaker SQ has been consistent in her adoration of Trump for months. You just may not have been paying attention.
Ha, yes both parties should shut up but a week before midterms, it wont happen. The constant barrage is damaging the collective psyches of Americans, and I blame BOTH sides.
It’s peculiar, but from the outset of his presidency, the consensus on this question was arrived at with fans and foes in complete agreement. The question of “should” is long off the docket. Nothing can compare with a man who loves to run his mouth atop an arsenal devoid of facts, unless it is a verbose fool notorious for his casual relationship with the truth. The question now 2 years in the running is CAN the President stop talking/lying?
@stanley But something about him not stopping, saying whatever he wants, appeals to many people. Americans love outspoken and unapologetic characters. Rooster in True Grit, Eastwood in Grand Torrino…people will excuse the flaws in admiration. Reagan knew it, used it but didnt abuse it.
The Germans loved it, too.
You 2 are correct and the temptation is to sit on my high horse with the smug satisfaction that such people receive EXACTLY what they deserve. It would be pleasant to abandon them to their fate, but for the depressing fact that I too risk receiving what THEY deserve.
@stanley Are you helping campaign or something? I’m not, maybe a yard sign for a local State Rep.
No, just let him keep talking himself out of staying as President of the U.S.
Time will tell.
No I’m not campaigning for anyone, just bitching, whining and pointing out the obvious. And my complaint is not that the man is outspoken and unapologetic. It is that he has the integrity of a slug, is crude and tasteless with a pronounced distaste for reasoning. In fact the reasoning deficit is so severe that despite the superb list of flaws afforded him, the man cannot muster the wherewithall to fulfill his destiny as a despicable villain. I’ve never seen the like in a human being elevated to such power. Satan himself must stare at Trump in disbelief, for here we have a man in a position to do unspeakable good or evil in the world, yet without a clue as to which is which.
Nah, if it winds you lot up & in doing so entertains the shit outta me, then keep calm & carry on yackin!!
@ucme How’s the whole Brexit thing working out over there? That gave me a chuckle, I admit.
@KNOWITALL Oh me too, silly arse politicians cocking shit up, literally stealing a living.
If only Monty Python could make another movie, top notch comedy value.
I mean, we’ll leave the useless EU even though they’re begging us to stay being as Britain is the single largest contributor in terms of trade cash, we’re going to be so much better off.
These political numpties are just dragging it out is all, attention whores y’know.
@ucme Do many of you agree on that? I’d love to hear more about the politics ovee there sometime.
Yeah, all British think alike.~
@KNOWITALL I mean, general apathy & discontent with politicians is pretty common across the world & is certainly no different here, not just Trump who stinks the place out.
@Stache Hmm, where did you spring from? :D
The english/scots/welsh have never done anything remotely approaching alike, foreigners sharing an island…check yourself or wreck yourself ;-}
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