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Caravanfan's avatar

Do you put one space or two spaces after a period, and how old are you?

Asked by Caravanfan (14007points) October 31st, 2018

My daughter is applying to college and this article came across my field of view. It shows that parents (old) use two spaces after a period, and kids (young) use one space after a period, and it’s a way for admissions people to glean who wrote the essay. You will notice that I am using two spaces. One space feels wierd to me. My daughter uses one space.

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43 Answers

flutherother's avatar

I’m too old for essay writing now but I always used one space.

Zaku's avatar

They taught us to use two, but I think that’s an old standard based mainly before later word processors, and whoever wrote that article is a professing like a wise ass fool, since clearly a parent might tell a child to use two spaces on a college application, or any other possible scenario.

You may type two spaces on Fluther, but Fluther is one of many annoying pieces of software (mostly web-based) that thinks any number of spaces should be displayed as one space.

imrainmaker's avatar

Essay writing is thing of past now..but I’ll abide by the rules set by Fluther mods over here..)

anniereborn's avatar

I use two spaces and I’m 50.

ragingloli's avatar

I also question, whether 2 spaces was ever considered a standard, because if it were, it would still be today, in software, at least as an explicit option.

notnotnotnot's avatar

One space, 46.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Two. I’m 45.

canidmajor's avatar

Two, in my 60s.
And kids, home-schooled after Columbine, often use two as well.

Bill1939's avatar

Two spaces between sentences was standard when typewriters were in use. I am 78 and continue to use two as I find it is easier to read on a printed page. As editor of a local writer’s annual anthology, I always add a space in entries having only one between them. While no longer the standard, it is acceptable in most instances. However, some college classes may require only one space be used; see their syllabus.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Two spaces. Age 62.

zenvelo's avatar

I use two spaces, and I am 63. But I did not use two until I was almost 40 and we got the first individual computers at work.

This was never an issue in my life until a boss I had complained about it, and insisted I use two when I wrote memos. Over time, though, I have grown to prefer the way it looks whether in print or on a screen.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@ragingloli one space after a “full stop” in word processors was because they had the ability to change spacing unlike typewriters which are mono spaced,
Mono spaced font looks like this.

kritiper's avatar

1. And 64.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

As @Tropical_Willie notes, two spaces was for typewriters. The exception on a computer would be when using mono-spaced typewriter-like fonts.

The 1990 book The Mac is Not a Typewriter is a great reference created when desktop publishing was new, and millions of amateurs were unleashed on the print world.

“Use only one space after periods, colons, exclamation points, question marks, quotation marks-any punctuation that separates two sentences…

…Take a look at any magazine or book on your shelf-you will never find two spaces between sentences (the only exception will be publications or advertisements produced on the Mac by someone who was still following typewriter rules).”

In a mono-spaced font, the book continues:
“Notice in this paragraph how the letters line up in columns, one under the other, just as on your typewriter. This is because each character takes up the same amount of space. This monospacing is what makes it necessary to use two spaces to separate sentences.”

ucme's avatar

It’s not a period, it’s a full stop…now behave yourself & act proper like.

AshLeigh's avatar

One space. I’m 23.

I wasn’t aware, and have never noticed, that some people use two spaces.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I read that only people over 50 use 2 spaces now days. Under 50 use 1. I’m 68 & use 2 spaces. I’ve found it difficult to break a 50 year habit!!!

Many sites…much like correct our 2 spaces into 1 to save space so it doesn’t really matter what we do…we’ll be forced into submission!!!.

gorillapaws's avatar

I was taught to use 2 spaces and did so for many years. I’ve since corrected the error of my ways and use 1 space. Mid 30’s.

Brian1946's avatar

I a l w a y s u s e o n e s p a c e a n d I ’ m 7 1 .

JLeslie's avatar

I do both.

If I’m typing on my laptop I use two. That’s what is automatic for me, because of how I was taught—I’m 50.

When I’m typing (I’m thinking typing might be an old person’s word also?) on my iPhone I have one space, because when I’m finished with a sentence I hit the space bar twice and my iPhone inserts the period. When iPhone does it, it’s only one space.

I’m glad you posted this, I’m going to tell my husband to make sure his resume is single space. I wonder what he usually does when he writes?

Caravanfan's avatar

I realize that some software will publish one space after a period even if you use two. I’m just asking what you are used to using. I talked to my daughter and she thought it’s totally weird that I use two spaces after a period. “Why?” she asked. But a lot of things I do are weird to her.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I also like the Oxford comma, but young people seem more inclined not to use it. Although, my husband doesn’t either, but he was raised in Mexico so maybe they don’t use it? I wonder if the use of commas is a tell also?

When did they change the rules about the two spaces after the period? When did they start teaching it differently in schools? I learned it either from my father or in typing class, I’m not sure which, possibly both. Do kids today take a typing class, or they just grow up using a keyboard?

Caravanfan's avatar

I learned NOT to use the Oxford comma, but I’ve started using it. So I’m trainable.

Demosthenes's avatar

One space. Periods don’t deserve a special space. I treat them no differently from any other punctuation. I’m 27. I also use the Oxford comma.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Demosthenes I asked my daughter (17) the same question and she said, “Why would you use 2 spaces?” Not only do I use two spaces but after the final period (like the one at the end of this sentence) I will type two spaces out of habit.

raum's avatar

Two on a typewriter.
One on a computer.
In my 40’s.

augustlan's avatar

One, and I’m 51. In all editing jobs I do, one space is the requirement. It took me a while to get used to using only one space, but I managed it and now much prefer it!

Dutchess_III's avatar

2. This was taught to us in middle school typing class.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wait. Fluther recognizes 2 spaces, doesn’t it?
Wait. Fluther recognizes 2 spaces, doesn’t it?
Oh crap it doesn’t. I WANT ALL MY EXTRA SPACES BACK!!

LadyMarissa's avatar

Maybe it was from how I was taught, but I prefer 2 spaces after the end of sentence. For me, visually it stands out more. Much like a run on sentence with NO punctuation, I find a paragraph much easier to read with the extra space. At least they haven’t removed the extra return between paragraphs…yet!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I feel exactly the same way @LadyMarissa. There was a time when organization and clarity was important.

Zaku's avatar

@Dutchess_III Organization and clarity are as important as they ever were. All that has changed are trends in habits, conventions, attention, formal requirements, and education.

Demosthenes's avatar

I heard that people who use two spaces learned to type on a typewriter.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I did. But I don’t understand why it would be different on a word processor.

Zaku's avatar

Mechanical non-computerized typewriters can’t know and don’t try to second-guess the context of typing a period followed by a space, and so they give an even distance, and so it helps to put two spaces, so the sentences are easier to visually distinguish.

Modern word processors (or just modern proportional fonts) tend to be designed to look ok with just one space, and/or they do a bit of layout work to adjust and pad the spacing.

But also (or moreso?), my impression is it’s due to a lot of apathy and inattention and changing practices, habits, and expectations.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I also think it’s better form to put two spaces.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Dutchess_III “I also think it’s better form to put two spaces.”

It’s generally considered bad form now to use 2 spaces. Of course you’re entitled to your opinion, but I do think it’s worth being aware that the standard really has changed.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Dutchess_III It’s because you’re old (as am I). All the kids now are taught to do one space and @gorillapaws is correct in that the standard has changed.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’ll be more trouble than it’s worth to retrain myself!

Caravanfan's avatar

@Dutchess_III Oh, I couldn’t agree with you more. I couldn’t retrain myself if I even wanted to. If people don’t like my two spaces they can bite me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOLL!! Oh, speaking of, there has been a battle raging on hand sanitizers in the schools, and just school craziness in general. We’ve been waiting for you!

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