Are left wingers really to be believed?
I saw two articles today. The first involved one of the women that accused Kavanaugh of raping her. She came out and admitted it was all made up and was just done to help the Dem cause. Then I saw a second article about a Dem rally that was canceled in NYC because the synagogue it was going to be held at was vandalized. The story was that they caught the vandal and it was a Dem activist who believed that committing a hate crime was the best way to highlight hate crimes by the right.
With behavior like this happening, how are we to take anything said or done by the left seriously?
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145 Answers
Please provide links to the sources so that we can see them. This is the article I just read; no knowledge as yet as to who the perpetrators are.
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@seawulf Many of us suspected Democratic collusion anyway, it was fairly obvious with Kavanaugh. It“ll backfire at the polls.
But of course! But, like anything and everybody else, you can’t believe everything you hear!
You people still believe that the #MAGAbomber is a democratic plant.
And god only knows what sort of nazi websites you get your fake news from.
One thing is certain.
You are not to believed.
That’s right. It’s the right wingers who are renowned for sober judgement and ethical soundness, starting right at the top with our esteemed President.
@stanley Trying to protect American lives is so terrible. Kinda in the job description. Whats funny is if he called your bluff and opened the border ya’ll would wet your pants. I hope he does.
This is a troll question, so I am not going to dignify it with a serious answer. @seawulf575 is just playing games here.
The only comment I\ll make is to ask which party, over any time span you want, has the reputation for lying.
Of course left wingers are not to be believed ,we want to protect the working slob, not just the wealthy fuck at the top.
We want the environment protected, not ignored till it’s too late.
We think affordable health care is a right for everyone, not just the rich fucks.
We think even the lowest of workers deserve a living wage without depending on food stamps at the end of a 40plus hour work week.
But you are right rep/cons are the trusted party how many of Trumps inner circle are now facing charges?
How many of Obama’s inner circle faced any charges?
But of course you are right only the conservatives should be trusted, after all it’s them that want to do away with the awful entitlement programs health care, medi-caid, and social security.
Who needs that anyways? the lower classes? they can just keep working until dead.
The right are the only ones to be trusted viva le Fox news, and GO space force.
Oh and one more thing YOU never believe anything from the left anyways, regardless of facts so why would you change now??
Not a real question. @seawulf is just wanting to argue with people. Again.
Left wingers are footballers who play in an attacking wide position…honestly.
@KNOWITALL How is it that any criticism of Trump’s immigration policies justifies a conclusion that critics want undefended borders and unregulated entry into the United States?
same as Trump’s lies are acceptable to you?
That sort of thing?
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As you know, the actions of a few represent some supposed group as a whole. Like how everyone who supports Trump is just like the bomber or the synagogue murderer.
Correct. All left wingers are liars. Every single one.
One insane person made up a rape claim. That doesn’t let Kavanaugh off the hook for what he actually did do to Ford and other women.
Look at the rational of just a few posts one claims just because a couple right wingers are crazy and violent doesn’t make the whole group crazy and violent.
Next post down All left wingers are liars.
and we have to believe what the right say?
One thing I will say is that while most democrats and republicans I know are all good people many more on the left are getting away with being whiney, entitled douchebags. The things they say about the right is just angry, rotten and also largely untrue.
Like Trump’s broken promises?
That largely untrue?
Or he lies all the time that largely untrue?
Or when the democrats were in the republicans went on and on and on about the deficit and how the democrats were spending like drunken sailors.
Now that they are in power pushing the deficit to new heights nothing is said, and the real problem is those damn entitlement programs, that largely untrue?
And please define entitled douchebag?
Is that the wealthy getting a one and a half trillion dollar tax cut?
Or is that hard working middle class people getting kicked off affordable health care insurance?
@areyoukiddingme You must have slept through the Obama years and all the pissing and moaning from the right.
On tv sure. In person with real people most republicans I know personally were more realstic. While most of us disagreed with Obamas policies it was impossible not to credit him with being more “presidential” and genuine than Trump. You can’t not like the guy as a person.
Tell a democrat you’re a republican and 4 out of 10 of them will cuss you out and act like an 11 year old child here.
Do wack job right-wingers make stuff up or do they just drink Trump “kool-aid” ? ? ?
Oh they just claim “poor me” and other BS.
Well @Tropical_Willie you have to admit they are very good at being the aggressor and becoming the poor little victim if anyone pushes back on them.
@seawulf575 Let me see if I have this straight: a woman lied about being raped by Kavanaugh, Senate investigators decided she wasn’t credible, nobody used her testimony in the hearings, and we’re supposed to distrust the Democrats for this?
That is it ! !
Lack of critical thinking, first requirement to be a Trump follower .
“Ploy.” “Tactic.” “Wanted attention.” “Wanted attention.” “Angry.” ” Wanted to ruin his political career.”
Those are direct quotes from the link (provided by @seawulf575 ), about the motivation of Kavanaugh’s accuser.
I think she should be punished, and I find her actions beyond abhorrent. She is clearly a terrible person.
To the point. The article makes no mention of her motivation being anything but personal. No mention of dems doing anything. With that knowledge, I am comfortable seeing this as just another effort from the right to vilify the left. I agree that it’s tempting, as not affirming Kavanaugh would have “helped the dems.”
I definitely think Monica Lewinsky was doing her thing at the behest of the GOP. Why else would she have saved his sperm? In the end, there is no evidence to support my hypothesis, so I have to buy that she did what she did as a lone actor. Just like we have to see the available facts in Kavanaugh’s accuser’s case…
Swastikas painted on Jewish property, and by a Democrat? I guess there’s a first time for everything. As it’s usually a white nationalist, and avid right winger. Sounds like this story hasn’t been verified yet. If true, they need to be charged with a hate crime, and punished.
I find it interesting that @seawulf575 hasn’t started a thread about trusting the right. After all, if he’s so offended by people with swastikas, he surely must see how this paints him. He clearly doesn’t care that people he aligns with are racists, or paint swastikas on things, and carry out terrorist attacks. He only cares, when he can try to spin it in a way that hurts the left. There’s hypocrisy on this thread all right. It’s from the OP…
Misdeeds by Dems if any at this point, and if proven are nothing compared to the evil of trump and his worshipers.
Anyone with enough brains and conscience would know and should just accept that instead of being in denial.
And wtf, my question about should trump stop talking for a while is not trolling. Lol
That sad excuse for a human being clearly spews too much dangerous BS for a president.
This question is trolling as matter of fact. Those samples of misdeeds cited hardly amount to anything worth involving “left wingers” in general.
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I find it funny that so many of you are now on the “one bad apple” schtick. Yet you same people rant about how all Trumpers or Trump supporters or Republicans or right wingers are all racist, white nationalists, xenophobes, violent morons. Sorry…your disclaimers now don’t hold water. Unless, that is, you are willing to publicly admit to your hypocrisy?
@mazingerz88 Your question about should Trump stop talking is just as much trolling as my question here. It was presented with vitriol that brooked no other answer than “yes, he should”. So if my question is “trolling” so is yours. Yet none of your liberal buddies called you on it at all. That is called hypocrisy.
@MrGrimm888 you are absolutely correct in my book that the people involved are indeed nut jobs. But they represent the left every bit as well as some guy that sends pipe bombs through the mail represents the right. Yet you had no problem branding all right wingers with that guy. You continue here with your disbelief that someone on the left could paint a swastika on a synagogue.
You are wrong, however, about the motivation behind the false accusations being personal. She never met Kavanaugh at all. She doesn’t know him at all. You can’t have personal motivations unless you have a personal interaction. Anything else becomes ideological.
I find it odd, too, that while you are right…she should be punished…there are very few on the left that are calling out for that. I said it in a different post and I will say it again here: let’s look at the difference in the reactions. Some guy sends pipe bombs out to notable Dems. Trump immediately, before they had a suspect, denounced that action and called for the FBI to do an investigation and to push for the maximum penalty for the perpetrator. Here we have two cases done by Dems and there are crickets from the left. Even after they have the suspects in hand, there is no outcry from the Dems to push for maximum penalty. Now, if the left was truly looking to heal the divides in this land and put an end to some of the insanity going on, they would be pushing to punish the loonies on the left when they do things like this.
No one claims that everyone on the right is imbued with the entire panoply of noxious characteristics from your white nationalists / violent morons list. However, the claim that the right is where one shops for those displaying such traits is more than borne out. And whether you want to believe it
or not, nothing you can name better exemplifies onerous right wing deficiencies than the personality and behavior of your standard bearer, the “stable genius”.
A reminder that the Orangutan is just such a nutjob, and the VP is, too. And since right wingers tend to vote along party lines, yes, most of the right wingers are aligned with nutjobs.
Contrast this with the last democratic candidates:
– intellectual black man
– kindly old grandpa
– ambitious, experienced woman
@stanleybmanly sorry, @ragingloli just proved you wrong. He even tried to justify his insane hatred. As for finding the loonies on the right, I don’t have the time nor patience right now to cite reference after reference that shows deception, lies, violence and hatred from the left. Besides, even if I did give you the citations, you would ignore them. I just gave you two in the question that happened just in the past couple days. And you still want to say it only happens on the Right. You really aren’t a stupid person. Despite the fact I find you hypocritical and deluded, I know you are an educated person. What I don’t understand is why you can’t open your eyes to facts.
@seawulf575 I seriously wonder why are you on Fluther? You certainly have a right to be but what do you get out of it? You speak your truths and people strongly disagree and you come back and back and back and convince none of us. Surely there are sites where you could talk with those who agree with you more. I’ve certainly stopped responding to you but your vitriol is damaging to the culture here and I really have no idea what you get out of it. Surely there are better uses for your time.
@janbb see? That is the difference between us. I feel that differing opinions are important. They help us consider other viewpoints and to challenge or accept them. What I don’t understand is why you and the rest want a website where only one viewpoint is heard. Why waste your time? You already know what you think…why do you have to have others to confirm your thoughts?
No you don’t. You batter and batter and batter and put down and don’t respect anyone else.
And by the way, there are many issues I and others disagree on here, it is only you who paints us with one disdainful brush.
@seawulf575 You want to talk about facts? Of course you can find hatred and violence somewhere on the left, but you won’t find those traits defining the left as you would like to pretend. I could follow YOUR example, sit down at a computer and perhaps an hour later dig up some obscure conservative with a rational viewpoint and sensible agenda. You really should break your persistent habit of assigning me traits not in evidence, such as the ridiculous (and openly refutable) claim that I declare hatred and stupidity exclusive to conservatism. What I AM insisting and without hesitation is that you will never find anyone in a position of leadership on the left who better exemplifies those negative traits than the current President.
@janbb Huh. So you didn’t just paint me with a disdainful brush when you suggested I go to a website with other of my kind? Amazing. Let me ask…how many times have people suggested you kill yourself? It happens to me from your beloved lefties all the time. How many times have you noticed that I, and anyone that dares to offer an alternative viewpoint, gets painted as A Trumper, a racist, a xenophobe, etc, etc, etc? Maybe you haven’t noticed that. So I can only assume that since you want me to go elsewhere (with others of my kind) and that you haven’t once spoken out against those painting people with a disdainful brush for daring to voice a different opinion, that you are exactly this sort of person. Besides, you never really did answer my question about why you would want a site where everyone shared your thoughts. My guess is that you, somewhere deep down inside, recognize how violent and hateful the liberal viewpoint is. You, somewhere deep down inside, recognize you share these views and probably don’t feel comfortable with it. So what you want is a website where others will tell you it is okay and no one will challenge that. Pretty much how I view most of the moderate liberals on here. There are those few that are just rabid nuts that spew whatever hits their brains with no real thought, no facts, and no logic to back it up. I typically don’t view you as that.
No point picking on the penguin. I want to congratulate you though on gradually learning a few things, such as the fact that the majority of us here are moderates. A year ago you were convinced that ALL liberals are by definition radical leftists. Keep up the research. It is a characteristic regrettably rare among conservatives. One day you’re going to catch on, and I hope we will have the decency not to gloat before your redfaced apology.
I believe you misread the penguin’s meaning in asking why you stay. She doesn’t wish you gone. She’s simply asking why you subject yourself and in effect beg to be punished?
While I don’t particularly agree with @seawulf575 most on this site pretty well disrespect conservatives and on the whole are pretty far left of “moderate” with a few notable exceptions.
@stanleybmanly that is where you are wrong. Some of you on here are moderates. I have always held to that. How do I tell the difference…what is my yardstick so to speak? The moderates present their arguments more calmly and are willing to discuss instead of ranting. You are borderline as you tend to rant. But there are some pretty standard things that liberals do and to date I have found no exceptions. I could be wrong, but so far, you have all failed to do anything except prove me right. Those are the things that I claim are liberal traits.
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Well, at least you admit this is a worthless flame-bait question. I don’t agree that JLeslie’s question about Jews for Jesus was flame-bait though. Why would it be?
Expressing your own opinion in a question doesn’t make it flame-bait.
Look, there’s no point to this discussion here. People like stanley believe the Right is more noxious, you believe the Left is more noxious. Neither of you is going to convince each other or anyone else. I’ve had perfectly fine discussions with most of you here, but as soon as you put on your “partisan” caps I find many of you distasteful. That’s coming from someone who is a true moderate.
Yes, I am a moderate and will defend it to the death. :) Moderately.
@Demosthenes I adore @JLeslie, but when Dems scream racist at everyone fpr two plus years, and she wrongly assumed who selected the person to pray, it seems like flamebait. One quick Google would have shown her who selected that cleric. She did zero homework before blaming Rep administration. So yes, thats on her and is highly unusual.
^Well, if more people would think a bit more before posting while incensed, then we’d have fewer instances of “fake news” here.
This cartoon accurately illustrates how I feel (I’m the guy in the red):
Not claiming to be better than anyone, and being a moderate doesn’t mean you can’t be caustic or combative. Moderates aren’t all quiet and peaceful. I have gotten into nasty arguments with both left and right wingers here. Being a moderate also doesn’t mean that you can’t make up your mind about anything or make any moral statements. I can recognize that being a white supremacist is morally worse than being a communist, but that both will lead nowhere good.
But the question of which is worse, left or right, sorry: same shit, different asshole. There are things I agree with on both sides, but the question of who’s worse is just mud wrestling, it’s totally useless. You won’t convince each other and if your goal is to get moderates on your side, that’s not going to work either, because I and many others won’t pick a side. But that’s just me. Go back to fighting over who’s worse. I’m sure you’ll all come to a peaceful consensus.
@Desmosthenes Regarding racism, @JLeslies post about seeing fellow Jews marry outside the culture and not preserving their race is word for word identical with many white supremacists. Interesting fact.
Before Trump, I think moderates were much more respected, but now I feel pushed to commit based mostly on social issues. It hurts to vote Red when my LGBT friends may suffer. It hurts to vote Red as the enviroment will suffer. But I’ll be hanged before I vote for the party who has truly offended me at every instance for two plus years. In the end, you have to choose at the polls.
@KNOWITALL My friends tell me that their immigrant Asian parents talk like that all the time. It’s surprisingly common among minority groups.
I mentioned this on another question about moderates. I am more likely to vote blue than red. Part of that is the environment. Living through the multi-year drought in California showed me first-hand the effects of climate change and how important preserving the environment is and it’s something I can’t compromise on anymore. (In this particular election, my votes are a mix for blue and red candidates, but on the environmental measures I’m fully one-sided. I now live in Nevada, which is a purple state). I’m also not a Trump supporter, but I find that people who aren’t tend to think everyone who voted for him is pure evil, and that’s why I often find myself having more in common with some Trump supporters than with his vocal opposition.
I essentially think both parties are shit, but one is better for the environment and one is better for the economy and I hope I can vote for the best people, regardless of party. That’s what I try to do, at least. It’s not easy when you have to choose between two options that are often both shitty.
No no no. I’ll just speak for myself here.
I keep hearing the BS that people who voted Trump are evil “because they have different views.” I don’t consider someone evil for liking bacon on their pizza, just because I don’t.
I do consider them evil, because of what they are representing, and helping to thrive.
Many Trumpers, and conservatives have sold out most of their beliefs, for a small amount of benefits to their other beliefs. Many have traded a chance at making abortions illegal, for hurting billions of already born, and yet to be born people. Apparently, Trump can rape their children, as long as there is a remote chance of overturning Roe very Wade…
Making such a choice is making a deal with the devil. I hope they enjoy their 30 pieces of silver. If they ever even get it… Sounds “evil,” to me…
@knowitall “It hurts to vote Red when my LGBT friends may suffer. It hurts to vote Red as the enviroment will suffer. But I’ll be hanged before I vote for the party who has truly offended me at every instance for two plus years.”
So you are putting your ego above the greater good for others? How Republican of you.
@MrGrimm888 and there you go…you just lumped anyone that disagrees with you into some horrid little club. You assigned all sorts of horrible things to how they think and feel and how they have reacted with zero fact involved. Sorry hoss…you are part of the problem. And yes…I have been too. I admit it freely. I lump liberals into groups based on my interactions with them. But that doesn’t make it right. Too bad you aren’t there yet.
I’m a BIG part of the problem. My own problem is that there are certain realities that defy the parameters of compromise.
@Stache Sure, I take the Democratic vitriol very personally. Never implied I didnt.
I don’t believe support of Trump to be necessarily evil. However, once evil is eliminated, the issue of cognitive acuity looms uncomfortably over the discussion.
@seawulf575 YOU lumped us all together when one person said you should go kill yourself, and think we lump you all together when a republican nut job sends pipe bombs through the mail.
I don’t get why someone so informed has a hard time telling which members here are male or female, you do it with quite a few, are you doing to try and get the person mad?
You say you like the different opinions yet when one differs from yours you insult and mud sling to no end,then when anyone pushes back you claim it was all out of hate, how very right wing.
We are never going to change your mind on anything conservative, no matter how many links we provide, so why should you think you would change our minds as well?
Here is a little thing I would love you to answer, when the last President was in power the right went nuts about the growing deficit saying their favourite phrase it’s not sustainable, that grew to not only is it not sustainable it’s horribly immoral , now your guy is pushing that same deficit to the outer limits and that’s ok? Why was it immoral for the last guy but fine for your guy??
My own suspicion is that the Wulf isn’t actually a resident of the United States.
I think he is @stanleybmanly , from the south eastern sea board of the us.
Born die hard conservative, bread die hard conservative, and will pass to the great beyond a die hard conservative.
@knowitall Then it really doesn’t hurt you when your vote harms the LGBT community. Quit being a fake ally.
@Stache And when did I say I gave two shats about what you think? Trump didnt reverse or even TRY to reverse SSM like Dem fearmongers tried to tell everyone. Same sex adoptions are still happening in (gulp) red states. See your lies dont upset me because I see them without party blinders on. Go find someone who believes your schtick. I voted Dem before and probably will again, but not because of lies or insults.
I don’t think Trump supporters are “evil.” They are just incredibly stupid.
Careful @Dutchess_III they will flag your answer as a personal attack.
They just think the rich should get all the big tax breaks because they will then hire more of the working slobs and pay them better.yeah that will happen.
They think the environment heals it self just keep polluting, business has to profit.
The lower classes don’t need health care, and they sure aint going to help them get it.
Deregulate everything corporations will stay in check, pay fair wages and look after the environment themselves they don’t need the Government telling them to do so.
Yeah I will believe that, NOT.
@Squeeky Yep Canada signed Trumps new trade agreement though didnt they? Haha!
What does that have to do with anything on this post @KNOWITALL ??
Trump ripped up a legal binding agreement saying it was a bad deal and had to redo the deal.
The Canadian team worked very hard for a deal Canada could live with.
@SQUEEY2 You guys signed a deal with Trump that we find a better deal, thats his job and why so many support him. Dems said he’d alienate every other country with the tactics to get better deals. This is a prime example of why you cant believe Dem rhetoric.
He has alienated every ally you guys have.
What’s rhetoric about that?
He added 12 billion to your deficit by implementing unjust tariffs (soy bean farmers) that he had to bail out because of his fuck up.
Man you guys would have screamed bloody murder if Obama had done that.
@SQUEEKY Its not ideal, I admit. With neither side fans of impeachment, not much we can do at this point except trust his business acumen.
@seawulf575 . Correct. If you support Trump, you are just a cancerous artery, feeding the tumor. Simple. I have no reason to compartmentalize, or separate you from supporting the destruction of the planet so a handful of elite people can get more wealthy.
30 pieces of silver…
@KNOWITALL The farmers in my area are badly hurt by a hurricane, tropical storm, lack of alien workers (both legal and illegal the crops were left to rot) and most of all the tariffs on their crops.
It’s not IDEAL; it is an unholy mess. SMH
But Trump is showing the world who is boss (mob boss at that ) ! !
It doesn’t matter if the farmers are hurt. Trump will gladly subsidize them. They aren’t lazy brown people…~
@MrGrimm Lol, fair point well made, he is offering them subsidies, at least in our area. Not sure blue states will get them.
Correct. It’s only socialism, when it’s not farmers, or the military getting money. Then, it’s a BIG deal… Lazy brown people just play the system…~
This is a public forum @knowitall. You said something ignorant so I replied. I don’t give a shit if it got your panties in a bunch or not. Don’t call yourself an ally when you clearly aren’t.
Trust his business acumen??
This the guy that pulled what half a dozen bankruptcies screwed a lot of trades people and labourers out of hard earned income, won’t submit his tax return something that all sitting Presidents have to do,THIS GUY?? The Don Father?
Sorry if I choose not to trust him ,but I get an uneasy feeling from him sorta like when you get a scam IRS call.
@Stache So I should vote Democrat simply because I have gay friends? Lol
^At least then, you wouldn’t be deliberately hurting your friends. Or you could not vote at all. Voting R, right now, is showing that you either want to hurt your friends, or are complicit… It’s really that simple…
@MrGrimm How has Trump hurt gays? Lol
You know me not voting will never happen. The party I vote for is always based on candidate, not party.
I kept hearing up here he wants them out of the Military,that might be one way.^
He does not have any business acumen, @KNOWITALL. Successful business do not file multiple bankruptcies. Successful businesses pay their bills. He’s just a spoiled little rich kid.
@SQUEEKY I have not heard that and am skeptical. He said abortion and SSM were already decided but Dems spread it he was going to TRY to reverse both. If media and liberals could stop lying, it would be much easier.
If you count just Trump’s effects on the EPA/environment, he’s hurt EVERY SINGLE PERSON.ON EARTH, and their future families.
@SQUEEKY2 No, I lumped you all together for many reasons and suggesting I kill myself was only one example. Please…if you are going to try quoting me, get it right.
As for the deficit let’s review: Obama…10 trillion added to the national debt in 8 years. Trump…only 1 trillion so far. And he came under a lot of heat for that even though he pushed back against that budget. AND he has tried to cut spending in the government to offset some of the spending increases. And it is the cuts that drive you liberals nuts, though why you, as a Canuck, really care. Spending more than you take in is gross fiscal responsibility. But much of that falls to Congress who you conveniently avoid mentioning. They are, after all, the ones that control the purse strings in this country.
@MrGrimm888 so with a mentality like that, why do you get upset when someone returns the favor and lumps you in with the hate-filled, illogical and irrational left?
I find it funny that I asked a simple question about why the left should be thought credible based on some evidence. Since that time, I tried bringing the conversation back to topic once. It keeps getting off topic by those on the left that want to deflect to Trump or right wingers or how I am a troll or some other thousand ways to deflect. The left has just been caught in two very high visibility attempts at discrediting people on the right. And the left-wingers on here are apparently good with that. I understand and I have gotten my answer. Thank you to all of you that tried to respond in a coherent manner.
Are you on Putin’s or Trump’s payroll ????
@Stache I didnt seek or need your approval to love people.
Trump has pushed your deficit a lot more than just another trillion that is a right wing LIE and you know it.
Anyone pushing back on anything you say and you shout hate,thanks for proving that right as well.
You claim the left is only about hate,really have you listened to yourself ?
Good god your only claiming the tax cut and say it’s just a trillion the tax cut was 1.5 trillion, now lets add the military, the bail out to farmers way above just a trillion.
For claiming the right is all peace and love you sure have a strange way proving that.
Do yourself a favour by all means do not believe the left, but do not expect us to believe the right anymore than you believe the left.
But by all means now flag this as a personal attack, and keep the insults coming and if anything bothers you claim hate against you and your views.
Typical fright wing BULL SHIT!!
What @knowitall? You are delusional. You are all over the place deflecting anything on topic.
@seawulf575 . I’m not upset. I suppose that as far as you are concerned, you may as well lump me in with the left. As you consider all who oppose Trump in the same category.
I gave you my thoughts. Any false accusers should be punished, and whomever, for whatever reason, painted the swastikas should be charged with a hate crime, and punished to the fullest extent of the law.
I have never lumped you, or anyone else in with the bomber. I have opined that I think Trump’s rhetoric set him off. I have also opined that Trump’s supporters played a role in this, and many other terrorist acts. I have opined that Trump’s supporters support all the hate groups that align with him, and all the other negative effects of his administration.
I concede that I have a bad habit of wrongly lumping all conservatives in with Trumpers. I have apologized for that, and tried to explain, but I doubt I was forgiven by those I offended…
As far as off topic goes, I think your sudden concerns about people painting swastikas on stuff, and lying, completely relevant to the thread. You have demonstrated that you only see wrong, when it may have been done by someone on the left. That is the ONLY thing that you have contributed to this thread.
I don’t consider anyone who supports Trump or even most conservatives allies. And neither does any LGBT person I know.
First of all people, Stache called me an ally, I was explaining my feelings in regards to MY vote. I never said I was an activist or ally, I have friends k, got it? Now go vote and lose again, you deserve it.
Do you really believe the Rep/cons are going to keep their majority after the mid terms?^^
Really after the Don Fathers idiot tariffs, all his lies, his huge tax cut that mostly went to the top,you really think they are still the party of choice for the US voter?
Tell you what, IF you are right I will let you give me a GREAT BIG “I TOLD YOU SO!”
BUT if you are wrong you better get ready for it right back.
But I have gay friends…<eyeroll>
I’m not a Democrat, miss sensitive and I didn’t vote for Hillary, so get a grip. Talk about assumptions.
@SQUEEKY Trump makes deals with Canada, not me…lol, I’ll pass.
@tinyfaery Okay, so intolerance is what you want? Got it.
Oh, I am extremely intolerant of people who want to diminish me and take away my fundamental human rights because of my sexual orientation, among other things. I never claimed not to be. I am a bit more tolerant, but by no means accepting, of those who support those same principles by letting those with nefarious agendas continue their hate and fear fueled behavior.
Tolerance is bashing a right leaning moderate who has gay and trans friends…got it.
How many times do you think you need to tell us about your gay and trans friends before we believe you? I believe you have gay and trans friends. We all do. Nobody cares, much less is bashing you. Stop bragging.
@Dutchess_III I was having a conversation with Grimm when Stache jumped in and started mouthing off.
lol, bragging on my gay friends, hey I can do that….one couple just adopted a beautiful baby boy! Another couple is getting ready to open a restaurant in his hometown! My other friend is finalizing surgery plans! All brag worthy~
“Some of my best friends are Jewish.”, Hans says, as he makes his cross for the NSDAP.
Bashing? Bashing? Me saying I don’t consider most conservatives allies is in no way bashing. It’s not even an insult. Now this is bashing. I repeat, get a grip.
American Christians need to make up instances of persecution in order to fulfill their religious requirements. That’s where that is coming from @tinyfaery.
The right wingers on this site seem to claim hate and bashing, if you disagree with any of their hate towards the left.
The can fling shit and insults all day at anyone from the left and claim they are just stating facts, but if anyone flings bullshit back at them they claim personal attack, bashing,and hate.
Tell me I am wrong on this,I don’t think anyone can left or right.
I really can’t wait to post all this to my gay friends. Now they can really see what I’m talking about.
Honey…they will see the same thing we see. You are imagining some sort of bashing because you have a gay friends. We do not care if you have gay friends. I’m not understanding what this fixation is.
@KNOWITALL Remember when I said Trump wanted gays out of the Military?
Well I dug and it was ,he wanted transgender people out of the military, The Military chose to ignore him on it,I can provide a link if you wish,it is an older link and from PBS not a fake news channel.
You don’t have to dig that far @SQUEEKY2. Just a few key words and you get a thousand hits of where he tried to ban transgender people from the military. Here is one,.
Here is another.
@SQUEEKY2 I read the links actually, now I know-thanks. I really hadn’t heard that. Pretty sick, but what’s sicker is he’s only doing it to pander to Christians, and it works. What a jacked up world this is.
^I think she’s starting to understand that he’s using her…
@Dutchess Sorry I had an appt.
I have never been a Trump fan but was very cautiously optimistic after he won. I think he mocks Chistianity when he panders to us. Very condescending. As a financial conservative, I’m very displeased. As a human being, I dont always agree with his policies, and am not convinced of his motives as President in general.
That being said, he has a few admirable qualities as well. I do believe he loves America like I do, and that he wants the best for Americans.
You guys have to understand, to me Trump is a salesman. I’ve worked with all male sales staff in three different jobs, and lots of good old boy types, so wjat offends me is mostly social issues and unprofessional behavior. I’ve always believed elected officials should be held to high standards. He got a lot of passes so Hillary didnt win. That I put on Dems tbh, you gave us no choice.
Also I feel that in hindsight we’ll look at these years as an example. Of what has yet to be determined. I cant say he’s a good man, and regardless of any other issue, that bothers me. Clinton and Bush, came across as good men.
@MrGrimm I never thought he wasnt using us tbh. But he literally couldnt lose to Hillary. And he does have the car salesman charm, any fool can see he’s used to getting exactly what he wants one way or the other. Dont fool yourself, not all Christians have low IQ’s, it wasnt religion that won the vote, it was his willingness to affect policy Christians generally agree on. Simple as that.
I am disappointed that Christians are willing to sacrfice Jesus kindness and nonjudgement, and are not pressuring him to drop some of the racist crap. Its not a good look, example, and I dont think Jesus would approve basically.
“I really can’t wait to post all this to my gay friends. Now they can really see what I’m talking about.”
I really can’t wait myself. They’ll see where you said you aren’t an ally and your ego is more important then their well being and safety. You’d rather vote Republican to show those meany Democrats on Fluther a thing or two.
“Now go vote and lose again, you deserve it.”
fyi- that’s a big fuck you to your gay friends.
I also shared some very informative links. You obviously didn’t look at them.
My whole fucking point, @KNOWITALL… don’t say it hurts your heart to vote Republican when you know your gay friends will suffer. It doesn’t hurt your heart. You don’t give a shit about them. If you did give a shit you wouldn’t vote against their best interest. Your words on this thread say so. Your ego is more important.
@KNOWITALL I appreciate your innocence, but Trump really, truly does not love America, and he couldn’t give 2 cares about the people. He is out to get richer and make cronies richer, who will get him even richer in the future, and that is it, period.
He is immature
He’s a narcissist
He’s a psychopath
He has a very low IQ
.....some one please add to this list?
@Stache Actually you upset me, and my gay friend said he loves me regardless of my vote. He said we are allowed to disagree and to never vote from fear. So I’m good.
@Dutchess No offense but I think you’re wrong. Now ya’ll enjoy your day.
I know that I am not wrong. If you prefer to believe in Good and Evil, then you can bet your bottom dollar that trump is evil incarnate.
And you have a good day. I’m voting. I’m doing everything in my power to negate HIS power.
You do what you need to do. I just hope you don’t regret it, the way many people have regretted bringing trump to power in the first place. If you were one of them, God help you.
@Stache If you want me to listen, you need a more reasonable approach. Cussing is low brow bullying, not something I react positively to. That disrespect is a real drag on your cause.
Indeed. Cursing doesn’t help. It helps to vent, but ultimately hurts most points…
Not always. It’s just something for some people to latch on to when they’re losing an argument.
On a related note, I had a response moderated as obscene, the only word that could have faintly fallen under that category was shite.
I will observe with interest from now on if, as seems the case, swearing of any kind is now forbidden.
I can’t fucking believe it. WE VOTED IN A DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR!!!!!! W00 H00!!! GO KANSAS!!
Shit bugger fart, will ya look at that seamus…bloody bastards.
Dutch. You’re not in Kansas any more.~
Oh shit. Did they move us to Mexico again?
Mexico used a secret tunnel to funnel all the caravan people into a voting booth, with only Democratic candidate buttons. Those people went from state to state, led by Obama, and voted billions of times for Democrats. Diabolical!
@MrGrimm888 Oh no! were the aliens from Mars or Venus? ;>)
^It’s far worse. The aliens are from Uranus! A total “shit hole” planet!
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