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JLeslie's avatar

Have you seen the Trumpy Bear?

Asked by JLeslie (65850points) November 4th, 2018 from iPhone

I just saw a Trumpy Bear plush toy advertised on TV. Has that been tried with any other president since Roosevelt? The commercial had adults happily holding their Trumpy Bear. Is that how it was done during Roosevelt? Or, was it marketed to kids back then?

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22 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

It is hilarious, that they let you pay this 40 dollar bear in 2 installments.
Shows what their target demographic is.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I couldn’t believe it. I’ll bet you $10 I see one where I live on a golf cart. We drive golf carts here like cars. People deck them out, personalize them with decorations.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’ve seen them. Pretty popular in red states.
I think its funny that you think we’re all poor. I guess all Dems are smelly dopey hippies lol. Sounds ignorant doesnt it?

ragingloli's avatar

No, the manufacturer clearly thinks you are.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli How would you know, they manufactured overseas? Have you even been to America?

ragingloli's avatar

I know, because they bear costs a measly 40 dollars, and they still offer payment in installments.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli Everything is offered in installments here genius. Derrrr

ragingloli's avatar

Hence you are all poor.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli Yep all of us are so poor we’re just skinny pitiful things lol

JLeslie's avatar

Where did it say anything about people being poor? I’m so confused. Where I live the majority of the people are retired living the high life having fun everyday without much worry about money. I didn’t mean to imply anything about economic status

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie You seemed to agree with loli up there. And right after posting incorrect flamebait about the cleric who was the wrong kind of Jew. Its kind of sad to watch you this weekend tbh.

JLeslie's avatar

I only meant I found the marketing campaign funny, but I see the confusion now. I specifically asked in my opening Q if the Teddy had been marketed to adults like the Trumpy, and that was still in my mind. I agree with you that the two installments means nothing, a ton of products are sold that way here.

My neighbor, who I like and care about very much, walks around with a Trump ball cap on, and he own three houses. Well, two now he just sold one. Far from lower class. It wouldn’t surprise me if he would buy a Trumpy Bear.

The ad was funny and odd to me though targeting adults. Sounds like their selling from what you say, so I guess they know what they’re doing.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie I’m not sure I believe that, but ok.

kritiper's avatar

This is a very Republican state, but I have only seen the bear on TV ads.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Yes, it is made in China

I assumed it was a gag from The Onion the first time I saw it. Creepy that people get warm cuddly feelings from President Shithole Grab Her by the Pussy.

I think its funny that you think we’re all poor.

Making the leap to “you’re calling all of us poor” is really dishonest. It’s sold in installments for low income people and you know that.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

if the Teddy had been marketed to adults

The Teddy bear was a childrens’ toy.

The National Museum of American History has an original 1903 bear that belonged to TR’s great-grandchildren in the 1960s.

“Brooklyn candy store owners Rose and Morris Michtom to make the first stuffed bear toy, which they appropriately named Theodore Roosevelt. Before making additional bears, Morris Michtom wrote to Roosevelt to ask his permission to make a small bear cub and call it “Teddy’s Bear.’ “_

ucme's avatar

I mean, do you squeeze it’s tummy & it farts?
Coz that’s what the name implies :D

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme Lol, no thats where we hide our guns!

ucme's avatar

Wait…what!?! In the bear or up your arses? :D

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme Well I meant the bear but redneck boys, you just never know lol

Adagio's avatar

Have you seen the Trumpy bear?

Well I have now, but wish I hadn’t.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL Seriously? Wow. Rich people all around me love Trump, I don’t know why you think I am lying, but ok. I thought we had a little more trust in each other that we tell the truth. Disappointed.

Not to mention I’m the one who doesn’t like the photos that make fun of Walmart shoppers, or any sort of name calling. That’s in my answers all over fluther. I do admit to finding it funny that the Bear is marketed to adults though. Although, I have bought nurse bears for people just graduating nursing school, and other bears too, so it’s not really that weird I guess.

@Call_Me_Jay Thanks for the link and the answer to my question about the target market for the Teddy Bear.

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