General Question

yesitszen's avatar

What would the president be called?

Asked by yesitszen (1961points) November 7th, 2018

In the case of a doctor, particularly an M.D. but a PhD as well.

Mr. President or Doctor President?

Is there a precedent, pardon the pun.

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18 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

Mr. President is the top honorific, and the proper address when talking to a President.

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Call_Me_Jay's avatar

President Wilson had a Ph.D. My Senator Tammy Duckworth does. I had to look it up, I never hear either referred to as Dr.

I remember Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Henry Kissinger being called Doctor, but not Madeleine Albright.

Outside their fields, most PhD’s don’t use the title in everyday life. It comes off as inflated self-importance.

yesitszen's avatar

Yes Jay. But it’s the President. And if he’s a medical doctor then he hasn’t been called Mr. anything since finishing med school.

And kids, respect General please. I hate to flag and clean up. There is Social for that. Thanks.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The Germans use double titles -

“Frau Doktor”
“Herr Doktor”
“doktor doktor”

In Germany, double doctorates are indicated in the title by “Dr. Dr.” or “DDr.” and triple doctorates as “Dr. Dr. Dr.” or “DDDr.”. More doctorates are indicated by the addition of “mult.”, such as “Dr. mult.”.

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Caravanfan's avatar

I think he would be called “Mister President”. It wouldn’t change.

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YARNLADY's avatar

The representative in my district is a physician, but is called Congressman Bera, not Congressman Doctor Bera.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’ve always heard “Mr. President.”

ucme's avatar

Been interesting if Martin Luther King Jr had become president, him being titled Dr & all.
Not that it was ever likely to happen in the climate of the time, but still.

flutherother's avatar

President King would sound a bit odd too.

ucme's avatar

A touch greedy perhaps, but not odd.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

When I was in Civil Air Patrol, we had military ranks (that were modeled after Air Force ranks but I don’t know if ours were slightly different, so I’m talking about CAP if they are)
Chief Master Sergeant is the sergeant rank before the officer ranks. Usually, Chiefs are eligible to be First Sergeants, and if they get that position, you’d ditch calling them “Chief” and refer to them as “First Sergeant”. Chief and the First sergeant were the 2 highest sergeant ranks in that program but you’d always pick the highest of the two and refer to them like that.

So, to put it in shorter terms, because “Doctor” and “President” are high positions, I’m sure you’d go with the highest, which is “President” in this situation.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

That would apply to senators, governors, as well. It’s “Senator…...” or “Governor…..” So usually, unless they request another title, you’d cal them by the highest title earned.

yesitszen's avatar

But you still say Mr. President… not President.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Ex-presidents should be addressed as “Mr.” or “The Honorable…”. Governors and senators are not governors and senators after leaving office. People using their titles after leaving office is a recent conceit, and it grates my ears.

It seems to me it took off in the early 2000s, when the press accepted the usage from campaigns puffing up their candidates’ images.

Emily Post Institute – When addressing a former President of the United States in a formal setting, the correct form is “Mr. LastName.” (“President LastName” or “Mr. President” are terms reserved for the current head of state.) This is true for other ex-officials, as well.

Robert Hickey, author of Honor & Respect: the Official Guide to Names, Titles, and Forms of Address – To explain the correct form I would say “using the title of a former position is flattering to the former official and he or she may not correct you, but is not respectful to the current office

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