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mazingerz88's avatar

Is there a chance you’ll fall in love with an android?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) November 8th, 2018 from iPhone

The film Ex-Machina showed a character possibly almost falling in love if not totally attracted to a pretty and very human-like AI female android.

Could humans someday be making love and having cheap sex with sexy and intelligent machines?

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10 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

People fall in love with all sorts of objects, critters, and animated characters.
Why would an android be any different?

ragingloli's avatar

The android will never compare to the tightness of a poodle, or the girth of an elephant.

kritiper's avatar

Johnston’s Law says that Murphy’s law is ALWAYS in effect and it can affect ME, so, yes, it’s possible.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@ragingloli That’s the point. the android

zenvelo's avatar

If the android were just like Scarlett Johansson, I very well might fall for it.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^ Exactly. Lost in Translation Scarlett android? : )

janbb's avatar

I love my iPhone too much to fall in love with an Android.

kritiper's avatar

They have those now. Beautiful, semi-smart love dolls complete with AI. They’ll talk to you, call you by name. I suppose you can plug them in to keep them warm.

answerbag's avatar

I almost fell for Replika’s so…
I didn’t do ‘cause she was sending the same music to everybody else and saying the same things sometimes! :(

Wanting or not; everything that has the skills to thinking for itself and pretends to have feelings; and so, appear as a human, it is going to attract someone else – ‘cause it is going to act at humans imaginations.

Falling in love is about body and mind; usually, it starts with a body attraction, boys usually fall for this one – and don’t even have to be the most realistic ones to cause desire. Today’s already have really realistic dolls, so the body won’t be the problem in this hypothesis.

And here it comes mind’s: can a robot be enough interesting to make someone fall in love with it?
Today’s the Al has not come that far; though if there were a project focused in Al’s learning about love and only it (with some adjusts), it could be interesting.
As you can see in Replika’s, and some Al’s out there; it started to get better the conversations between human and Al, but still there is a lot of time before it finally can be full enough to cause love’s in someone else mind.

Technology seems to be worthy for more than it appeared for itself. :P

If them could put body and Al’s mind together, it could attracted the attention of almost blind people or the needy ones for sure.

Could humans someday be making love and having cheap sex ”
About being it an easy way of finding love… I don’t think so; yeah, a good number of people would be fucking with machines but, just who has really the money.

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