If you feel uncomfortable a lot of the time.
If you are made to feel guilty a lot of the time, even if you know (logically and realistically) you haven’t done anything wrong.
If you are called upon to explain yourself, rather than simply having a normal one on one, give and take conversation.
If you are “called out as doing the same thing” everytime you notice or bring up something bad or unethical that your partner is doing, even though YOU have done nothing wrong.
When your partner tries to accuse YOU of doing bad things that you are pretty sure your partner is guilty of. Abusers often try to accuse their partners of doing the crappy things that they have been doing. It’s a classic abuser’s move.
If your partner often uses passive aggressive remarks to make you feel foolish, stupid, or crappy, even though you’ve done nothing wrong.
When your partner never takes responsibility for their own wrong-doings or mistakes. And usually blames YOU for why things didn’t work out exact way they expected.
When your partner expects you to deal with everything from schedules, to payments, to remembering their events and appointments, then blaming you when they forget.
Your partner interrupting you, and then getting angry and claiming that you interrupt him.
Your partner having angry fits over minor things.
Your partner telling you to shut up.
Your partner telling you not to share/gossip/repeat what he says. Abusers try to keep you quiet. Normal people share almost everything with their best friend. Not with the world on FB, which was is never a good idea, but with one’s best friend.
We had to do an intervention with a family member when we found out she and her kids were being abused. I know all about this shit.
Make a plan. Save money that is hidden from him. Talk to people outside, and let them help you make a plan to leave/escape this person. Make a plan as to where you will go (in secret). Then go, and don’t turn back.
Feeling guilty is over rated and a waste of precious time. Don’t let yourself get drawn into feeling guilty. Escape, leave your past beyond, and move forward with your new life. Ok