Social Question

chyna's avatar

Why do Trump supporters excuse or ignore his blatant, provable lies?

Asked by chyna (51712points) November 10th, 2018

The latest lie that has been called out is that a month ago he talked about how well he knew Whitaker, what a good man he is, etc. Yesterday he said he doesn’t know the man at all, has never spoke to him. Many have seen them together. This is not a white lie that is forgivable. Why do his supporters choose to ignore the lies? Would they forgive or ignore their spouses, SO for lying so blatantly like this?

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49 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Deflections coming in, in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…...

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

My guess is that they think that Trumps using positive psychology and also that they can use him to make money.

mazingerz88's avatar

Because just like most of us they have grievances and unhappiness in life. They chose to go dark.

kritiper's avatar

Because people are, generally, stupid, and, in my opinion, a little bit, if not a lot, crazy.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have asked this type of question before, and what our right wing friends gave me is they over look Trumps continuous lying because they saw them as just boastful lies, and really doing no harm, I know,I know but that is the answer I got from them.

That and well both sides lie what do expect, was another.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I wonder if, in this case, he genuinely doesn’t remember who the man is. Doesn’t remember meeting him, or appointing him.

And his supporters forgive his lies because they’ve been raised on lies, from the cradle.

Jaxk's avatar

Just a couple of points from a person that thinks Trump is doing a good job. Whether he knows Whitaker or not is subjective. I’ve met a lot of people that I wouldn’t say I know them. More importantly however, I don’t care whether he knows Whitaker or not. It pretty obvious that he knows who Whitaker is or he couldn’t have appointed him acting Attorney General. Whitaker reported to Sessions so he is a logical candidate.

Second, Democrats scream about everything Trump says or does. It all becomes background noise with no relevance. You all hated Sessions but now your protesting his firing. The same as you hated Comey and then protested his firing. If you complain about everything you lose your credibility. Frankly this is just another trivial issue that you want to be a big deal. It’s not.

Jeruba's avatar

They know what he is, and they don’t care. They believe they’re getting what they want from him, and they’ll pay any price for it.

Unfortunately, all of us have to pay it, whether we choose or not, and they don’t care about that either. Unless someone intervenes. We sure can’t rely on any god to do that, so no use praying.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The fact that he appointed him as Acting Attorney General and doesn’t remember doing it, and doesn’t remember meeting with him over a dozen times, doesn’t bother you in the slightest @Jaxk? Yeah, we scream about him. He has the IQ of a fucking gold fish. You never heard this kind of shit about any other president. Never. Even ones that we democrats disliked, like Bush Jr. Bush was pretty stupid, too. But Trump is in a whole different gutter.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Uh @Jaxk You guys complained about EVERYTHING Obama said, did ,or tried to do why is that any different?

Trump did the same thing with Putin, he said he never met the man, but flashing back when he was there for the miss universe contest he said he did meet the man a few times and said he was a very nice man.
Trumps loyal base over looks all these lies, as long as there are minimum wage jobs coming out the ying yang and the rich keep getting richer all is well.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He’s making enemies out of former, staunch allies. Canada. FRANCE for Christ’s sake! Why? Just because he can? His dick is not as big as he thinks it is, and he is a whole lot dumber than he realizes.

Trump spars with Macron as Air Force One lands in France. ”Macron also suggested that since the start of Trump’s presidency, the US has been seen as a less reliable ally. ”

The man makes me sick. But you, and others, approve of him. I will never understand that, for as long as I live.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Dutchess_III Because he gives tax cuts to the wealthy, he guts branches of Government EPA,as well as others.
Deregulate big business,and banks they will look after the working slob,yeah they have done such a good job in the past.
I understand why the rich, and powerful love the guy, BUT I can’t understand the working slob who is getting very screwed love the guy as well.

Kardamom's avatar

Because they hate Democrats so much, that they are willing to ignore the truth, and simply refuse to seek out the truth, when there is a discrepancy.

Like my cousin the right wing nut job. She spewed a bunch of Fox News Trump generated lies before the election, then she cried and said how upsetting everything is and that she was going to turn off her TV and get off of social media in the days leading up to and following the election. Pretty sure that was because she knew a lot of blue candidates would be elected, and if she didn’t see/hear it, then it didn’t happen in her world.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Just wanted to show you I did ask this very type question about a month ago…...

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have never seen anything like this in my life. And how some people can chose to be so blind to it is overwhelming. It honestly makes me fear for the future of our country.

chyna's avatar

I even answered it @squeeky! Sorry, I didn’t remember it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Not a problem ,glad you brought it up again.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I liked my answer then, although I had forgotten about it, so I shall post it again!

“They have some sort of very, very weird filter. An acquaintance asked to come by after church yesterday. She is a rabid, anti-Obama conservative with very little brain. Knowing the risk I was taking, I asked her what she thought of the Kavanaugh / Ford situation.
She said Ford was lying because there were somethings she didn’t remember.
Kavanah, on the other head, was just smooth and level and calmly sailed on through.
How she possibly even came to that conclusion is beyond me, but that’s what we have to deal with.”

Jaxk's avatar

@Dutchess_III – Sorry to hear your in such distress. Everybody that supports Trump is either stupid or evil or both. With that attitude, it’s little wonder that you’ll never understand.

By the way, this is not the first time we’ve been at odds with France. Remember Freedom Fries?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Dutchess_III If you convince your loyal sheep that all but one news outlet is fake news, and that one news source is dedicated to you, you can get your sheep to believe anything.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I guess, @SQUEEKY2. I don’t understand it.

Every Trump supporter I’ve ever spoken with is delusional, at the least @Jaxk. And mostly super religious when it suits them. Not sure how that all ties in, though.

Dutchess_III's avatar

(Regarding the trial) “More than 2,400 law professors have determined that Kavanaugh has “displayed a lack of judicial temperament that would be disqualifying for any court.” And yet my Trump supporter above saw him as being calm, cool and collected, professional even.
Did you see a calm, cool collected man on trial @Jaxk?

Jaxk's avatar

@Dutchess_III – Mostly and he was criticized for it. He had his one showing of emotion which he needed to do. Just for the record, there are over 8,000 law professors in the US and finding 2400 partisan democrats in that group is no great accomplishment.

flutherother's avatar

Because they believe that pointing out instances where Trump has not told the truth is a politically motivated attack on the president.

ucme's avatar

For the same reason his detractors can’t deal with the fact he’s president & no amount of hating is going to change that.
He polarises opinions, hated & lauded in equal measure, both sides are bound to have high emotions & stick by them no matter what.

Aster's avatar

This is an important question that deserves answers. My answer is that it’s annoying and I’m sort of insulted that he’d be so naive that he’d think people would fall for this whopper. I asked my husband if it bothers him and he said, ” no” and sort of smiled. I’d like to pursue it but with him not having a hearing aide yet it’s too much trouble.
So yeah; it does bother me, I strangely find it amusing he can lie with a straight face but regardless I accept it because I personally feel he gets things done. I like his humor, his personality, his capacity for improving our country and keeping us safer than we would have been so I overlook it . But it is annoying.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He ran on an anti-Obama platform and is still running. Some of he people don’t understand lying is not okay like about Obama’s birth place and Trump never meeting Putin and . . . ad infinitum !

7 to 10 times a day he lies about trivial and important things, he doesn’t care.

waiting for the his tweet to change the amendment about being President more than twice and than declaring himself president forever.

Don’t buy a real estate degree from him . . . oh ya you can’t, they went out of business in 2010 and this year there was a $25 million settlement against Trump University.

chyna's avatar

@Aster Thank you for being truthful.

Aster's avatar

You’re welcome, @chyna !

josie's avatar

Oh no. You mean a president is lying?

seawulf575's avatar

I think that @Jaxk has the right answer. This is really a meaningless thing. That is what most of the “Trump Lies” are…meaningless things. The left wants to blow everything out of proportion with Trump. He exaggerates the number of people that attended his inauguration and the left starts screaming about how he lies. Who cares? With Whitaker, again, who cares if Trump met him before or not? It’s meaningless.
What I find funny about this question, is that the question asks: ” Why do his supporters choose to ignore the lies? ” as of this point, there were 30 responses. 24 of them are from avowed Trump haters. What do you know about how supporters think? You don’t. You like to attribute thoughts and characteristics to Trump supporters, but they are thoughts and attributes that reside in your own brains, not those of supporters. This is one of those grand questions, asked by an avowed Trump hater, designed not to actually get information, but to get some sort of confirmation of that hate. It makes the asker feel good to hear others echo that hatred.

Dutchess_III's avatar

So, California is on fire. People have died. Homes have been lost. Homes are still being threatened. More lives will be lost. What does Trump do first thing this morning? I will give you two guesses:
1) Offers heart felt hope and condolences and a promise of aid to the people who are affected and encouragement to those fighting the fires.
2) Pulls his his dick out and starts waving it around and threatening California with pulling federal funding, as if the state is some how to blame for the fires.

Oh the power he must feel. Heady stuff.

How any one could back such a brainless jackass is beyond me.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@seawulf575 same old little wulf, not even worth arguing with you, we don’t know what Trump supporters think, BUT you are an expert on what you labeled us all as Trump haters think.
You have asked questions wanting us all to side with you and your corporate masters.

And really when some one dislikes something you worship ,doesn’t make that person a hater,just a questioner.
I worry about you not questioning some the things your Don Father has said or done.

cookieman's avatar

Couple old friends of ours are Trump supporters. We’ve had this discussion.

His response: “Oh, and Obama never lied?!”

Her response: “Trump’s an ass, but at least he’s looking out us real Americans.”

There ya go. From the ground research.

Stache's avatar

They have no morals.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I don’t have to create what I think Trump haters think. You all spew it on these pages all the time.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@seawulf Kind of like the Acosta situation. Two completely different pov’s. There probably is no better example of party blinders.

flutherother's avatar

@seawulf575 Believing someone to be in the wrong job doesn’t mean you hate them.

seawulf575's avatar

@flutherother when the conversation degrades to:
“Because people are, generally, stupid, and, in my opinion, a little bit, if not a lot, crazy.”
“And his supporters forgive his lies because they’ve been raised on lies, from the cradle.”
“He has the IQ of a fucking gold fish.”
“His dick is not as big as he thinks it is, and he is a whole lot dumber than he realizes.”
“Because they hate Democrats so much, that they are willing to ignore the truth, and simply refuse to seek out the truth, when there is a discrepancy.”
“She is a rabid, anti-Obama conservative with very little brain.”
“Every Trump supporter I’ve ever spoken with is delusional”
“How any one could back such a brainless jackass is beyond me.”
“They have no morals.”

It’s kinda hard NOT to see the hatred in these comments, towards both the president and anyone that dares to voice any favor with him at all. If you can’t see the hatred, you need to take the rose colored glasses off.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s clearly yet another attempt to hurt the Mueller investigation. So was Kavanaugh. Trump is trying to protect himself, and his family, by obstructing justice. Whitaker will be a do boy. He will follow whatever orders Trump gives him. That’s why he’s there.

Trump supporters who cry about being called stupid, simply galvanize that ascertain by attempting to “Trumpsplain” the situation away…

The answer is sadly obvious. Trump’s supporters have sold out all morality, to pursue the advancement of his agenda. To me, that means they support nationalism, hate, bigotry, fascism, oppression of non Christians, selfishness, greed, and the destruction of the environment, more than any ethics they would claim to have. It’s just that simple. Lesson learned.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@seawulf Hey at least this one doesnt vote lol

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Sell-out of morals no matter what the cost to humankind.

When you gas chambers are being made you know the Fourth Reich is coming.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@seawulf575 as you spew your disgust and contempt for all left wingers, and yet still get mad if we lump you together as you do us, kinda hypocritical aint it?

MrGrimm888's avatar

@KNOWITALL . I didn’t get a sticker, or the illusion of choice.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Did anyone hear the official results of the us mid terms, The democrats took back the house,but the Russians still have the senate.

flutherother's avatar

@seawulf575 It is the incongruity of Trump’s character with the respected office of President of the United States of America that disturbs me. I don’t know how to reconcile the one with the other. Perhaps you can explain to me how you do it without labelling me a “Trump hater”.

seawulf575's avatar

@flutherother I find it funny. I felt the same way about Obama. Know what that made me? A racist. Go figure. I guess if you can explain how disagreeing with the policies of the POTUS as well as his violations of the Constitution makes me a racist, I might be able to figure out how you are a Trump Hater. And, know what makes me a Trump supporter in the eyes of these haters? The fact I won’t find silly excuses to blow out of proportion to bad mouth him. I am a conservative, yet I have stated negatives about Trump. But because I don’t sing the liberal song, I’m “one of them”. That’s all it takes, I guess. And if you want to see what “one of them” is like, look at the list I gave in my last comment. I will say that you are one of the few on this thread that isn’t over the top. So if I have offended you by lumping you in with the rest, I will apologize.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I read one on of his tweets from Friday. He said, ”‘Will be meeting with world leaders tonight!!” Any chance to brag he takes it.

ucme's avatar

Here’s a thing, in Nevada, you can vote for ”none of these” for any elected office.
Since the introduction of the option in 1974, ”none of these” has won the most votes in four state-wide elections.
An interesting but rather pointless fact, or is it?

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