What is your fantasy pet?
If you could have any animal for a pet, with no concerns for cost or law, what would you choose?
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36 Answers
Huh. I have had dogs, cats, chickens, geese, rabbits, a red fox, a snake, ferrets, mice, rats, and birds. As kids we used to catch praying mantis’ to keep as “pets”. I’m running out of animals! I guess if I could have one pet I haven’t had yet, I would get a wolf that is still a very young pup.
Gosh, I met a bottle raised Wolf once. He was one huge boy and sweet enough to cause toothaches.
A big, strong, werewolf with a large appendage.
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My gosh, you two!
The inspiration for this question was a dream I had last night. I had a pet octopus. With legs stretched behind it, it was about eight inches long. It was playful and interactive, but it kept climbing out of the tank when it got bored so I would have to come pick it up. It was a funny dream, and cute seeing it try to scurry across the shelf and try to hide.
I think I would like to keep tribbles for livestock. They would likely be good eating, and at the rate they multiply, would make lots of fur coats.
A large octopus is a good choice, too, if you know what I mean.
A horse that plays Stairway to Heaven on electric guitar.
This may not be the most creative answer, but my choice is Sadie, the wonderful dog of my Jelly name. Sadie is simply perfect in every way, and I couldn’t fantasize any animal that I’d love or enjoy more.
^^^ Hey, sweet lady. I just gave Sadie your hug, which she enjoyed greatly. I also sang a few lines of “Sadie, Sadie, married lady.”
Sea Otter.
He could have his own bathroom with a soaking tub.
Edit: I’ll bring clams so we can watch him clack-clack on his tummy.
I love when they do that.
I’d like to be friends with the red fox and family that visits every night. They are a nice size, are smart, and I love the way they look. But they are so afraid of humans. Using a thermal imager I have seen one watching us while we were enjoying a camp fire. However, as soon as someone gets up he disappears back into the woods.
@LuckyGuy they are extremely smart and almost insatiably curious. They make horrible pets, though. If you want to make friends with them, start leaving a little food out for them. Start a distance away from you and then slowly, over time, move it closer. Never make a move towards them when you see them. They will slowly get used to your smell and associate it with food. They may never get to where they come up to be petted, but they might not run when they see you.
If they do get near you, please be careful. They have sharp little teeth! Mine cut a chunk out of my sturdy leather coat and it looked like it had been cut with a scalpel.
And one last head’s up…if you have a dog, it is entirely possible that they will want to play together. My fox got away one time and went to the neighbor’s house. His rotweiller was barking and he looked out and saw a red fox sitting on his doorstep. He didn’t know we had one as a pet. He opened his door to shoo it away and the dog ran out. The fox flattened out and gave off an amazing screech/scream and then started playing with the dog, jumping on it and running around it. The dog was fine with it, his owner thought the fox was nuts…rabid at the least. He got his gun but couldn’t chance a shot at the fox with his dog playing with it. So he popped a shot into the air and the fox took off. I don’t know if it applies to all foxes, but our fox loved dogs.
When I used to work at the Emergency Veterinary Hospital, I was one of the techs that rehabbed animals that we couldn’t find places that would take them. I ended up owning a large python for several years. I took care of two injured brown pelicans, for a few months. One of them had lost a wing, but he was almost 5 ft tall, and he clipped his bill when people approached him, so I was the only lyrics one brave enough to deal with him. He lived in our dog walking area for months, and I fed him mullet from our local waterways. I think we eventually got him a home at Charlestown Landing. We eventually released the other one, once her wing healed.
We dealt with snakes, otters, deer, birds of prey, really all birds, oposums, racoons, foxes, squirrels, turtles, heck you name it.
I think I liked the opossums the most. We raised a few until they were fully grown. The males ended up being somewhat aggressive. It was because we never neutered them… I would love a huge lazy female opossum. Even wild ones are actually very gentle, and loving creatures.
Raccoons were fun, but they are always getting into stuff.
As I mentioned in another thread, I’d love a screaming goat too.
An elephant. (I promise I’ll take care of him, Mom!)
I would like to have a Ii but only so I could rip his/her claw out with my teeth! But I could settle for simply having the claw…
Two elephants. A single one gets lonely. I’ve wanted an elephant since I was six our parents took us to see the circus and I fed peanuts to one. They can pick a peanut out of your hand with the tip of their trunks. It had a wet nose like a dog and it’s breath was warm.
“ Two elephants. A single one gets lonely. “
One of the saddest things I’ve read today.
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@cookieman My daughter has twins, a boy and a girl. When they were about 4 she asked the girl if she knew what it meant to be a twin. Savannah said, “Yes.”
Mom asked if big sister Brande was a twin.
Savannah said, “No. She was all alone. She didn’t have a friend in your tummy like I did.”
@Call_Me_Jay Wow. I actually sat and watched the whole thing. Any more my attention span is good for about 20 seconds, on a good day!
I had a crow that could talk.
I also had a raccoon.
I even had a wolf.
But I guess if I could have a fantasy pet it would be a bear. No, not some wimpy black bear. But a grizzly that I raised from a cub.
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas. Only a Hippopotamus will do…
I wouldn’t want a hippopotamus. It’s a reference to an old Christmas song…
Hippos, are one of the most dangerous animals, on Earth. I have NO interest in owning one.
Rhinos are much cooler, and sweet as puppies. New black rhino born just in time for Christmas! He is SO CUTE!
I used to work at the Lawrence Hall of Science. Handled all of the animals there. From a python to the hissing cockroaches. Chinchilla was the sweetest and easily my favourite.
They need dirt.Which seems weird. But they are adorable….
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