General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Is this a good use of self-driving vehicle technology?? [NSFW probably]?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) November 13th, 2018

An interesting article on a libertarian website link that suggests that driverless cars would offer a lucrative business opportunity for prostitutes.

Do you see state governments trying to regulate how autonomous vehicles are used? (i.e. transportation is OK, sex is not). Should government even care?

What about autonomous vans and buses? Would they be appropriate venues for orgies?

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2 Answers

rojo's avatar

Hmmmmm. I wonder if you could combine the vehicle with the sex doll/sex robot industry? A vehicle that comes with built-in sex toys. Make for some interesting commutes and would generate a whole new cleaning and sanitation industry as well in cities where the vehicles operated.

Think I will look into trademarking the terms “Auto-Suck”, “Ta-hoe” and “Cum-N-Go”

seawulf575's avatar

Right now there are rules against having sex in cars. That being said, it is not something that seems to be enforced very often so no, I don’t think the government would care anymore than they do now.

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