Social Question

What’s the chance my kidney damage is permanent?
I know no one here can really tell me my prognosis, I’m just looking for personal stories (either you or someone you know) and any direction towards info on the internet.
My kidney values in my bloodwork have always been normal. Recently, I started new medications for cholesterol (Zetia) and blood pressure. The blood pressure drugs I was on my third because of side effects with the first two, and now suddenly my kidney function is decreased. I believe it is from the latest BP drug Losartin.
My values were:
eGFR – 52
Creatine Kinase, total – 145
Creatinine 1.21
I stopped taking the medicine and a month later (the tests were a month apart, but I had only stopped the meds 3 weeks) the numbers were:
eGFR – 59
Creatinine – 1.09
My eGFR is always consistently in the very high 60’s or low 70’s for many years, and had been tested 3 months before the first test with low numbers. Do you know if some people have much higher values? Is the 70’s already on the lowish side? The range for normal is >60, but I just wondered if some people have much higher numbers.
I know my number is moving back in the right direction, and I’m getting tested again next week. I’m pretty annoyed about the whole thing.
I know dehydration can affect the number, there is no reason for me to think I was simply dehydrated. The second test I made sure I drank adequate water the morning before the test. Plus, as I said, I’ve never had such a low number, and I am tested minimum twice a year for about the last 10 years.
Thanks ahead of time for your input.