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JLeslie's avatar

Do you love getting ready in the morning?

Asked by JLeslie (65976points) November 15th, 2018 from iPhone

Some people jump right out of bed, jump in the shower, and are ready for the day.

I hate getting out of bed right away when I wake up, and especially hate jumping right into the shower. I like a slow start in the morning. Lie in bed for a little while, then eat breakfast, then take a shower. When I worked full time I didn’t get to do this, but now I often can.

A few years ago I was on a Q where jellies talked about loving school k-12 and I didn’t even know people like that existed. I do remember some of my girlfriends upset on graduation day. So, now I’m thinking maybe there are people who love getting up and ready every morning.

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9 Answers

anniereborn's avatar

I hate it with a passion.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I hate mornings too.

josie's avatar

I like it.
Not much I like more than a good night’s sleep to be sure, but nothing I hate more than wasting time.

Plus, I liked K-12. I had disciplinary problems, but nothing criminal.
I thought it was fun.
Easy too.

canidmajor's avatar

I like getting up, I have been a poor sleeper my entire life, so by morning I am more than ready to get out of bed and have my day.

I also loved going to school.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It’s a chore. I’m a morning person, but doing my daily ablutions and getting ready for work is no fun at all. It’s something I have to get through to begin my day.

mazingerz88's avatar

At 50, nah. But having a dream job might change that. Enough that I wouldn’t want to waste any time during the day not enjoying that job.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Nope never have,that’s why I do after noon shifts.
On day shift when I pull a day shift I have to get up at 3;30am nobody leaps out of bed at that time to drive a 1000kilometres through the mountains.

JLeslie's avatar

For me the worst part of school was waking up for it, and after reading these answers I see a little bit of a pattern.

flutherother's avatar

I wake around 7:30am snug and warm and reach over to switch on my radio. I lie awake for a while before getting up and showering and having breakfast in a flat already warmed by my central heating. I like the routine of getting up every morning. I never get bored with it. I always open my bedroom curtains and look at the sunrise. Getting up is nicer since I there is no pressure.

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