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mazingerz88's avatar

Have you ever bullied anybody?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29260points) November 15th, 2018 from iPhone

If you were a bully at some point in your life, how long before you stopped ( if you did ) and who or what made you stop?

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13 Answers

rockfan's avatar

I bullied a kid in fifth grade and then stopped in sixth grade when I started getting bullied myself

BackinBlack's avatar

Once – This girl in 2nd grade really irritated me she was mega dorky and kinda snide towards me. She used way too big of words for a 2nd grader and so one day I made fun of her on the playground in front of everyone. I had such a guilty conscience about it that the next day I apologized to her. She said it was ok and forgave me. I NEVER bullied anyone again.

No one ever really bullied me but to this day I just can’t be mean to anyone. Even if they are mean to me.

ucme's avatar

One chef I fired a few years ago I made him do the walk of shame.
He had to leave, naked, while the rest of the staff pelted him with eggs, booing as they did so.
All the while I viewed the spectacle from the balcony as the saucy maid from below stairs fed me marshmallows embedded in her ample cleavage.
Not bullying though, just cheap entertainment…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not as in that’s who I was. I have said some not nice things to a handful of kids when I was little. And I remember them too. :/

Dutchess_III's avatar

How can there be any such thing as words that are too big for a 2nd grader @BackinBlack?

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m ashamed to admit that, but I bullied a classmate when I was in middle school. He was mentally disabled and he really shouldn’t have been learning there. And there was a running joke among the class that we were a couple. So I bullied him whenever I had chance. It was my personal revenge for all the bullshit I had to take. Unfortunately no one paid attention, and the boy didn’t know he was bullied at all.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I spent a lot of time emasculating men.
My efforts to prove myself, and abilities of women in general frequently crossed lines.
Several times they had it coming, but I regret it now.

Stache's avatar

Nope. I treat others with respect.

JLeslie's avatar

When I was very little, about 5, some older girls were teasing a younger girl, she was about 4 I think, and I was there kind of participating. My mom stopped that toot sweet (I know that’s not the French spelling) when she noticed it, and she stopped what was going on, verbally scolded the older girls a little, and brought Elizabeth home, who was crying, and then when she walked me home she told me how I wouldn’t like it if someone did that to me. I remember having had no pleasure in seeing Elizabeth upset to begin with. It made a huge impression on me, and I never thought to bully or tease another girl again, and have stood up in the face of it.

Moral of the story, parents need to interfere when they see it, and not just dismiss it as kids can be mean to each other.

I never would have naturally done it on my own. I was going along with these older girls, or more specifically, I wasn’t doing anything to help Elizabeth and stop them. Standing by is as bad as doing it. It never was in my nature to hurt people. I find it hard to imagine that young children can enjoy hurting others like that.

BackinBlack's avatar

@Dutchess_III that was MY 2nd grade logic for being mean to her. Not my adult logic now. All I was saying was she spoke intelligently for a 2nd grader and none of us spoke that way so it made her different and I was mean to her for it once.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^^ kay.

In 3rd grade I called the kid in front of me a “nigger,” because I was mad about some stupid, long forgotten thing. I will never forget the stricken look he turned on me…we were friends. I betrayed him. Hell, I didn’t even know exactly what the word meant. I had to ask mom when I got home.
At some gathering. at about the same age, there was a girl setting next to the girl next to me. I said some thing to that girl,but she didn’t react the right way. In exasperation I sarcastically said, “What are you, deaf or something??!!”
Well, I will never forget the way she mimicked my angry, sarcastic face…and seconds later someone informed me that, in fact, she was deaf. O Lord. Talk about Earth, open up and swallow me.
Both of those instances made me feel so ashamed. From then on I stuck up for kids who were bullied. I faced down the entire gym class in the locker room, including my best friend, once when they were bullying a new girl. I was pretty shy and meek (I think) but I cut loose on my classmates. Assholes.

gorillapaws's avatar

I’m ashamed to admit that I did in middle school. He was super-dorky and weird. A teacher, who I loved and respected, called me out on my behavior. She made me feel ashamed and told me to get to know him. I did, and we became friends all through High School. We lost touch in college, but it was great seeing him at the 10-year reunion.

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