What great werewolf novel can you recommend?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
November 21st, 2018
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13 Answers
Um. The Hounds of the Baskerville?
I haven’t read a lot of novels with werewolves in them, although the critters do occasionally play a prominent role in the Dresden Files series, along with a whole lot of other entities that you’re not likely to meet in your neighborhood Safeway or CVS; but one that I did like was Alice Hoffman’s Second Nature. I wouldn’t call it great, perhaps, on a scale of classic literature, but it was very well done.
Also—surprise—one of that recent trend of rewriting old standbys with modern horror-movie elements: Little Women and Werewolves. It’s the only novel of that whole genre that I’ve read. Of course I read the original long ago, so I thought this was just a satire. I picked it up on a whim and found it unexpectedly touching.
I would not call The Hound of the Baskervilles a werewolf novel.
“What we do in the shadows” has werewolves in it.
Was Cujo (Stephen King) a wolf or just a rabid dog?
^^ Dog. Gross, though. Skip it. Everyone who ever read it wished they hadn’t.
Twilight has a werewolf in it.
A werewolf that wants to fuck a vampire baby.
^^ Lol I need to get my good vampire movie and novel fix as well as my good werewolf movie and novel fix.
I was hoping there’s a great werewolf novel out there that I’ve missed. Not a big fan of werewolf romance stories unfortunately.
Last good one I read quite a while ago now was MacCammon’s Wolf Hour or Hour of the Wolf?
Last decent werewolf film I enjoyed was The Wolfman with Benicio Del Toro.
Not enough good werewolf stories are being filmed or written imo. Ugh.
@Jeruba Wolf Hall isn’t that a historical series?
Speaking of King, Cycle of the Werewolf is worth a leaf through.
They don’t ride bikes though…shame that.
Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King was entertaining. Also, The Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub had a werewolf as a major character.
Wolf’s Hour by Robert McCammon was very good.
The Wolf Man by Alfred Machard is one of the original classics.
Van Helsing by Kevin Ryan. Not a great book, but had to try after seeing the movie.
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