Do you believe American troops will really open fire on defenseless women and children at the border?
Our idiotic president has authorized the use of deadly force at our southern boarder. Do you think the troops really will use it, or will they revolt?
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37 Answers
Yes, those soldiers who think like trump and his racists sicko worshipers. They will fire.
Let’s hope most that are out there aren’t and actually better if there’s none.
They will follow their orders.
A handful might refuse.
But as far as I am concerned, they are all good little Wehrmacht Soldaten.
A volunteer army does not attract the principled.
It attracts the scum and the desperate.
I would like to think not,^^^^ but those two are probably correct.
If they start getting violent. Which in that case they should.
Yes I’m sure you yourself will shoot men, women and kids dead when they throw deadly rocks at you @SergeantQueen and if you’re American, proudly call yourself a great American.
They might throw tear gas or arrest people.
The caravan is over 90% young men. If they turn violent, yes.
There are plans to stampede or overwhelm our troops. I think less drastic measures will take place, as @JLeslie suggests.
What plans, @Yellowdog? Where did you hear of such plans?
Didn’t you know @canidmajor ,the extreme right have an inside track to such things, they call it Fox news.
Well that and the National Enquirer.
They have already announced those intentions, and zinger, go to hell.
It is thanks to military sacrifice so many are safe.
Our President did not give an order to kill. He can’t even do that. That is the responsibility of leaders on location. What he did was give them the go ahead to handle things as needed.
Many military personnel have been slaughtered in past situations when they were told to be a presence only, and to not fire.
The order gives them permission to protect themselves.
The commander on site makes the decision whether deadly force is required.
It also lets people know how dangerous it would be to try to slip by. Basically it is a warning shot.
Hell, no! You don’t have to obey orders! (But you better have a really good reason!) No soldier in his/her right mind would open fire on defenseless men, women, and children! Flash-bangs and tear gas would probably turn any human tide.
No I don’t. I do think that tear gas and other non-lethal deterrents will be used to disperse the crowd and then arrests and deportations will proceed with those who refuse to turn around and leave. I hope they don’t try to detain any of them. That could get messy.
The authorities have a knack for escalating the situation,thus making the crowd feel extremely desperate making them prone to try something so the authorities can so called defend themselves.
Regardless this is a human tragedy on a massive scale. I don’t think the authorities are just aching to open fire like some think. They’re people with families too. These people are trying to escape deplorable conditions and while you can’t help but sympathize America has every right to defend and secure the border. That said….I don’t think we should just turn them around. I consider these people to be refugees. We don’t and should not have to let them all in though. I can’t see any good outcomes with this.
The threat to use gunfire is a bluff, a scare tactic.
The crisis of the mid-term elections is over. They are already leaving and I think are scheduled to all be out of there by 15 Dec.
I understand that they have been placed on stand-by for immediate re-deployment to the border for the as-yet-to-be-scheduled border crisis of Sept-Oct 2020. Republicans are gathering funds and donations to once again finance the invasion caravan of zombie migrants at that time.
I heard that of the 90% of the males making up the invasion force, eleven in ten of them are actually middle eastern men from Iran and Somalia speaking with very weak Spanish accents and false wooden legs in which they keep their AK-47s to smuggle across the border and use to scare Republicans after they have inundated all the emergency rooms for free medical care of the pre-existing shrapnel and bullet wounds that they all have and before applying to Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security Disability to live off the fat of unsuspecting hard working capitalist business owners.
@SergeantQueen Yeah, them 4 and 5 year olds can do some major damage to a soldier in full battle gear. The pregnant women are especially violent and dangerous.
@rojo I stared reading your post with great dismay..until you got to the false wooden leg part! LOLL!! And also, they come equipped with theatrical disguises and make up so they can go back south of the border and change clothers and renter the US illegally again. They have the disguises to do that up to 10 times each.
Nothing to worry about, being US troops they’re bound to miss :D
* started *, not “stared”.
I was implying violent as in them using things other than rocks. Great job putting words in my mouth. I never mentioned the weapon just said violent.
@SergeantQueen Oh yeah? Like what bazookas? Tanks? You people keep buying and playing into trump’s bullshit.
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That is ridiculous. The caravan wasn’t slated to be here for months yet trump sends 5,000 troops out there for a about a week, then brings them back. I honestly have never known anyone that stupid in my life.
Its the price you pay for trying to enter a country illegally.
How can you be so heartless @SergeantQueen? Maybe you don’t see the desperate women and the crying children. You don’t see the broken, the scared. You don’t see them remembering how their homes were bombed all to shit so there is nothing for them to go back to. You don’t see them thinking of the children they had that died in the violence of their home.
All you see is trump’s fantasy about armed thugs coming in to murder and rape and take all the jobs and take over our welfare system and our ERs.
And don’t forget @Dutchess_III the left is all about hate.
Or at least that is what the right keep spewing over and over.
Seems 200 million dollars were spent for this sick joke trump played on and disrespected the US military with.
Only a psychotic vain douche of a failed casino businessman who owed all his success in wealth accumulation from his father wouldn’t have any compunction wasting money he didn’t work for, money that was needed for other truly important things.
If Obama or Clinton did something like this Repubs would never sleep, paralyzing the government for a century if they have to until they’re impeached and would spend 1 billion dollars doing it.
@SergeantQueen Thank you for your 200 million bucks. That was so generous of you. I hope you have enough money left to eat.
@SergeantQueen “Its the price you pay for trying to enter a country illegally.”
How many levels of wrong are you going for there? Or do you think Trump is selling the homeless caravan a bill?
Given that the troops left were pulled back after the election, it seems it’s actually the price of having a President who just moves the military around for political benefit.
If anyone thinks that poor men women and children are suffering, just wait…In comparison to what awaits, we ain’t seen NOTHING yet!
It will become more evident as this century progresses that the human population of the planet needs to be controlled to help prevent all of that suffering. It won’t happen, but it will be evident!
It isn’t the population that is causing suffering. It’s governments.
But yes. We do need to control our breeding, which is why I had 2.5 children instead of more.
Western countries actually have stagnant birthrates. Especially bad in Japan.
It would be better to start importing babies from countries with high birth rates.
Could be a whole new economic branch!
LOL! Nice thinking, Loli!
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