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Dutchess_III's avatar

What changes do you expect to see when the Democrat-led house starts convening in January?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47232points) November 22nd, 2018

What do you think will happen?

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18 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

A whole lot of nothing for two years.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m kind of afraid of that too.

seawulf575's avatar

More obstructionism

Dutchess_III's avatar

Trump NEEDS to be obstructed. Jesus. What an idiot he is.

Yellowdog's avatar

The only talk I’ve heard is they plan to obstruct, nullify, impeach, etc etc. No real plans or aspirations for the betterment of America.

Anything by Trump they will block. That’s all they live for.

The economic upswing in this country will cease, and you can expect millions to besiege the border.

ragingloli's avatar

One person’s “obstructionism”, is another’s valiant resistence.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Good God like the right never obstructed anything from Obama?
And @Yellowdog do you mean the wealthy won’t keep getting their huge tax cuts?
The right sure love playing the down trodden card, the left good god want affordable health care, oh no.
An affordable universities for their children,the nerve.
And sensible firearm laws,will the horrors never end?
Plus a living wage for all workers, for christs sakes what’s next?
They expect the wealthy to pay their share of taxes?

mazingerz88's avatar

Changes? Evil trump had been opposed with the mid-term results. The better angels in those voters prevailed and the good fight continues with the Dems with a bit more power. The power of good. The power that would always…always bring light in the end and subdue darkness.

Because no one, not even trump worshipers who embrace his evil would truly want to stay submerged in that thick and filthy swamp of racism, selfishness and cruelty. They will in time make their way to the surface, allow themselves to be embraced and be taken by the light.

How is that for change?

Yellowdog's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 YOU are the only one on these boards who says the tax breaks are for the wealthy. Most people in my state got over $2,000 in additional tax cuts this year.

The Republicans have never cut anyone’s health care, and some of the plans offered by the Republicans actually worked. None were perfect, but Obamacare is out of sight in costs and has high deductibles—thus doesn’t help anyone. Oh, and, I might add, I didn’t qualifiy for any of the Health Insurance Marketplace plans—I have a letter attesting that I don’t qualify because I don’t earn enough. The existing Medicare / Medicare programs work. Obamacare does not..

seawulf575's avatar

@Yellowdog you are wasting your breath. I clocked @SQUEEKY2 on this tax break stuff before, showed him an article that showed 13% increase in tax revenues for the country following the tax reform bill. He doesn’t want to believe it. But being from Canada, his opinion on the topic is pretty much moot.

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josie's avatar

Not much

cookieman's avatar

Complete and utter gridlock, much like the Republicans caused for Obama his last couple years.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

^best possible outcome

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Most people in my state got over $2,000 in additional tax cuts this year.

Where do you get that number?

YOU are the only one on these boards who says the tax breaks are for the wealthy

‘An overwhelming majority of voters believe that President Donald Trump’s tax cuts benefit the wealthy instead of average Americans, found an internal poll commissioned by the Republican National Committee , first obtained by Bloomberg News.’

‘The survey found that 61 percent of all respondents thought the tax cuts benefited “large corporations and rich Americans” over “middle-class families.” ’

SQUEEKY2's avatar

It’s been on every news channel except Fox that these great tax cuts will benefit mostly the wealthy, this $4000 that most families were supposed to get aint happening, and the tax cuts are not going to be noticed until next year when people file their 2018 taxes, and analists have said don’t expect much if anything at all.
SOME companies have given out a touch more due to dealing with the withholding tax but it aint much.The right care only for the wealthy and these cuts prove just that, but for our dire hard right wingers don’t worry there will be plenty of minimum wage jobs raking the forest floor to prevent further forest fires.

rojo's avatar

@seawulf575 and @Yellowdog are at least partially correct. There will be much more oversight on the present administration. There will be investigations, and blocking of unwarranted acts by both Trump and his buttlicking sycophants in both the House and Senate and, yes, they may even obstruct.

They have both taken their cues and learned their lessons from the Republican playbook utilized during the Obama years.

Hopefully they will be able in re-implement some of the protections that the Republicans have sought to undo both on consumers and the environment. But you can bet that anything along these lines will bring good old fashioned obstructionism, nullification and blocking from the Republican party.

What the Senate and the Administration needs is someone to go through them with a rake and clean out all the deadwood and dangerous inflammatory incumbents.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@rojo,—everyone actually, will they be able to roll back the devastating steps taken to undermine the EPA, the ACA, labor laws, etc. that were pushed through by people manipulating puppet trump?

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