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mazingerz88's avatar

What is your best guess on who comprised the nine million more votes Democrats got in the 2018 mid-terms?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) November 23rd, 2018 from iPhone

Heard over Thanksgiving that around 59 million voted for Democrats compared to 50 million for Repubs.

Just curious if those significant and critical 9 million more Democratic votes were from Democrats or indies or…better yet, Republicans?

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9 Answers

si3tech's avatar

Surely you jest! Illegals, non citizens! Dead people and people voting several times!

mazingerz88's avatar

^^ Ah yes, the zombie vote. How could I forget.

rojo's avatar

My understanding is that the largest percentage were those who identify as Democrats, followed by independents and then disgruntled Republicans. And, it was the increased participation by the Dems in the primaries that shaped the candidates who were in the running.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Vote and vote often ~

stanleybmanly's avatar

Were the midterm elections in any part a referendum on dissatisfaction with Trump?

I certainly hope so!

JLeslie's avatar

My guess is mostly Democrats, but I’m sure there were some Republicans and Independents in there too.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I know personally at least three people (neighbors/acquaintances) in Georgia who are traditional republicans, who voted for Trump two years ago, who voted Democratic this year in our House of Representative races.

Now I’ll grant you that this is a small sample, but in Georgia, it’s an unusual event.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^ Yey to those Georgians! : )

kritiper's avatar

Those it was comprised of, mainly, were the Democrats who didn’t vote in the previous election because the polls said it was all sewn up. Hopefully, they will continue to vote and not listen anymore to those damn polls.

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