Can the White House have rules about the journalists as it says it will after Acosta's case?
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flo (
November 24th, 2018
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55 Answers
It is the press’s job to ask hard questions, and some might upset captain bone spurs, but with that both sides should be civil towards each other.
But these press conferences are not debates, nor should they be.
Trump reminds me of Randy the Troll:
“Only want answers from Nice People”
Trump listens to Fox News like Randy listens to only FM 105 !
@SQUEEKY2 I’m sure you have heard questions that are not hard hitting in the least. Some journalists when not addressing them, “Mr” Obama said….“Mr”. Trump said…after they became présidents. What do you call that?
…edited last post.
It’s not fake news @SQUEEKY2?
Never said it was just Fluff,that’s all.
I’m hoping there is some kind of case the ACLU could bring about this but I don’t know what the protocols are. It certainly seems like edging toward dictatorial control. (And also like there is someone who can dish it out but can’t take it.)
I’d much prefer a “standard” of 2 questions in a row, and if the reporter chooses to waste their follow-up opportunity with asking the same question again that’s their missed opportunity. The standard could be broken when the questioning made sense to do so. There are already rules of etiquette for this sort of thing.
I’d have more of a problem if he stops calling on certain news outlets or refuses to answer questions.
I do already have a problem with him calling news outlets fake news and trying to intimidate reporters from certain news outlets.
I would not forget that the president is not obligated to hold any presser at all.
If journalists see it as in their interest for the president to do so, they should probably not offer a dis-incentive. I am surprised that presidents bother with them. Or that they don’t walk out of more of them when they do.
Yeah @JLeslie their fake news unless they are kissing his orange ass, like Fox=Fake does so well.
@SQUEEKY2 I’m not sure why you’re telling me that?
Yeah I am not sure either,you know that just wanted you to know I know that as well I guess.
Well, I wouldn’t word it that way, “kissing his ass,” but he definitely has a problem with media not reporting exactly what he wants them to say. I do understand why he might feel some media outlets twist what he says, with some things I feel they do, but he’s also a consistent liar, which is unforgivable, so what can I say.
@JLeslie They quote him with video and he’s pissed because he looks like an (you use choose the dumbass word) every time.
Can the WH have rules? They can but having rules or not having rules is not really the issue. The issue is there is someone residing there right now who is impeachable and whose venting, lashing out and tantrumping would only get worse.
No. That would be a violation of freedom of speech since the White House is a house of the people, not the man who would be king.
I feel the WH can set any rules it likes. The idea this is trying to avoid scrutiny is ludicrous. If the POTUS is doing something wrong, the press can ask all about it or <gasp> do actual investigative journalism. Nixon wasn’t caught in his dirty tricks because a reporter asked him about it at a press conference.
Why does Trump make such a big deal over this? The press is giving him a chance to express his views. If he does not like a question, he does not have to answer. If speaking to the press makes him look bad, that is not the fault of the press.
The point is they cant hold someone accountable for breaking protocol if no protocol is established.
Here’ the protocol @KNOWITALL !
Lie 5 to 11 times a day and when called on it by the media, claim their findings “Fake News”.
So, because Trump or whoever else is horrid (or something like that) the left leaning journalists must be considered perfect in every way?
@flo Who said That ^^^^^^ ? ? ?
^ no one. But it sounds good to try stopping any discussion that Trump might be okay with establishing rules.
@seawulf575 Some posts say that Trump is bad bad bad, therefore there should be no rules. How do my posts say similar or even close to that?
@seawulf seems to be saying what I did basically, he’s simply establishing rules and protocols for the future.
One question with no follow-up sounds really stupid.
I thought @seawulf575 was responding to my last post, i.e that I’m trying to stop any discussion.
with ” try stopping any discussion that Trump might be okay with establishing rules.”
@mazingerz88 Do you mean that incident with Acosta is the way Q&A should happen?
Did Acosta mean to say that it would only be an invasion as soon as the caravan passes the border? Was he taking up other journalists time?
Was “Are you concerned about…” really a question? Why wouldn’t Trump be concerned that republicans lost the House? If Trump answered it with a “Yes”, or “No”, then it’s a waste of an opportunity to ask a real question, isn’t it?
Did he take up other journalists time or not? I don’t know.
@flo Nope not the Acosta incident. Heard it’s one of the rules being considered by the WH.
It’s a form of selective censorship if not flat out censorship.
@mazingerz88 What is the rule you heard it’s being considered?
@flo One question no follow ups.
Ok. That’s not a good rule.
@flo Sure hope no one in the WH actually proposed anything as idiotic as that idea for a rule.
@flo You are very welcome.
Here they are @mazingerz88:
The rules stipulate that journalists must “yield the floor to other journalists” after asking their single question when called upon, and may only ask follow-up questions “at the discretion of the President or other White House official taking questions[.]” Another rule is that “yielding the floor” includes “physically surrendering the microphone to White House staff,” which seemingly references Acosta’s refusal to hand over the microphone to a White House intern at a press conference last week.
Finally, the rules state that any member of the press who violates the rules may face “suspension or revocation of [their] hard pass.” CNN confirmed later Monday the White House had “fully restored” Acosta’s hard pass, and the network said their lawsuit against Trump was “no longer necessary.” In a statement, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said the rules were created “with a degree of regret” and said that a more “elaborate and comprehensive set of rules might need to be devised.”
Being granted only a single question amounts to shutting out those you don’t want to hear from. It is a violation of freedom of the press. Why is Trump so obsessed with dodging questions? He is not obligated to answer any particular question.
When you see clips from the British press interviewing the PM, there is no decorum or protocol. I see it as a further attempt to squelch information.
I don’t have a problem with the one-question limitation. there are 49 places in the WH briefing room, assigned seating if you will. When a journalist decides, as Acosta did, to ask as many questions as HE wants without relinquishing the microphone, he is basically saying he doesn’t care about any of the other journalists in the room. That is not fair. As it is, with 49 seats, the chances of everyone getting a turn in a WH briefing is iffy. Figure asking a question, getting an answer and moving over to the next journalist takes 1.5 minutes. We are suddenly looking at almost an hour and a half of Q & A. That’s a lot of time, especially with the POTUS giving a statement first. Limiting journalists is not a violation of the freedom of the press. They can ask whatever they like, they just can’t block their competitors. Also, it adds a bit of decorum or structure to the process.
All journalists should be given an equal opportunity. If there really are 49 different legitimate news organizations then have everyone ask one question and then start over again with the first journalist. It is unfair to limit some to one question and accept multiple questions from others.
LOL As if this is really about how journalists should be fair to other journalists. LOL!
trump is not a politician, not a president and not even a decent human being. This has nothing to do with reporters hugging the mic or being aggressive. If you’re suppose to be a leader and couldn’t handle such a simple situation, you should just leave your post or get booted out.
How can you call yourself American and still defend the ridiculous things these people in the WH are doing? Just pure insanity. Really hard to think in this day and age, there are still Americans out there who are so dumb politically.
People around the world look up to Americans for inspiration and hope. Must be a nightmare for them watching this sick joke aka the trump presidency.
@mazingerz88 kinda funny….I felt the same way about those that supported Obama’s policies. How could you call yourself an American?
@seawulf575 There are real issues worthy of serious debates between Americans. This WH setting of rules on asking this ridiculous creature in the WH isn’t one of them.
@mazingerz88 Really? You think extra questions in a WH briefing is going to solve these problems? Reporters are the ones needing to debate these things? Please. There are indeed issues that need serious debate. If you are trying to say that journalists should be controlling the debate, you are saying you support propaganda. Here’s a thought…if you have an issue you believe needs discussion, take it through your elected representatives. I know….how will you know what needs to be talked about unless the liberal media tells you?
@seawulf575 why are you such a fucking dick??
Your side won the poor are getting poorer, the wealthy are getting richer, and paying less taxes, there are plenty of minimum wage jobs for the pee-ons so why are you so mad?
Your side is trying it’s damnedest to get rid of the entitlement programs that are so bad, they said themselves it’s medicare, medicaid, and social security is why the debt is so high,it’s got to make you very happy your beloved Rep/cons are trying to do away with those programs.
So why are you so pissed off?
Do you think you are actually going to convince someone who depends on those programs they are better off wihout them?
You insult the shit out of everyone that doesn’t see things the way you do, I thought insult slinging makes you happy?
You seem super fine with the Don Fathers lie after lie blowing them off as just boastful bragging,so again why be such a shit?
@SQUEEKY2 just stop. Your ignorance is overwhelming. Even when I have given you proof you are entirely wrong, you continue to spout your foolishness. Why am I such a fucking dick? Maybe I’m a reflection of those I am dealing with. Your entire diatribe is nothing more than liberal scare rhetoric….that has been debunked long ago. Go back to the great white north. Deal with the multitudes of issues you have up there. When you get a utopia up there, come talk to us with suggestions that have merit, not rhetoric.
You must be used to rhetoric that is all your Beloved Orange freak spouts.
And waiting for a surgery is still better than not getting it at all because you can’t afford to access the system.
I will take our system over yours even with it’s flaws everyday compared to yours.
“When you see clips from the British press interviewing the PM, there is no decorum or protocol.” And that’s a good thing? You can’t mean that. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
@flo I don’t have a problem with political leadership being challenged by the press. That is their job. And Trump pulling the decorum card is ludicrous.
@janbb That is not what I asked. What does leadership and being challenged or not have to do with yes to decorum or no to decorum?
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