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Dutchess_III's avatar

What ages / grades constitute Middle School in your neck of the woods?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47126points) November 25th, 2018

It’s kind of fluid around here. There was a time when the 6th graders had a building all to themselves, but they merged them in to the middle school so it’s now 6th through 8th grades. That’s roughly ages 11 – 13.
9th – 12th is high school, roughly ages 14–17.

How does all of that work where you live?

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23 Answers

Demosthenes's avatar

Around here (California/Nevada), middle school is Grades 6–8, ages 11–14. (Elementary K-5, ages 5–11, High School grades 9–12, ages 14–18). School starts in August, gets out in June.

My mom said when she was a kid middle school was grades 7–9 in her particular town and it was common for an elementary school to be K-6.

Dutchess_III's avatar

When I was a kid 6th (age 11) grade was still elementary school.
So 7th, 8th, 9th (12–14) was middle school.
10 -12 was high school (15–18.)

janbb's avatar

It changes around here depending on the population. Sometimes middle school was 6 -8 and sometimes 5 – 8. High school always 9 -12 grade.

Demosthenes's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yeah, that does seem to have been more common “back in the day”. My mom also said everyone called elementary “grammar school” and called middle school “junior high”. Those terms sound archaic to me. :P

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah, we called it junior high too. But we called elementary school “elementary” school.

YARNLADY's avatar

Our local school has K – 8 and high school is 9 – 12

Brian1946's avatar

I’m not sure what the grade ranges are now, for middle school here in the Los Angeles area.

I went to junior high school here from September, 1959 – June, 1962. Back then, the grade ranges were from 7th-9th, the age ranges were from 12–14, and we called it junior high school.

Dutchess_III's avatar

So y’all don’t even HAVE middle school @YARNLADY? Do you live in a really small town?

janbb's avatar

@Dutchess_III When I grew up in my town, it was the same as @YARNLADY . I went to a K-8, then high school..My kids were the ones who went to middle school. School districts just do different things.

kritiper's avatar

Here, generally speaking, elementary school is grades 1 through 6.
Junior high school, grades 7 through 9.
High school, grades 10 through 12.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m asking if it was that way because the towns were small. I’m pretty sure they simply split the grades up originally because of over crowding. I mean, have you seen the SIZE of the school buildings today compared to the 40s 50s and 60s?

When Rick went to school in the 50s and 60s his K-8 was in a 2 room building, like a house. He was pretty much related to every one in his building.

zenvelo's avatar

The local middl e school where my kids went is 6, 7, 8.

The intermediate school where I went 50 years ago was just 7 & 8.

In California, high schools are grades 9 to 12.

kritiper's avatar

When I was in the 7th grade, we lived in a small town. The elementary grades, if they could be called that, were grades 1 through 8, high school was grades 9 through 12. (And there were a total of 63 kids in the high school grades!)

Dutchess_III's avatar

There is a very tiny town about 12 miles from here where I teach sometimes. Graduating classes are like, 12 people. All the buildings, elementary, MS and HS surround a central area, part parking lot, part play ground. There is a great deal of interaction between the grades and I love it. It’s my favorite district. The kids are mainly farm kids and they tend to be more hardworking, calm and down to earth than city kids. They don’t fight and argue nearly as much as city kids do.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Chicago as K-8 and high schools.

tedibear's avatar

Our school district is Pre K – 2 for primary school, 3–5 is intermediate school, 6–8 is middle school and 9–12 is high school.

The district my husband attended was K-6 for elementary, 7–9 for junior high and 10–12 for high school.

The district I attended was K-5 for elementary, 6–8 for middle school and 9–12 for high school.

My sisters attended a school that was K-12.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Dutchess_III I live in a suburb of Sacramento. We have our own school district which has made changes over the years. When they were all new houses, 50 years ago, lots of families with children moved in, later, the children moved away and some schools were sold.

Recently, many homes became rentals with more children., but big turnover as they move in and out.
The classes are now much bigger, with new, inexperienced teachers. I’m glad I home school my grandkids

Dutchess_III's avatar

How do you know all the teachers are inexperienced?

YARNLADY's avatar

^^The neighbors complain.

ragingloli's avatar

Which tells you absolutely nothing.

JLeslie's avatar

6,7,8 here in Florida. Where I went to school in NY it was the same, but I moved in 4th grade and that school system in Maryland we had Jr. High, which was 7,8,9, but the 9th grade still counted towards your high school record.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It could be that your neighbors are inexperienced in teaching and don’t understand what all is involved @YARNLADY. It could be that your neighbors get upset that the teachers don’t act like their child is the only one, among 20 kids, that really matters.

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