Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Are you miserable if you have to skip a meal?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) November 25th, 2018 from iPhone

Miserable from hunger?

I hate missing breakfast, because I like a slow start in the morning, but I’m not miserable from hunger. If I don’t eat dinner I have trouble sleeping, but I’m not very uncomfortable or angry.

I’ve noticed that some people get very edgy and short tempered when they are hungry. Other people seem incredibly uncomfortable, like they have been hungry for days. If I miss a meal nothing is dire.

Again, I am not talking about starvation, I am only talking about being late or missing a meal when you are otherwise well fed.

If you are very uncomfortable what is it like? Is it just physical discomfort or is it more? Does it trigger feelings for you? Any feelings that are not obvious to others like sadness or feeling unloved?

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10 Answers

Pinguidchance's avatar

What with :

Jogging my memory
Jumping to conclusions
Exercising some discretion
Running off at the mouth
Walking away
Dancing to the beat of a diffident drummer

I’m too exhausted to skip a meal.

Jeruba's avatar

Not at all. I’ve never been fond of rigid schedules anyway. As a retiree, I enjoy more freedom of my time than I used to have when working, and that affects meals.

When I’m really tired, I’d rather sleep than eat.

canidmajor's avatar

I’m a bit hypoglycemic, so when my blood sugar drops too low I get crabby and slightly dizzy. If I don’t stabilize pretty quickly after symptoms appear, it takes hours to normalize.
I tend to graze during the day as I live alone so am able to get by without set meals, but if I go too long without any nosh I become really unpleasant.

JLeslie's avatar

@canidmajor Good point. Some people have a specific medical condition. Hypoglycemia would be an exception that certainly explains why missing a meal is a big deal for them.

I know people who don’t have hypoglycemia who still seem quite uncomfortable. I know they aren’t because they are relatives and I know they don’t actually ever have below normal sugar levels.

I’ve also have found some people say they have low blood sugar when they don’t. Or, maybe they are just using the phrase “low blood sugar” as a synonym for being hungry, I’m not sure.

josie's avatar

Plus it would take a lot more than that to make me miserable.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. Not at all. Maybe 2 days without eating would make me pretty miserable, but not one meal. Food is just too plentiful here for anyone to be miserable.

Demosthenes's avatar

We call that being “hangry”. I don’t tend to get hangry, but I do get a bit annoyed at the gnawing hunger that sometimes happens at work when I don’t eat anything for hours at a time.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think that being hungry does, instinctively, make us angry. When you’re angry you have energy and motivations to track those animals down and slaughter the shit out of them! It’s an instinct.
I don’t believe I’ve ever gone without eating long enough to actually get angry, just a might peckish.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Really miserable. My mind becomes foggy when I’m hungry. I tend to mess things up a lot in that state. Same goes to when I lack sleep.

I’m often regarded as a spoiled rich kid for crashing down without meals. People supposed that one can skip meals and nothing will happen. Part of me wants to suck it up and the other part is angry about this judgement.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Mimishu1995 crashing is another sign that you need to eat. Different people have different physiologies. Some people can skip meals, and some can’t.
I guess what all of this really comes down to is that we, on this thread, are very fortunate humans who live in a time when none of us have to experience whatever symptoms of hunger very often or for very long. Relief is just a fridge away and we are lucky.

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